Down East magazine, has been publishing since August 1954, and continues as one of Maine's most prominent monthly magazines. Their web site's history page provides the following description:

"The goal of Down East has always been to hold a mirror up to Maine — its storied past and lively present — and to celebrate its flinty, independent character and unhurried way of life. As Maine has changed with the times, however, so has Down East. Today the state has come to embrace its future as well as its past. Accordingly, the magazine now focuses more on contemporary Maine life and what the future might bring and less on historical background and quaint rusticity. Booming circulation and advertising gains demonstrate the wisdom of this editorial shift."

Portland Public Library's collection of Down East is complete, and begins with the first issue, August 1954. The hard copies are available in the Portland Room.


Submissions from 1995

"Along the Waterfront" piece about boatbuilder David Nutt of Southport Island, w, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece about boatbuilder Malcolm Pettegrow, of Southwest H, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece about boatbuilder Ralph Stanley, of Southwest Harbo, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece about the "Archipelago Solo," designed by Jean Mari, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece about the Corson Boat Company, in Madison, one of t, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece on books for boaters by two veteran Maine editor-wr, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece on Captain John Nugent's "North Wind," a fifty-seve, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece on Edmund Davis of Tremont, who is attempting to re, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece on Mark Murray's Sea Hoss Skiff, a broad, high-side, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece on Newman Gee of Hartland, who harvests hackmatack,, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece on Oakes Ames, a racing rower and owner of the Mart, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece on PACT 95, the Maine-based America's Cup team that, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece on the commissioning of the USS Maine, a 560-foot T, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece on the famous Down East racing lobsterboat "Red Bar, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece on the opening of the nonprofit Maine Watercraft Mu, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece on the "Pride -N- Joy," a thirty-nine-foot lobsterb, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece on the "Sunbeam V," the new seagoing chapel of the, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece profiling Steve Pagels, of Cherryfield, a sailor an, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece reporting that Cabot Lyman, owner of the Lyman-Mors, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront" piece reporting that sixty years after artist-sailor Capt, James P. Brown

"Along the Waterfront." Profiles of five boatbuilders -- Mike Mayne, who repair

Although Brunswick Naval Air Station and Portsmouth Naval Shipyard were spared f

Although Maine's pre-colonial Europeans arrived during what climatologists call, Jeff Clark

Although mocha-ware was never made in Maine, the brightly colored pottery was a, Ellen MacDonald Ward

Although special-interest niche cable-TV networks are now commonplace, one of th

Although Union doesn't see a lot of tourists once its fair ends, crowds have bee

An innovative zero-coupon bond program developed by Bath Savings Institution wil

"An insider's guide to Portland." Al Diamon lists his favorite out-of-the-way P, Al Diamon

Any Bethel resident with a computer and modem now has Internet access, thanks to

A reminiscence by Maine Times editor John Cole of his attachment to "the house o, John Cole

Article about Canada geese which are settling in Maine in unprecedented numbers., John Cole

Article about Caratunk, a small western Maine mountain community of about 100 pe, Andrew Vietze

Article about Erich Gimpel and William Curtis Colepaugh, two German spies who we, Mason Philip Smith

Article about Margie Johnson and her Porter Emporium, a gift shop located in Por, Daurelle Golden Harris

Article about Newell Convers (N. C.) Wyeth (1822-1945), who was 43-years-old an, Stephen May

Article about Sam Shaw, a Northeast Harbor Jeweler, who turns beach stones into, Mark Condon

Article about sculptor David Pollock, who has a retreat in Fayette, west of Augu, Luann Yetter

Article about sixty-five-year-old Bill Coperthwaite of Bucks Harbor, the founder, Sarah Scott

Article about the Maine Sea Coast Mission and Ted Hoskins, 63, its new minister., Ken Textor

Article about the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) of Maine, which star, Edgar Allen Beem

Article by Edgar Allen Beem who stayed awake all night to find out who shops at, Edgar Allen Beem

Article describing present-day and historic Castine, with information about the, Andrew Vietze

Article on antique souvenir china, which was very common around the state in the, Laurence W. Williams

Article on a series of sixteen drawings, the earliest known depictions of the vi, William David Barry and Geraldine Scott Tidd

Article on Bear Spring Camps on Great Pond, in the Belgrade Lakes region. Bear, Christopher Corbett

Article on early summer rusticators to Mount Desert Island, with a description o, John Cole

Article on efforts to restore eastern bluebirds to the state, noting that the co, Paul Karr

Article on Fitch's General Store in East Sebago, which may be the last old-style, Jeff Clark

Article on Louesa Gillespie's oriental shade garden at "Mayfair," along the Shor, Jane Lamb

Article on the beauty of native, uncultivated flora, mentioning black-eyed Susan, Richard Grant