The Portland Phoenix serves the southern Maine area with its extensive arts and entertainment listings, as well as news reporting. According to their web site’s history page:

“The Boston Phoenix was started in 1966 as a four-page arts-and-entertainment alternative newsweekly. Today, it is one of the largest publications of its kind in the country. The Phoenix is nationally known for its award-winning, incisive journalism and publishes the most comprehensive arts-and-entertainment listings of any paper in New England.”

The Phoenix expanded first into Rhode Island, and then, in 1999, began publishing a southern Maine edition.

Hard copies of the The Portland Phoenix, beginning with the 1999 premiere issue, are available in the Portland Room.


Submissions from 2003

Article recounting a trip to opening day of the National Football League's 2003, Chris Busby

"Election 2003" piece on three Portland City Council and Portland School Committ, Chris Busby

"Hall Monitor" piece discussing the two-way race for an at-large seat on the Por, Chris Busby

"Hall Monitor" piece on the July 21 meeting of the Portland City Council, during, Chris Busby

"Hall Monitor" piece on the November referendum in Portland on elementary-school, Chris Busby

"Hall Monitor" piece on Will Gorham and Rob Hoyt, candidates for the District 1, Chris Busby

"this just in" piece on Portland-based "Rescue Magazine," which will debut Nov., Chris Busby

"Opinion" piece by Jack and Fay Bussell, representatives for Maine Veterans for, Jack Bussell and Fay Bussell

"this just in" piece on efforts by the One Maine Foundation to obtain heating an, Gyllian Christiansen

"this just in" piece on Maine's switch from using paper food stamps to an Electr, Gyllian Christiansen

"this just in" piece on Poets for Peace, a consolidated reading of poetry schedu, Gyllian Christiansen

"this just in" piece on the 8-1 vote by Portland City Council to pass an antiwar, Gyllian Christiansen

"this just in" piece on the way that student newspapers across Maine are coverin, Gyllian Christiansen

Several bills in the U.S. Congress and the Maine State House address America's d, Jonathan Cook

"this just in" piece on two upcoming bills in the state Legislature proposing to, Jonathan Cook

"this just in" piece on Alyce Schultz Ph.D., R.N., the state's only nurse resear, Geoff Cowart

"books" piece on a reading by mystery writer Julia Spencer-Fleming from her new, Al Diamon

"books" piece on three mystery novels in which Maine attracts big-time criminals, Al Diamon

"books" piece reviewing "The Sapphire Sea," written by Portland writer John B. R, Al Diamon

Columnist Al Diamon lists 25 ideas for a better Maine. The suggestions are tong, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece commenting in tongue-in-cheek fashion on the, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece commenting on the sleazy nature of gambling, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece criticizing an editorial in the "Portland Pr, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece in opposition to the $60 million bond issue, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece, in tongue-in-cheek style, criticizing Gov., Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece, in tongue-in-cheek style, on the falsehoods, Al Diamon

"politics and other mistakes" piece on a hearing before the Legislature's Commit, Al Diamon

"politics and other mistakes" piece on a proposal by the Speaker's Advisory Comm, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Beth Nagusky, a former lobbyist for the o, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Casinos No!, questioning why the politica, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on difficulties of getting youth involved in, Al Diamon

"politics and other mistakes" piece on Gov. John Baldacci's budget proposal to s, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Gov. John Baldacci's Dirigo Health plan,, Al Diamon

"politics and other mistakes" piece on Gov. John Baldacci's inaugural address on, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Gov. John Baldacci's proposal to create ", Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Gov. John Baldacci's tax reform measure t, Al Diamon

"politics and other mistakes" piece on James Moore's book "Human Sacrifice" that, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on legislative races in Maine, mentioning th, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Maine Citizens for Fair Bear Hunting, whi, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Maine's Democratic representatives to Con, Al Diamon

"politics and other mistakes" piece on Maine's most irrelevant legislator, menti, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on new rules by the state Public Utilities C, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on "Phoenix/Maine," a new novel by Falmouth, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on state representative John Eder, Green-Por, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on tax-reform Question 1B on the Nov. 4 ball, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the $19 million in unaccounted-for federa, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the 2004 contest for the seat in Maine's, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the apparent contradiction between the cr, Al Diamon

"politics and other mistakes" piece on the budget address given by Gov. John Bal, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the Christian Civic League of Maine, noti, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the elimination of the Maine Bureau of Li, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the failures of the mainstream press in c, Al Diamon

"politics and other mistakes" piece on the ineffective results of legislative te, Al Diamon

"politics and other mistakes" piece on the invalid signatures that showed up on, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the lack of opposition in Augusta to Gov., Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the Maine Municipal Association, which, i, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the need for a better system for deciding, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the new Maine Times, pointing out that th, Al Diamon

"politics and other mistakes" piece on the new Republican leader in the state Se, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the recently published "A Citizen's Guide, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the redistricting plans proposed by a leg, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the relative insignificance of Maine in t, Al Diamon

"politics and other mistakes" piece on the state's Office of Program Evaluation, Al Diamon

"politics and other mistakes" piece on the threats to local political control th, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the widespread, but perhaps unwarranted,, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on "This Splendid Game: Maine Campaigns and, Al Diamon

"politics and other mistakes" piece on what the results of the Nov. 5, 2002, ele, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece opposing Roxanne Quimby's plan to create a 3, Al Diamon

"politics and other mistakes" piece questioning public subsidies for Maine's dai, Al Diamon

"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece questioning the ethical standards of Sen. Ch, Al Diamon

"art" piece on the Museum of African Tribal Art in Portland, a small, nonprofit, Sara Donnelly

"Cover Story" piece on Edna Grzyb, owner and principal stylist at the Jadwiga sa, Sara Donnelly

Profile of 39-year-old Casco resident Alexandra Whitney, who works as a professi, Sara Donnelly

"this just in" piece on a new distribution company, Edge Productions, that will, Sara Donnelly

"this just in" piece on John Loura, known as the Monument Square Peace Guy, who, Sara Donnelly

"the beat report" piece on "Sonic Cool: The Life and Death of Rock n' Roll," by, Ted Drozdowski

"postcard from wells" piece arguing against casinos and lotteries in Maine, and, Jerry Fraser

"postcard from wells" piece detailing the author's opposition to a casino resort, Jerry Fraser

"postcard from wells" piece on property and income taxes in Maine. The article, Jerry Fraser

"books" piece on "A Box of Matches," written by Nicholson Baker, and published b, John Freeman

"books" piece on "Ballpark Blues," by C. W. Tooke, and published by Doubleday, a, John Freeman

"books" piece on Jim Sterba's memoir, "Frankie's Place: A Love Story," which is, John Freeman

"books" piece on "Living to Tell the Tale," the memoirs of Gabriel Garcia Marque, John Freeman

"books" piece on "Owls Head," written by Rosamond Purcell and published by Quant, John Freeman

"books" piece on "The King in the Tree," written by Steven Millhauser and publis, John Freeman

"books" piece on "The Night Country," a novel written by Stewart O'Nan, and publ, John Freeman

"books" piece reviewing "Officer Friendly and Other Stories," the debut collecti, John Freeman

"books" piece reviewing "The Effect of Living Backwards," a novel written by par, John Freeman

"this just in" piece on Maine horror novelist Stephen King, who last week was aw, John Freeman

"Art" piece previewing the 400-plus black-and-white photos in an exhibit of work, Clif Garboden

"Year in Review: books" piece listing the top ten fiction and non-fiction books, Jon Garelick

"this just in" piece on the Maine State Barbecue Championships, which were held, Craig Giammona

A growing number of men in Maine, both gay and straight, are succumbing to the p, Tony Giampetruzzi

Article on the full-length gay horror film "Zombie," which wrapped filming in Po, Tony Giampetruzzi

Article on the increasing use of international employees in Maine's hospitality, Tony Giampetruzzi

"Cover Story" piece on gay politics in Maine. After a flurry of activity over t, Tony Giampetruzzi

Feature article on the Church of the Good Samaritan in Brunswick, which combines, Tony Giampetruzzi

"Q & A" piece with Mary Bonauto, 40, the Portland attorney who represented seven, Tony Giampetruzzi

"this just in" piece on Jan Cline, the first male executive director of Outright, Tony Giampetruzzi

"this just in" piece on Scott Robbe, former executive director of Maine SpeakOut, Tony Giampetruzzi