The weekly Maine Times newspaper focused on feature-length articles and reportage about Maine's arts communities, from October 1968 - through 2002.
Portland Public Library's collection in the Portland Room includes the complete Maine Times on microfilm, as well as the Maine Times Index- which accompanies indexed entries in the Maine News Index.


Submissions from 2000

At the recent annual meeting of the Penobscot River Advisory Committee, which re, Phyllis Austin

"Cover Story" piece on Lynx canadensis. Maine is the only Northeast state with, Phyllis Austin

"Cover Story" piece on New Brunswick, Canada-based Irving Forest Products, which, Phyllis Austin

"Cover Story" piece on public funds and conservation easements on private proper, Phyllis Austin

"Cover Story" piece on the Stowell family of Carthage, owners of United Timber a, Phyllis Austin

"Feature Story" piece on a Land Use Regulation Commission (LURC) plan to zone Ma, Phyllis Austin

"Feature Story" piece on Bangor Hydro-Electric's proposal to build a 345 kv tran, Phyllis Austin

"Feature Story" piece on Burt's Bees, the nature-friendly bath, beauty and skin, Phyllis Austin

"Feature Story" piece on the reintroduction of wolves to the state of Maine, whi, Phyllis Austin

"Maine Interview" piece with Al and Sue Cooper, who have operated a sporting cam, Phyllis Austin

"Maine Interview" piece with Mary Baxter White, 99, of Brunswick, the niece and, Phyllis Austin

Maine's new Turtle Ridge Trail offers hikers a Zen-like peace. The special feel, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece about the 1997 purchase by the Maine Department of Inland, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on 16 beavers that have been shot at the Aroostook Nationa, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a $4 million agreement, signed Nov. 2, that protects th, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a change in Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a decision by officials of the Bureau of Parks and Land, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on advertising that is creeping onto the Appalachian Trail, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a failed effort to reopen recreational fish for Atlanti, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a Feb. 13 fire that destroyed the home of Mitch Lansky, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a historic deal that would create state ecological rese, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a lawsuit filed in Superior Court on Nov. 30 to block a, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on an effort by the state Bureau of Parks and Lands to les, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a new Bureau of Parks and Lands (BPL) Integrated Resour, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a new Land Use Regulation Commission (LURC) rules chang, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a new motorized access site on the Allagash Wilderness, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a new snag that is further clouding the Allagash Wilder, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a proposal by the Land Use Regulation Commission (LURC), Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a recent 4-3 vote by the Land Use Regulation Commission, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a recent Land Use Regulation Commission (LURC) hearing, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a September vote by the state's Land Use Regulatory Com, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a two-day forum on "big box" stores held in Brunswick r, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a U.S. Navy plan to deploy the loudest sound ever put i, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a wolf-like animal first reported on in the Maine Times, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a wolf or wolf-hybrid spotted on the Telos logging road, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on "bandit hikers" who are using Baxter State Park to link, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on bush pilots in the north woods and their future, which, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Carole Dyer of Bowdoinham, who has been recommended for, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on certification of forest practices in Maine. A forum sp, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on environmentalists who are questioning the relevancy of, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Gov. Angus King's Oct. 12 announcement that Maine will, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Hancock Timber Resource Group, which is selling 44 perc, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on International Paper Co., which is selling off 6,002 acr, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Irving Forest Products, which is considering seeking a, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on J .D. Irving, which recently achieved "green" approval, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on land that is being offered for sale by Union Water Powe, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Land Use Regulation Commission proposed rules that woul, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Maine's lynx population, which is growing, even though, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Maine's new chickadee license plate, which has caused l, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Maine's tourism industry, which is opposing the Departm, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on members of the revived advisory committee to the state', Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on motorized access to the Allagash Wilderness Waterway., Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on negotiations to protect the Appalachain Trail (AT) on S, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on north woods gate fees, which have been reduced for the, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on proposed new rules for the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on public land acquisitions in Southern Maine, which won't, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on roadside memorials in Maine. John Melrose, commissione, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on snowmobilers who want All Terrain Vehicles (ATV) driver, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on state park personnel, who will retain their law enforce, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway's John's Bridge access, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the approval of a landmark zoning plan for the Rangeley, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the Baxter State Authority, which resolved at its July, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the bidding war between International Paper (IP) and Fi, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the conclusion of a pact between Baxter Park officials, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA). The act, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife's Big G, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the final draft of a new resource policy that would eli, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the Land for Maine's Future (LMF) board and its approva, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the Land Use Regulation Commission's (LURC) approval of, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the Land Use Regulation Commission, which has taken th, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on The Nature Conservancy's unprecedented success in its f, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the next public fight over clear-cutting in Maine. The, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the ongoing discussions between the National Park Servi, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the Penobscot Indian nation and Baxter State Park offic, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the planned acquisition of Champion International by th, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the position of Maine officials, including Lee Perry, c, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the proposed construction of a motorized access to the, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the purchase by John Malone of 7,500 acres around Spenc, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the purchase of 7,500 acres around Spencer Lake by medi, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the scarcity of birds at feeders this winter. Tom Hodg, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the so-called "Allagash wolf," which was captured on Ju, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the Sportsman's Alliance of Maine, which is taking cred, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Tim Caverly, former manger of the Allagash Wilderness W, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on trouble that has erupted among competing bear hunters a, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on two miles of a public trail in Van Buren, converted fro, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on whales that get entangled in lobster gear. The number, Phyllis Austin

On May 24, about 300 people attended a meeting in Wiscasset on the state Departm, Phyllis Austin

Profile of Jackie Webber of Township 17 in Aroostook County, who was quickly end, Phyllis Austin

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 addresses the accessibility ri, Phyllis Austin

"Books & the Arts" piece on "Alan Bray: Recent Works," an art exhibit that is b, Edgar Allen Beem

"Books & the Arts" piece on "Andrew Wyeth: Her Room," an art exhibition curated, Edgar Allen Beem

"Books & the Arts" piece on an exhibition of art works by Jennifer Gardiner, whi, Edgar Allen Beem

"Books & the Arts" piece on "Artists in Maine: Works by Philip Rogers, and Othe, Edgar Allen Beem

"Books & the Arts" piece on "Coming of Age at the Turn of the Century: Photogra, Edgar Allen Beem

"Books & the Arts" piece on "Fairfield Porter: a life in art," which was writte, Edgar Allen Beem

"Books & the Arts" piece on "George Lloyd & Joe Slusky: Watercolors & Drawings, Edgar Allen Beem

"Books & the Arts" piece on "In Praise of Nature: Ansel Adams and Photographers, Edgar Allen Beem

"Books & the Arts" piece on "Johnnie Ross: New Paintings," a collection of 21 o, Edgar Allen Beem

"Books & the Arts" piece on "Joseph Nicoletti: Drawings and Paintings," an art, Edgar Allen Beem

"Books & the Arts" piece on "Lewis Hine: The Child Labor Photographs in Maine,, Edgar Allen Beem