The weekly Maine Times newspaper focused on feature-length articles and reportage about Maine's arts communities, from October 1968 - through 2002.
Portland Public Library's collection in the Portland Room includes the complete Maine Times on microfilm, as well as the Maine Times Index- which accompanies indexed entries in the Maine News Index.


Submissions from 2001

"Cover Story" piece on the 26 school-based health clinics (SBHCs) in Maine. Hea, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on the Center for Educational Services (CES) in Auburn. Exe, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on the nutritional value of lunches offered in Maine's schoo, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on the planned June 2002 closing of the Naval Security Group, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on The Sen. George J. Mitchell Center for Environmental and, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on the University of Maine Cooperative Extension's Master Ga, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on the University of Maine in Orono, a land-grant university, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on the vast majority of Maine's approximately 265,000 Medica, Meg Haskell

"Cover Story" piece on Zoom Resounds, a centered riding stable in Seal Cove owne, Meg Haskell

Feature article on Bangor's old-school philanthropy and three generations of Bra, Meg Haskell

Feature article on rock hounding in Maine. With special focus on Perham's Rock, Meg Haskell

Feature article on skiing at Big Rock Ski Area in Mars Hill. Originally establi, Meg Haskell

"Feature Story" piece on Maine's Dresden-based Slavophile Society founded 30 yea, Meg Haskell

"Feature Story" piece on the Bangor waterworks on the banks of the Penobscot Riv, Meg Haskell

"Feature Story" piece on the Portland law firm Lewis Saul & Associates, which is, Meg Haskell

"Feature Story" piece on the VICA Skill Championships where once a year, student, Meg Haskell

"Furthermore" piece reporting that Maine's fourth mosque was opened in Lewiston, Meg Haskell

"Furthermore" piece reporting that Wiscasset residents last week passed a unanim, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with Airianne Hatt, 18, of Eddington, a senior who will, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with Charles Beck, Maine Public Radio's vice president f, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with Danny Haszard of Bangor, a third-generation Jehovah, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with Judy Vardamis of Bangor, an organizer of the 11th a, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with Susan Libby, chief administrative officer of USS Ka, Meg Haskell

"Maine Interview" piece with Taj Janson, 17, a freshman at Bar Harbor's College, Meg Haskell

"New" piece reporting that Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a 180-mile-long jet fuel pipeline from Bangor to Limest, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a legislative bill sponsored by Rep. Paul Volenik, D-Br, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a legislative bill sponsored by Rep. Thomas Bull, (D-Fr, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a legislative bill sponsored by Sen. Beverly Daggett, D, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a legislative bill sponsored by state represenative Bri, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a new rule requiring Medicaid patients in Maine to get, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a plan by The Widewater Group, a New York-based develo, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a proposal by Lane Construction of Meriden, Conn., to d, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a proposal by Lane Construction to open a granite quarr, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a recent ruling by the First U.S. Circuit Court of Appe, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a recent study by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climat, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on a state survey by Maine's bureau of Elder and Adult Ser, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on clam digging in the state, which is being studied by re, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on emergency contraception pills, which will be available, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on inmates at Maine correctional facilities who are allege, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on LD 1547 and LD 1695, two omnibus bills that would have, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on Maine's small coastal islands, which are being threaten, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on members of the Maine State Nurses Association (MSNA), w, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on new rules adopted by the Department of Environmental Pr, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on recent programming changes at Maine Public Radio (MPR)., Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on "The 21st Century Campus," a conference recently held i, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on the fate of an environmentally sensitive 450-acre saltw, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on the Maine Family Development Account program, an incent, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on the Maine Library Association, which is the first plain, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on the recent theft of 15 volumes of historic maps and pri, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on the "Summit of the Americas," bringing together corpora, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on the Trenton Grange, which has a membership of 37, but a, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on three pet dogs that have been poisoned in the Hancock C, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on two new resources that will soon be available for teach, Meg Haskell

"News & Issues" piece on wetland protection in Maine, which lost support at the, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on about 20,000 acres in the area surrounding Tumbledown Mountain,, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on a conservation agreement that would protect the West Branch of t, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on a joint venture by the Maine Humanities Council and the Maine St, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on an address by Rev. Marvin Ellison delivered at a United Nations, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on a plan by Wal-Mart to build a supercenter near the fragile Penja, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on a press release to Maine media outlets from U.S. senator Susan C, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on a professional support program for rookie educators developed by, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on aquatic pesticides, which are available for over-the-counter sal, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on Bangor Hydro's proposed new power line. The electric utility ho, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on Bangor's Curve Street neighborhood, which is being razed. With, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on Bonaire, a government housing project with 60 units in Presque I, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on campaigns to raise funds for victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist a, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on changes in Maine's food sales tax that go into effect Oct. 1. T, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on charges by the Attorney General's Office (AGO) and Consumers for, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on China Lake, which went from being one of the clearest and health, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on Coastal America's Innovative Readiness Training Program. The Co, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on Dave Bunker, 39, of Bangor, the low-key host of Morning Classica, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on federal funding that ensures essential telecommunications access, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on forums for discussion and prayer that were held throughout Maine, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on jails, which are the major expense of county government. Consol, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on James Roux, a Portland attorney, who is developing a specialty p, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on Jonesboro residents who claim their homes were in the line of dr, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on legislation that has been submitted to the Senate Armed Services, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on Maine's 2001 blueberry crop. According to Del Emerson, manager, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on Mike Corey, the Maine Potato Board's executive director, who qui, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on Nancy Oden of Jonesboro, who was temporarily detained and denied, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on nine battered, wood-frame houses on Bangor's Curve Street, which, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on notices being sent out by Maine's electric companies inviting do, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on poison mushrooms and members of the nightshade family, including, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on Somali refugees across the country who have heard that Maine is, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on terrorism and potential targets in Maine, including public water, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on the 2002-2001 Hay Project, a year-long, fourth-grade class on ha, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on the 2002 Maine Mother of the Year competition sponsored by Ameri, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on the 21-year-old Treats Falls House, a home for 18 mentally handi, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on the Augusta Mental Health Institute (AMHI), which expects to con, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on the Bodega de Coqui, a new Hispanic market in Lewiston. The sto, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on the city of Old Town's Youth Leadership Program, which is a 10-m, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on the community horticultural project at United Technologies Cente, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on the ongoing debate over school pregnancies and the distribution, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on the rejection of a new Wal-Mart supercenter by about 30 percent, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on the Sen. George J. Mitchell Center for Environmental and Watersh, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on the Washington County Consortium for School Improvement, which h, Meg Haskell

"News" piece on this year's crop of wild Maine blueberries, which dropped to 30, Meg Haskell

"News" piece reporting that the University of Maine Advanced Engineered Wood Com, Meg Haskell

"Q & A" piece with Barney Rier, founder of The Old Sardine Village Museum in Lub, Meg Haskell