The weekly Maine Times newspaper focused on feature-length articles and reportage about Maine's arts communities, from October 1968 - through 2002.
Portland Public Library's collection in the Portland Room includes the complete Maine Times on microfilm, as well as the Maine Times Index- which accompanies indexed entries in the Maine News Index.


Submissions from 2001

"News & Issues" piece on Margaret Puckett, who has stepped down as director of t

"News" piece on the Fund for a Healthy Maine, which was set up with part of this

"News" piece reporting that Maine Times won seven first-place awards last week i

The Environmental Scorecard for members of the 120th Maine Legislature, an eight

"Nature Watch" piece on becoming more aware of nature, with references to Bernd, Ken Allen

"Nature Watch" piece on Swan Island, which lies on the Kennebec River between th, Ken Allen

"Nature Watch" piece on Wolf River apple trees, which produces a midseason apple, Ken Allen

"Art Review" piece on "The Wilderness From Chamberlain Fair: A Story of Hope fo, Phyllis Austin

"Cover Story" piece on a necropsy report by the Department of Inland Fisheries a, Phyllis Austin

"Cover Story" piece on Corinna, which the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Phyllis Austin

"Cover Story" piece on Herb Haynes, 70, of Winn, owner of H. C. Haynes Inc., a t, Phyllis Austin

"Cover Story" piece on leased camp lots, which has been a north woods tradition, Phyllis Austin

"Cover Story" piece on managing public lands in Maine, which are being rapidly a, Phyllis Austin

"Cover Story" piece on the Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association (SVCA), whi, Phyllis Austin

"Cover Story" piece on the Upper Enchanted Township subdivision in Somerset Coun, Phyllis Austin

Detailed article about Great Northern Paper Co.'s plans to sell its hydroelectri, Phyllis Austin

"Feature Story" piece on the Land for Maine's Future (LMF) board, which is askin, Phyllis Austin

"Feature Story" piece profiling George Smith, 53, the executive director of the, Phyllis Austin

"Feature Story" piece profiling Herb Haynes, 70, of Winn, the president of H. C., Phyllis Austin

"Maine Interview" piece with Maine Supreme Court Justices Susan Calkins, 58, and, Phyllis Austin

"Maine Interview" piece with Peirce Webber, 91, of Bangor, whose family once own, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a decision by Great Northern Paper Co. not to plow the, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a decision by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wi, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a half-dozen legislative forestry bills that were debat, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a legislative bill introduced by Sen. John Martin, D-Ea, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a legislative bill proposed by the Sportsman's Alliance, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a legislative bill sponsored by Rep. Matt Dunlap, D-Old, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a legislative bill sponsored by Sen. John Martin, D-Eag, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a legislative bill sponsored by Sen. Marge Kilkelly, D-, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a legislative bill that extends a prohibition against p, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on an amendment to a legislative bill now before the Legis, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on an Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) proposal to expand i, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Andrews Island off South Thomaston, whose owners are pr, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a proposal to locate a seasonal camp in the middle of a, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a public hearing that will be opened by the Legislature, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on a recent decision by Commissioner Lee Perry of Inland F, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Energy East's chairman and president, Wesley von Schack, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on forest referenda campaigns driven by environmentalist J, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Great Northern Paper, which is asking the Department of, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Jalbert Camps on Round Pond, one of two remaining sport, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Jonathan Carter's new referendum campaign to impose a 1, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on major properties around state-owned Mt. Kineo that are, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Mary Gregor of Hodgdon, who was charged with real estat, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Richard Brown, 52, a Dallas telecommunications executiv, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Steve Wight's reappointment to the Land Use Regulation, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on Texas businessman Dick Brown, who paid $9,128,000 to Me, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the 25th anniversary celebration of the Bigelow Preserv, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the 762,192-acre Pingree Forest Partnership Project in, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the Baxter Park Authority, which is having difficulty f, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the campaign against coyotes in Maine. The Department, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the Churchill Dam at the head of the Allagash River sec, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the creation of Maine's first ecological reserves, whic, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the fresh water crisis on Monhegan Island and concern a, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the Land for Maine's Future Board, which has adopted wo, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the Land for Maine's Future Board, which was establishe, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the reappointment of Steve Wight to the Land Use Regula, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the reintroduction of wolves in Maine, which University, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the renomination of Chairman Steve Wight to the Land Us, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the Sportsman's Alliance of Maine (SAM), which is unhap, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on the whitewater rafting industry, which wants to play a, Phyllis Austin

"News & Issues" piece on two legislative bills on clearcutting and forest sustai, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on a 650,000-acre conservation easement along the West Branch of th, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on a conservation easement deal in Carrabassett Valley being negoti, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on a Department of Agriculture income/cost analysis of orchard land, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on a golden eagle that was shot in Alna earlier this month. Accord, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on a legislative bill that prohibits the creation of 40-acre and la, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on allegations by the Land Use Regulation Commission (LURC) that Th, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on a new $28 million bridge planned for Augusta that will connect I, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on a proposal before the Land Use Regulation Commission (LURC) that, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on a proposal by the Bureau of Parks and Lands that would almost do, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on a proposal by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to designate 16, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on a proposed agreement between the state and the National Park Ser, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on Bangor Hydro-Electric's (BHE) proposed 345 kv Downeast transmiss, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on entrepreneur Harley Lee, owner of Endless Energy Corp. of Yarmou, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on five Canada lynx kittens found in Maine this summer, bringing to, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on forestry consultant Lloyd Irland, who opposes liquidation harves, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on "grandfathered," or non-comforming buildings, which can be found, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on increased road building by timer companies, which has brought ea, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on International Paper Co. (IP), Maine's second largest landowner,, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on John Williams who is leaving as director of the Land Use Regulat, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on Mark Pietras and James Whitton, both of Scarborough, who have be, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on Moosehead Lake's water level. Carlton Pinney, president of the, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on new information about the effects of the Navy's anti-submarine L, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on Plum Creek Timber's concept plan for First Roach Pond, which was, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on Plum Creek Timber's proposed sale of camp lots around First Roac, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on possible permit violations in the Allagash Wilderness Waterway., Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on remote camp lots that are being sold to leaseholders in the nort, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on Roxanne Quimby's ambition to start a new career working as an en, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on Saddleback Ski Area owner Donald Breen who is seeking a buyer fo, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on Sunday River, which, since the 1980s, has widened dramatically., Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on Sven, the Computerized National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administ, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway's planned access site at John's, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on the continuing sell-off of the North Woods, as illustrated by Pl, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IFW), which has, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on the Downeast location of a new $50 million, 84-mile transmission, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on the fight between Texas businessman Dick Brown, who recently pur, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on the Land for Maine's Future Board, which has agreed to craft a m, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on the Land for Maine's Future Board, which has approved spending $, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on the legacy of the late Gov. Percival Baxter. Baxter State Park, Phyllis Austin

"News" piece on the reappointment of Irving Faunce of Kennebunkport to the Board, Phyllis Austin