The Casco Bay Weekly, a free alternative weekly newspaper, ran from 1988 to 2004. In its early years, CBW’s journalists tackled controversial issues in depth, the writing and reporting often flavored with humor and irreverence.
Each print issue will be microfilmed for preservation purposes and the originals will be stored in archival boxes in the library’s off-site storage facility.
The 1988-1992 issues of the paper are indexed in the Maine News Index card file in the Portland Room, while later issues (November 25, 1992 through November 21, 2002) are indexed here on the Maine News Index online. Full-text PDFs of the paper can be accessed here.
Submissions from 2000
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the freshman Democratic senator from Eagl, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the growing power of Maine's governors, a, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the inequities of "double dipping." Main, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the liquor sales war being waged between, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the Maine Clean Election Act, which was p, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the Maine Republican Party's platform for, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the political process in Maine and the nu, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the recent activities of Tom Connolly, th, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the second consecutive defeat of a gay ri, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the so-called "compromise gay rights bill, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on this year's political races between incum, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on this year's slate of new Republican candi, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on two recent incidents in Maine involving f, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on U.S. represenative John Baldacci, D-Maine, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" tongue-in-cheek piece on political debates., Al Diamon
"So Noted" piece on a proposal by the Portland Water District and Wheelabrator W, Al Diamon
"So Noted" piece on Bookland, the Maine-owned bookstore chain that recently file, Al Diamon
"So Noted" piece on Laurie Savona, Portland's city clerk, whose office was the s, Al Diamon
"So Noted" piece on two ads recently rejected by the Maine Times, ostensibly for, Al Diamon
"So Noted" piece urging the Portland Planning Board to approve a $10 million, 72, Al Diamon
"Talk" piece with David Johnson, 48, of Raymond, who works for the state Bureau, Al Diamon
"Talk" piece with Rick O'Neal, 33, of New Hampshire, a trucker and founder of th, Al Diamon
Voters Guide 2000 on Questions 1 through 6 on Maine's Nov. 7 referendum ballot,, Al Diamon
"Essay" piece by Susan Farnsworth of the Maine Lesbian Gay Political Alliance (M, Susan Farnsworth
"City" piece on a proposal by Bangor developer Kevin Mahaney and his Olympic Eq, Tiffany Fish
"City" piece on the Porthole Restaurant located on Portland's Custom House Wharf, Tiffany Fish
"Talk" piece with Jim Bradley, 40, of Portland, who has been a jeweler for over, Tiffany Fish
"Talk" piece with Timothy Nutile, 31, a window washer in Portland., Tiffany Fish
Letter to the editor from David T. Flanagan, president of the CMP Group, rebutti, David T. Flanagan
"Talk" piece with Kim Fischer, who, with her husband, Paul, has been lobstering, Victoria Gannon
"City" piece on Maine's needle exchange program for intravenous drug users, whic, Elisabeth Gold
"City" piece on the Animal Refuge League's 6,500-square-foot facility in Westbro, Elisabeth Gold
"Edge" piece on "Act Up Fight Back Take Pictures: 10 Years of Queer Activism in, Elisabeth Gold
"Edge" piece on an exhibit of art works by artist Casey Fontaine, 19, of Portlan, Elisabeth Gold
"Edge" piece on a subgroup of Peace Action Maine called Guerrilla Theater Projec, Elisabeth Gold
"Edge" piece on Michael Libby, 29, and his partner, James MacLean, 33, who are t, Elisabeth Gold
"Edge" piece on "The Unknown Generation: Who are We," a group art show featurin, Elisabeth Gold
Preview of a performance by experimental hip-hop musician Tim Holland, which is, Elisabeth Gold
Preview of a Pushcart Players production of "The Last, the Very Last ... Butterf, Elisabeth Gold
Preview of "Levitations of Birds and Other Conversations," a lecture by Jessie S, Elisabeth Gold
Preview of "Lull," an art exhibit by Samara Kupferberg, which is being presented, Elisabeth Gold
Preview of "Restrospective," an art exhibit by Amy Stacey Curtis, which is being, Elisabeth Gold
Preview of "The Mad Hatter's 13th Annual Tea Party," a tattoo convention, which, Elisabeth Gold
Preview of the Second Annual Independent Shorts Festival, featuring genres such, Elisabeth Gold
"Talk" piece with Jacqueline Gourdin, 64, of Portland, who teaches piano at the, Elisabeth Gold
"Talk" piece with Jeanie Bourke, 41, who has been playhing defense in a women's, Elisabeth Gold
"Talk" piece with Karen Barbera, owner and manager of Andrea's Bridal and Formal, Elisabeth Gold
"Talk" piece with Robert Blake of Portland, who has been organizing a trip to Gu, Elisabeth Gold
"Talk" piece with Toby Rosenberg, who has been teaching and making pottery in Po, Elisabeth Gold
The Portland Masjid and Islamic Center, a Muslim religious organization is consi, Elisabeth Gold
"Talk" piece with Jenn Nading, head of the copy writing/creative department at M, David Hall
"City" piece on Patricia Ordway, a local welfare rights advocate, who wants to s, David B. Hall
"Talk" piece with Richard Hall, 67, a merchant marine captain who retired in 198, David B. Hall
Letter to the editor from Tom Handel, executive director of Community Television, Tom Handel
"Cover Story" piece on Beth Martin, 30, of Portland, who is one of 130 volunteer, Steve Hargreaves
"Hell yeah!" piece on a performance by the Ray Mason Band, which is being presen, Joe S. Harrington
"Hell yeah!" piece on performances by the bands Heidi, Rustic Overtones and 6gig, Joe S. Harrington
"Talk" piece with Kari Lawrence, owner of the Kennel Club of Westbrook, who dyes, Hannah Harwood
"Talk" piece with Michael Girard of Portland, who is attempting to organize the, Hannah Harwood
"Talk" piece with Steve Hauke, the owner and founder of PetScripts, a veterinary, Hannah Harwood
Preview of "Fish & Ships," an exhibit of art work by Michael Patrick Libby, whic, Bethany Hendrix
Preview of "People in Public Places - Turkey," an exhibit of 17 silk-screen prin, Bethany Hendrix
Letter to the editor from Heidi Herriott-Koch, circus representative for the Out, Heidi Herriott-Koch
"Essay" piece on the extreme homophobic behavior of many who haunt the streets o, Susan A. Higgins
Letter to the editor from Jonathan Lee, executive director of the Maine Speakout, Jonathan Lee
"Essay" piece by Portland city councilor Cheryl Leeman opposing an idea proposed, Cheryl Leeman
Letter to the editor from Cheryl Leeman, mayor of Portland, rebutting a Casco Ba, Cheryl Leeman
"Talk" piece with Amos Libby, 22, of Portland, who is a student and performer of, Colin Malakie
"Talk" piece with David Payson, 35, who grew up in Falmouth, but at age 21 decid, Colin Malakie
"Talk" piece with Jay Kovensky of Portland, a fitness instructor in cardiac reha, Colin Malakie
"Talk" piece with Shamus Jones, 19, who drives a Good Humor ice cream truck for, Colin Malakie
"Cover Story" piece on the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf on Mackworth Isla, Lael Morgan
"Talk" piece with Elizabeth Isele, 57, of Portland, who just won a $7,500 intera, Lael Morgan
"Talk" piece conversation with Jeff Lakari, 28, who wrote his first novel at age, Blake Morin
"Talk" piece with David Astor, 81, a former U.S. Marine officer and World War II, Blake Morin
"Talk" piece with Michael Lotfey, who is the drummer for the band "Chance of Rai, Blake Morin
"Sportland" piece on a controversial proposal to replace the natural turf at Por, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on Anne Beaney, coach of the Scarborough High School girls' cl, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on Anne McClure, 33, the new golf pro at Portland's Riverside, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on area sports bars, including Bleachers, Timothy's, Asylum, P, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on Hargy Heap's Casco Bay Rowing Center, which has a fleet of, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on indoor handball, which is played on a racquetball court. O, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on preparing Deering Oaks pond in Portland for ice skating., J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on the 2000 Harris-Mothes Challenge, a little known annual 54-, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on the nightly volley ball games being played by some of Portl, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on the "One-Pocket Championship of the World," a five-day bill, J Barry Mothes
Letter to the editor from Suzanne Onos, president of the Maine Federation of Hum, Suzanne Onos
Because of its new recycling program, Portland expects to cut about $500,000 fro, Connie Pacillo
Ben Meikeljohn, a would-be candidate to represent Munjoy Hill, the Old Port and, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece noting that incumbents Karen Geraghty and Nick Mavodones and former, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on a battle that is beginning to take shape between Erik Richard, a, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on ads aimed at gay men, which Maine Times has refused to run. Sta, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on a Jan. 10 letter from Portland School Department attorney Hugh M, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on a Maine Civil Liberties Union (MCLU) request to local law enforc, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on a proposal by developer Kevin Mahaney, owner of Portland's Doubl, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on a proposal by Gov. Angus King, who wants to give Idexx Corp. of, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on a proposal by Portland City Councilor Peter O'Donnell that would, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on a proposal to change the way the city of Portland notifies resid, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on Ben "Zen Ben" Meiklejohn, singer-songwriter and Green Party acti, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on contract negotiations between the Blethen Maine Newspapers, publ, Connie Pacillo