Portland's long time newspaper of record, the Portland Press-Herald, began printing in November 1921 as Guy Patterson Gannett's merging of the Portland Daily Press (which began in 1862), and the Portland Herald (which was a short-lived successor of the Eastern Argus, which began in 1803). Gannett later purchased the Portland Evening Express, and the Portland Sunday Telegram, and by the 1940s, the Press-Herald as we know it today took shape as a daily newspaper.

The Library's Portland Room provides access to the complete run of the Press-Herald (as well as the Evening Express and Sunday Telegram, along with their predecessor newspapers) on microfilm.
An additional electronic resource, offering the Press-Herald fulltext, beginning in 1995 is the Maine Newsstand database, freely accessible in Maine via Digital Maine Library.


Submissions from 1992

At lease 11 people were arrested as the result of a four-month undercover operat

At lease 11 people were arrested as the result of a four-month undercover operat

Attitudes of Brewer High School students are mixed regarding daily broadcasts wh

Attitudes of Brewer High School students are mixed regarding daily broadcasts wh

Boxer Joey Gamache has announced that he will fight Mike Grow in a 10-round bout

Boxer Joey Gamache has announced that he will fight Mike Grow in a 10-round bout

Brief article about the city of Portland's decision not to buy the Maine Nationa

Brief article about the city of Portland's decision not to buy the Maine Nationa

Brief article about the Maine Tourism Coalition, which is urging the state to sp

Brief article about the Maine Tourism Coalition, which is urging the state to sp

Brief article reporting on the factors contributing to the fatal November 17 car

Brief article reporting on the factors contributing to the fatal November 17 car

Charges were made against Kenneth Allen, a top aide to Maine House Speaker John

Charges were made against Kenneth Allen, a top aide to Maine House Speaker John

Computer hackers, tapping into a special State House telephone system, have run

Computer hackers, tapping into a special State House telephone system, have run

Contributions and pledges for the new Children's Museum of Maine are running $35

Dana Connors, the commissioner of the Maine Department of Transportation, yester

Dana Connors, the commissioner of the Maine Department of Transportation, yester

David Sawyer, the president of New Glouceser Housing Inc., plans to withdraw a d

David Sawyer, the president of New Glouceser Housing Inc., plans to withdraw a d

Deer Isle residents have come together to call a halt to the rowdiness, vandalis

Deer Isle residents have come together to call a halt to the rowdiness, vandalis

Detailed results of a Guy Gannett/Maine Sunday Telegram poll that surveyed 800 M

Dr. Louis S. Hornstein of Skowhegan, whose medical license was suspended tempora

Dr. Louis S. Hornstein of Skowhegan, whose medical license was suspended tempora

Elizabeth M. Nelson, 34, of Portland has pleaded guilty of having tried to sell

Elizabeth M. Nelson, 34, of Portland has pleaded guilty of having tried to sell

Former Pineland Center worker Christopher Mingo denied yesterday that he had tor

Former Pineland Center worker Christopher Mingo denied yesterday that he had tor

Fourth in a series of related articles about demographic changes in the communit

Fourth in a series of related articles about demographic changes in the communit

Game wardens in Sidney yesterday displayed deer parts seized at four homes as ev

Game wardens in Sidney yesterday displayed deer parts seized at four homes as ev

Gov. John R. McKernan has hired Brian Warren, 48, an Army colonel, to introduce

Gov. John R. McKernan has hired Brian Warren, 48, an Army colonel, to introduce

Gov. John R. McKernan hopes to introduce legislation in the upcoming special ses

Gov. John R. McKernan hopes to introduce legislation in the upcoming special ses

Healthsource Maine Inc. of Freeport, a health maintenance organization, has file

Healthsource Maine Inc. of Freeport, a health maintenance organization, has file

Henry Lombard Jr. pleaded guilty to robbery and assault charges stemming from an

Henry Lombard Jr. pleaded guilty to robbery and assault charges stemming from an

House Speaker John L. Martin refused to comment yesterday on allegations that he

House Speaker John L. Martin refused to comment yesterday on allegations that he

Hundreds of adults and students attended the funerals yesterday of Brad Barter,

Hyde School officials yesterday lifted the recently imposed suspension of a pilo

Hyde School officials yesterday lifted the recently imposed suspension of a pilo

Intense lobbying is under way on behalf of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, the Ch

Intense lobbying is under way on behalf of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, the Ch

Jasper Wyman, the executive director of the Christian Civic League of Maine, has

Jasper Wyman, the executive director of the Christian Civic League of Maine, has

Kate Kaminski, a Boston University film school graduate who has written a scree

Kate Kaminski, a Boston University film school graduate who has written a scree

Ladd Heldenbrand of Portland has an idea for illuminating downtown features such

Ladd Heldenbrand of Portland has an idea for illuminating downtown features such

Lawmakers from Maine's more heavily populated regions are taking over leadership

Lawmakers from Maine's more heavily populated regions are taking over leadership

Letters in "Voice of the People" that both defend and attack an exhibition of AI

Linda Bean, the unsuccessful GOP candidate in the First Congressional District,

Linda Bean, the unsuccessful GOP candidate in the First Congressional District,

Long article considers the Maine winter both factually and as a cultural institu

Long article considers the Maine winter both factually and as a cultural institu

Long article reporting that while the number of Portland students declined by 6.

Long article reporting that while the number of Portland students declined by 6.

Long, detailed article about the life of Vietnam-era veteran Raymond L. Richards

Long, detailed article about the life of Vietnam-era veteran Raymond L. Richards

Maine Department of Human Services' clients are worried about a possible $171 mi

Maine Department of Human Services' clients are worried about a possible $171 mi

Maine officials are pushing for a state "stalker" law to protect residents from

Maine officials are pushing for a state "stalker" law to protect residents from

Maine residents are turning to guns for self-protection, as evidenced by the 1,0

Maine residents are turning to guns for self-protection, as evidenced by the 1,0

Massachusetts Hall, a 190-year-old building at Bowdoin College has been chosen b

Massachusetts Hall, a 190-year-old building at Bowdoin College has been chosen b

McCain Food Corp. has dropped its attempt to stop doing business with the potato

Members of the Legislature's Judiciary Committee recently questioned the Blue Ri

Mt. Ararat School's substance abuse counselor Maurice Moody says he saw old patt

Mt. Ararat School's substance abuse counselor Maurice Moody says he saw old patt

Nearly 73 percent of Maine's voting-age population turned out to cast ballots in

Operation Game Thief, a toll-free, anti-poaching hotline led to the conviction

Operation Game Thief, a toll-free, anti-poaching hotline led to the conviction

Police say Steven Gloger, who posed as a lawyer-accountant in Portland in 1988-8

Police say Steven Gloger, who posed as a lawyer-accountant in Portland in 1988-8

Prime Tanning Inc. of Berwick has prospered, but, in order to become more effici

Raymond residents and business owners have donated building supplies, time, mone

Raymond residents and business owners have donated building supplies, time, mone

Reacting to parental objections, the South Portland Board of Education is rethin

Reacting to parental objections, the South Portland Board of Education is rethin

Record numbers of families in Cumberland, York, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, and Knox cou

Regional Waste Systems is looking for a private business to run a landfill and r

Related articles about teacher preparation programs in Maine. First year educat

Related articles about teacher preparation programs in Maine. First year educat

Rep. Thomas Andrews, a Democrat, has received 11th-hour campaign support from fo

Rep. Thomas Andrews, a Democrat, has received 11th-hour campaign support from fo

Richard Davies, an advocate for low-income people, has asked that the state exem

Richard Davies, an advocate for low-income people, has asked that the state exem

Ross Perot's candidacy continues to gain strenth in Maine, so much so that some

Ross Perot's candidacy continues to gain strenth in Maine, so much so that some

Scientist predict a lower than usual shrimp catch this winter. To allow the sto

Scientist predict a lower than usual shrimp catch this winter. To allow the sto