The Casco Bay Weekly, a free alternative weekly newspaper, ran from 1988 to 2004. In its early years, CBW’s journalists tackled controversial issues in depth, the writing and reporting often flavored with humor and irreverence.
Each print issue will be microfilmed for preservation purposes and the originals will be stored in archival boxes in the library’s off-site storage facility.
The 1988-1992 issues of the paper are indexed in the Maine News Index card file in the Portland Room, while later issues (November 25, 1992 through November 21, 2002) are indexed here on the Maine News Index online. Full-text PDFs of the paper can be accessed here.
Submissions from 2000
"City" piece on Elwin "Al" Martin of Portland, a former locksmith and massage pa, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on five community forums that Portland Mayor Cheryl Leeman will hol, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on improvements in Deering Oaks in Portland, which have been delaye, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on local enthusiasm for a teen committee to advise the Portland Cit, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on loitering in Portland's Old Port, which merchants say is again b, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on Mercy Hospital, which has given up on expanding in Portland's We, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on Moses Sebunya, president of the Portland chapter of the National, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on Moses Sebunya, the president of the Portland chapter of the Nati, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on Portland City Councilor Peter O'Donnell's proposal to ban pit bu, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on Portland city councilor Peter O'Donnell's recent warning to Roge, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on Portland city councilors Jim Cloutier, Cheryl Leeman and Nathan, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on Portland city councilor Tom Kane's proposal to create a communit, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on Portland property taxes, which could be much higher in 2001. Ci, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on Portland School Committee member Erik Richard, who is resigning, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on Portland School Committee member Erik Richard who says committee, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on Portland's needle exchange program for intravenous (IV) drug use, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on Portland's school superintendent, Mary Jane McCalmon, who kept a, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on proposals by Portland city councilors Jack Dawson and Jim Clouti, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on Regional Waste Systems (RWS), which is close to settling a lawsu, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on Regional Waste Systems (RWS), which settled a lawsuit against Ce, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on rumors that city councilors Karen Geraghty, Nathan Smith, and Ch, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on Seiha Srey, 17, who was arrested and incarcerated, but never tri, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on some Portland School Committee members who aren't happy with the, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on the 140-unit Munjoy South Apartments in Portland. When Montfort, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on the Cumberland County Civic Center's ad campaign to stop ticket, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on the four candidates who seek to fill the Portland School Committ, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on the lack of services available to homeless gay and lesbian teena, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on the Portland Planning Board, which some say is biased in favor o, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on the shortage of candidates taking out nominating petitions for P, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece on whether Portland needs a housing moratorium. Some city resident, Connie Pacillo
"City" piece questioning the fact that the state has yet to draft a policy of ho, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" piece on gay people who know that if they want to adopt a child in, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" piece on Jeff Monroe, 47, Portland's waterfront and transportation, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's drag scene, which was once on the edge of exti, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" piece on the Blethen family, new owners of the Portland Press Hera, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" piece on the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibili, Connie Pacillo
Deering High School students and others have been kept in the dark about the res, Connie Pacillo
"Ear to the Pavement" piece noting that fundamentalist, anti-homosexual preache, Connie Pacillo
"Edge" piece about the bad dating service experience of "Sue," who is described, Connie Pacillo
"Edge" piece on the Pure Love Alliance (PLA), a nondenominational religious grou, Connie Pacillo
"from the outside" piece about a "Queer Quiz" developed by Connie Pachillo out o, Connie Pacillo
"from the outside" piece analyzing a civil rights bill that would, if passed, ke, Connie Pacillo
"from the outside" piece expressing outrage over the controversial gay and lesbi, Connie Pacillo
"from the outside" piece in which Connie Pacillo speculates that in view of the, Connie Pacillo
"from the outside" piece on Question 6, the so-called compromise gay rights bill, Connie Pacillo
"from the outside" piece on Southern Maine Pride Week (June 11-18) and why it's, Connie Pacillo
High property taxes are threatening Maine's commercial fishing industry and thou, Connie Pacillo
Pine Tree Legal Assistance is seeking a federal grant for a project that would m, Connie Pacillo
Preview of a performance by comedian Kate Clinton, which is being presented at t, Connie Pacillo
Preview of comedian Julie Dano's one-woman show, "Julie Dano is the Lesbian Next, Connie Pacillo
Preview of "Stage Lights! High Heels!," a performance by the drag-queen producti, Connie Pacillo
Preview of "The Town Meeting for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered People, Connie Pacillo
"Talk" piece conversation with Claire Maury, 11, who has been dancing with the P, Connie Pacillo
"Talk" piece with Krista Thompson and Iris Guillemette, co-editors of Culture Be, Connie Pacillo
"Talk" piece with Suzanne Onos, 35, executive director of the Animal Refuge Leag, Connie Pacillo
The Portland School Department paid lobbyist Joseph Mackey $20,000 for working, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" tongue-in-cheek piece on some proposed statuary for Portland., Corey Pandolph
"Outta my way" piece indicating that one of the most important things Elizabeth, Elizabeth Peavey
"Outta my way" piece on losing an heirloom engagement ring., Elizabeth Peavey
Art review of "Daydreams, Memories and Wishes that Never Came True," by Kathy Si, Autumn Phillips
"City" piece on a proposal by Sandy Elders, president of the Bayside Neighborhoo, Autumn Phillips
"City" piece on Tania Neuschafer, a substitute teacher and environmental educati, Autumn Phillips
"City" piece on the Boys and Girls Club, located across the street from Portland, Autumn Phillips
Donna McNeil, the executive director of Ram Island Dance Company, was forced fr, Autumn Phillips
"Edge" piece on James Barnes, 26, who is trying to start a radio theater project, Autumn Phillips
"Edge" piece on the seven wonders of Greater Portland from the area's most acous, Autumn Phillips
"Edge" piece on Zero Station, South Portland's newest art gallery, which is co-o, Autumn Phillips
Preview of a group show of paintings by Jen Bradford and Richard Garrigus, photo, Autumn Phillips
Preview of a lecture by historian Howard Zinn, which will be presented at the Un, Autumn Phillips
Preview of Bertolt Brecht's "A Man's a Man," which is being performed by the Fly, Autumn Phillips
Preview of "Beyond Decorum: The Photography of Ike Ude," a photo exhibit that i, Autumn Phillips
Preview of "Dozier Bell: New Paintings," an art exhibit of new works by Dozier, Autumn Phillips
Preview of "Eclipse," an exhibit of art works by Marjorie Minkin, which is being, Autumn Phillips
Preview of "Heidi Stubbs: Senior Show," an exhibition of works by Heidi Stubbs,, Autumn Phillips
Preview of "Mudfish Revival," a performance by Maine College of Art senior Vasil, Autumn Phillips
Preview of "Re-Composed Parts - New Collage and Assemblages," a collection of wo, Autumn Phillips
Preview of "Skin and Bones: An Installation by Polly Apfelbaum," an art exhibit, Autumn Phillips
"Talk" piece with Jessica Maurer and Penthea Burns, two Portland professionals w, Autumn Phillips
Preview of a performance by the nine-piece band Orchestra Morphine, which is bei, Jim Pinfold
"Talk" piece with Annemarie Gadbois of Portland, who has dedicated herself to he, Becca Redman
"Talk" piece with Beth Cadena of Cape Elizabeth whose story, "Two Pets and a Piz, Becca Redman
"Talk" piece with Will Frost of Portland, who works at an insulation company and, Becca Redman
"Talk" piece with Victor Molina, 20, of Portland, a native of La Union, El Salva, Robert SanGiovanni
"Congress Street Minutes" piece about Annie Seikonia's visit to the Tamarind Tre, Annie Seikonia
"Congress Street Minutes" piece about author Annie Seikonia's day fishing with D, Annie Seikonia
"Edge" piece on the Province of Malagentia, the official name of the Southern Ma, Annie Seikonia
Preview of "Monotypes and Oil Paintings by Lou Hicks," an art exhibition that is, Annie Seikonia
Preview of "The Art of Wood: Objects to Support Mindful Living," an exhibition, Annie Seikonia
Preview of "Will Barnet: A Timeless World," an exhibition of 55 art works by Ba, Annie Seikonia
Preview of "Work at the Artistary: Products of Contemporary Thought," an exhibi, Annie Seikonia
Preview of "More Flesh," an exhibition of art works by members of the Portland L, Bill Seiver
Comic strip about the dirty carpeting in the Portland Public Library., M Shields
Preview of the Portland-based Munjoy Hill Society's debut compact disc: "Bon Vo, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on a new compact disc release by keyboardist Spencer Albee ti, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on a performance by singer/songwriter/guitarist David Wilcox,, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on a performance by singer/songwriter Slaid Cleaves, which is, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on a performance by the band "Black 47," which is being prese, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on a performance by the heavy metal band Iron Maiden, which i, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on a performance by the neo-rockabilly band The Amazing Crown, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on blues singer Sandra Hall, the self-proclaimed "Empress of, Dan Short