The weekly Maine Times newspaper focused on feature-length articles and reportage about Maine's arts communities, from October 1968 - through 2002.
Portland Public Library's collection in the Portland Room includes the complete Maine Times on microfilm, as well as the Maine Times Index- which accompanies indexed entries in the Maine News Index.


Submissions from 2000

"Books & the Arts" piece on the "Forest of Dreams, the Meadow of Enchantment" in, Donna Gold

"Books & the Arts" piece on "The Lighthouse Keeper's Wife," an autobiography by, Donna Gold

"Books & the Arts" piece on the Northeast Silent Film Festival, which is being h, Donna Gold

"Eye of the Beholder" piece on exhibitions by Maine artists in New York City, in, Donna Gold

"Feature Story" piece on home owners who heat with wood and their inability to f, Donna Gold

"Other Voices" piece in response to "Questioning the Holocaust," published in th, Jonathan Goldstein

"Feature Story" piece on herring gulls whose numbers make the restoration of oth, Wing Goodale

"Feature Story" piece on the age-old debate about whether lobster are overfished, Wing Goodale

Book review of "Canned Plums and Other Vicissitudes of Life," written by Maine a, Tory Haiss

"Books & the Arts" piece on "A Journey North: One Woman's Story of Hiking the A, Tory Haiss

"Books & the Arts" piece on "Amy and Isabelle," a novel written by Portland nati, Tory Haiss

"Books & the Arts" piece on "Callow, Brave & True: A Gospel of Civil War Youth,, Tory Haiss

"Books & the Arts" piece on "Food and Farming in American Life and Letters," a s, Tory Haiss

"Books & the Arts" piece on "Mouth to Mouth," a Maine-based mystery novel writte, Tory Haiss

"Books & the Arts" piece on "Small Towns, Steamy Movies," the first Camden Film, Tory Haiss

"Books & the Arts" piece on "The Color of Hope," a novel set partly on the coast, Tory Haiss

"Books & the Arts" piece on "The Disappearance of Amy Cave: A True Account of M, Tory Haiss

"Books & the Arts" piece on "The Little Locksmith: A Memoir," written by Kathar, Tory Haiss

"Books & the Arts" piece on the Maine International Film Festival, which is taki, Tory Haiss

"Feature Story" piece on children of divorce. Recent changes in Maine's divorce, Tory Haiss

"Feature Story" piece on traditional folk music venues in Maine, which are disap, Tory Haiss

"Practicum" piece arguing that two separate development projects at opposite end, Tory Haiss

"Practicum" piece criticizing media-megastar Martha Stewart, who recently commit, Tory Haiss

"Practicum" piece noting that 130 children in grades K-6 at a Central Maine publ, Tory Haiss

"Practicum" piece on a "full contact" karate tournament that will take place at, Tory Haiss

"Practicum" piece on earthquakes in Maine. With references to specific earthqua, Tory Haiss

"Practicum" piece on former Fairfield police chief John [Jean] Pouliot who resig, Tory Haiss

"Practicum" piece on the Universalist Unitarian Coffeehouse in Waterville, which, Tory Haiss

"Practicum" piece on two horses in Pittsifield that were shot and killed on purp, Tory Haiss

Summer tourists are now being lured to Maine's ski slopes, which are offering mo, Tory Haiss

"Books & the Arts" piece on a group of 16 Duke University students who are in Ca, Judy Harrison

"Books & the Arts" piece on a Maine State Music Theatre production of the musica, Judy Harrison

"Books & the Arts" piece on "Charting Neptune's Realm: From Classical Mythology, Judy Harrison

"Books & the Arts" piece on "Jump Into It: Water as Muse," an art exhibit featu, Judy Harrison

"Books & the Arts" piece on playwright Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Ea, Judy Harrison

"Books & the Arts" piece on the 28th summer season of Somesville's Acadia Repert, Judy Harrison

"Books & the Arts" piece on The Grand Auditorium in Ellsworth, a nonprofit arts, Judy Harrison

"News & Issues" piece on the Bar Harbor Film Festival, which is folding nine mon, Judy Harrison

"Cover Story" piece on Bar Harbor and its Bar Harbor 2000 committee, which in 19, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on Boothby & Bartlett Insurance Agency of Waterville, which, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on LifeFlight of Maine, a company with two small helicopters, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on malls. Sterile replicas of the downtowns they usurped, t, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on the 160-year-old Augusta Mental Health Institute (AMHI),, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on the conversion of New England's agricultural land to othe, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on the Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry in Maine. Growing, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on the Maine School of Science and Mathematics (MSSM) in Lim, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on the Maine Youth Center (MYC) in South Portland, which has, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on the Mt. Desert Island Young Men's Christian Association (, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on the need for programs seeking to change the nature of the, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on the so-called compromise gay rights bill, Question 6 on M, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on the tiny Piscataquis County town of Guilford, population, Meg Haskell

Feature article on Julie Jones and her 130-pound bloodhound Mollee. Julie and M, Meg Haskell

"Feature Story" piece on a Very Important Pools (VIP) study being undertaken by, Meg Haskell

"Feature Story" piece on "Boys to Men: A conference exploring how to get there, Meg Haskell

"Feature Story" piece on health care in Maine. Trish Riley, director of the Nat, Meg Haskell

"Feature Story" piece on Molly Schauffler, a post-doctoral fellow with the Nati, Meg Haskell

"Feature Story" piece on Rockland-area residents and officials who are fighting, Meg Haskell

"Feature Story" piece on the Holocaust, and how the discussion is being framed o, Meg Haskell

"Feature Story" piece on the Search and Rescue (SAR) & Conservation K-9 2000 Sym, Meg Haskell

"Feature Story" piece on Thomas Urquhart of Falmouth, who is stepping down from, Meg Haskell

"Feature Story" piece profiling Maine Senate Majority Leader Chellie Pingree, D-, Meg Haskell

For years, animal welfare advocates have maintained that the state doesn't do en, Meg Haskell

Long detailed "Feature Story" piece about the five-year effort of Dr. Alain Mone, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with artist and mother, Katherine Gallimore, who teaches, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with Bill Masters of Bangor who recently bought a five-s, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with Chris Crosman, who has been the director of the Far, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with Dr. Ansley Coe Throckmorton, president of the Bango, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with environmental anthropologist Richard Nelson of Sitk, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with former U.S. senator George J. Mitchell, who recent, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with Ray Anderson, the chief executive officer of Interf, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with Rob and June Woodman, owners of an old-fashioned co, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with Seymour Papert, the innovative voice behind Gov. Ki, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with Spencer Tracy, produce manager at Old Town's Shop ', Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with Ted Johnson, 83, of Winter Harbor who learned to do, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with U.S. Attorney Jay McCloskey of Bangor, who has been, Meg Haskell

"New & Issues" piece about the mounting opposition to the sale of Blue Cross and, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on 130 tons of liquid mercury that is currently in short-t, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a compromise legislative bill to reduce the cost of pre, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a controversial dredging project that is underway in We, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a July ruling by the Board of Pesticides Control that e, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a legislative bill high on the Senate Democratic leader, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a move by Hancock County commissioners to sell copies o, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on an announcement by Massachusetts-based Harvard Pilgrim, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a new agreement between the University of Maine at Oron, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a new League of Women Voters study indicating that high, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a study recently released by the Maine Center for Econo, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on business partners George Markowsky of Orono and Robert, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on Canada geese that have been hanging around Puddledock P, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on creative playgrounds built throughout Maine that are re, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on denturists in Maine who say regulation of denturitry by, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on Gov. Angus King's Blue Ribbon Commission on Health Care, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on Gov. Angus King's blue ribbon health care commission, w, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on Gov. Angus King's proposal to replace the 160-year-old, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on last week's Holocaust advertisement forum at the Univer, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on last week's opening of the $8 million Advanced Engineer, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on Maine Insurance superintendent Alessandro Iuppa's recen, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on Maine's Clean Elections Act. A third of the candidates, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on Maine tanker regulations, which may be preempted by old, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on piece on Maine's health insurance system and Gov. Angus, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on the Alamo Theatre in Bucksport, which has some local re, Meg Haskell