Content Posted in 2014
"Continuum" piece arguing that there is no better way to fight sprawl than to en, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece by Peter W. Cox on Frank M. Coffin, the 1960 candidate for gov, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece by Peter W. Cox responding to a March 5 cover storyby Ken Chut, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece comparing Maine Times' early stories, which were fairly simple, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece critical of a new telemarketing course proposed by the Univers, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece critical of Portland Press Herald reporter David Hench and pho, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece deploring a Maine law that requires all school personnel to un, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece deploring the law that requires Maine school employees, includ, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece noting that at a gathering of New England environmentalists h, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on a conference, sponsored by Maine Preservation, featuring as, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on an essay written by 14-year-old Tyler Anderson about his pe, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on a recent Maine Forest Service report warning of an impendin, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on a recent report on the University of Maine System. The rep, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on a recent study for the Maine Coast Heritage Trust, which sh, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on a referendum that would allow the medical use of marijuana, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on a study by economist Josephine LaPlante of the Maine Instit, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on crime in America, focusing on the unwarranted fear generat, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on crime in Maine, and what one can tell by reading the Superi, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on dioxin, the referendum to ban clear-cutting and the referen, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on economic development in Tupelo, Mississippi, as a model for, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on experimenting with methods of saving spring blooming bulbs, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on farmers' markets. Elizabeth Noyce has discussed a year-rou, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on football at the University of Maine at Orono and Maine Depa, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on Gov. King, the forest compact and how it represents the new, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on how Aroostook County potato farmers, upset over the new ope, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on how the public remains skeptical of the new environmental m, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on how to save the Atlantic groundfish stocks. The author say, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on independent gubernatorial candidate Angus King and his comm, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on Jamie Mackintosh, a native of Holden, a ski instructor in J, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on Joey Aceto, 47, a former Mainer who was recently arrested i, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on Jonathan Carter, his influence on the defeat of the Compact, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on last month's opening at the Blaine House in Augusta of an e, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on Maine's anti-sprawl movement, now called smart growth, whic, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on Maine's income tax burden and how it is affected by urban s, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on Paul Hawken, author of "The Ecology of Commerce," who spoke, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on Robert A. G. Monks of Cape Elizabeth, who finished third am, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on several bills before the Legislature to control the harvest, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the $150 million being spent on the Brunswick-Topsham bypas, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the Ban clear-cutting referendum and its alternatives. The, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the campaigns for and against the Compact for Maine's Fores, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the continuing debate over the use, abuse and attempts to r, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the controversy surrounding Maine Public Broadcasting Corp., Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the current controversy about allowing polluting industries, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the current controversy over Maine Times' acceptance of cig, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the debate between the purists and the pragmatists over Gov, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the December meeting of the Smart Growth Forum, a small gro, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the decision by Maine Department of Education Commissioner, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the erosion of civil rights in our zeal to catch criminals., Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the failures of the McKernan administration., Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the federal attempt to put atlantic salmon on the Endangere, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the Forest Ecology Network, and its opposition to the Compa, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the future of American ski resorts, predicting that the Ame, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the goals of the special legislative task force on smart gr, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the hazardous waste dump in our homes and garages. With su, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the new report by the Maine Environmental Priorities Projec, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the November referendum on clear-cutting and forest practic, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the recent airing and critique of the ideas of State Planni, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the return of passenger train service between Portland and, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the return of passenger train service between Portland and, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the sanitization of politicians' comments and grammar by th, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the sprawl that destroys downtowns and quality of life. Sp, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on the Wolfe's Neck Farm Foundation, the nonprofit organizatio, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on traffic congestion in Maine, which is getting unbearable, a, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on transportation alternatives for Maine. The Alternative Mod, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on two competing measures to limit dioxin discharges. Industr, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on urban sprawl suggesting that the problem must be dealt with, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on Wal-Mart and civic virtue., Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece on widening the Maine Turnpike and the potential for increased, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece reviewing the recently published bicentennial history of Sumne, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece suggesting alternatives to legislation mandating fingerprintin, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece the need to encourage agriculture in Maine. The author notes, Peter W. Cox
"Continuum" piece urging the Legislature to support recommended legislation deve, Peter W. Cox
Contractors on Tuesday will begin the first phase of a multi-million dollar, 98-
Contractors will break ground next week on the York-Cumberland Housing Managemen
Contract talks between the town of Old Orchard Beach and concert promoters have
Contradances, or "old time country dancing," were revived in the 1970s and remai, Leila Childs and Chris Dardaris
Contributions and pledges for the new Children's Museum of Maine are running $35
"Conversation" with Gary Dow, president of the First Maine Heavy Artillery, a Ci
Conversion Factors., Douglas Rooks
Converstations with some active Maine art dealers (Tom Veilleux of Farmington; D, Edgar Allen Beem
Converting the Maine Turnpike to an electronic toll collection system will resul
Convicted drug smuggler Harvey Prager, the focus of controversy earlier this yea
Cook's Corner Shopping Center in Brunswick has found new life as part of a boomi
Cooper, a 10-month-old Terrier mix, was found four months ago wandering the stre
Cooperation Proves a Winning Strategy for Maine Credit Unions, John Murphy
Cooperative Lending, James McCarthy
"Cop beat" piece comparing the Falmouth Police Department's public police log wi, Lael Morgan
"Cop beat" piece on a letter received by Casco Bay Weekly (CBW) on July 10 from, Lael Morgan
"Cop beat" piece on a new Portland Police Department publication called the "Arr, Lael Morgan
"Cop beat" piece on an Officer of the Month award ceremony held by the Portland, Lael Morgan
"Cop beat" piece on anonymous letters received by the Casco Bay Weekly in respon, Lael Morgan
"Cop beat" piece on a reporters' workshop held at Bates College in Lewiston on M, Lael Morgan
"Cop beat" piece on discrepancies between Portland Police Department (PPD) recor, Lael Morgan
"Cop beat" piece on the Casco Bay Weekly's (CBW) continuing effort to gain acces, Lael Morgan
"Cop Beat" piece on the Casco Bay Weekly's (CBW) ongoing tug-of-war with the Por, Lael Morgan
"Cop beat" piece on the "police beat" as a career field. With references to inc, Lael Morgan
"Cop beat" piece on the Portland Police Department activities for the week of Ma, Lael Morgan
"Cop beat" piece on the Portland Police Department's continuing failure to produ, Lael Morgan
"Cop beat" piece on the Portland Police Department's log for the period March 24, Lael Morgan
"Cop beat" piece on the Portland Police Department, which has refused to provide, Lael Morgan
"Cop beat" piece reporting that the Portland Police Department is making it reco
"Cop beat" piece with the Cumberland County Sheriff's list of individuals arrest, Lael Morgan
"Cop beat" piece with tips and resources on how to access government information, Lael Morgan
Corey Brown, the 12-year-old Lewiston girl who has spastic cerebral palsy and sc
Corey E. Corbin, a Republican ballot counter, has said that she saw Kenneth Alle
Cornerstones Inc. of Portland, which has a workforce of 18 and annual sales of $
Corning Costar Corp. of Cambridge, Mass., has announced plans to lease 20,074 sq
Cornish has transformed from a farming and mill community into a charming destin, Virginia M. Wright
Cornish hosts an apple festival each fall, and everyone in town shows up to eat, Paul Karr
Corporal David Trask, a Madison police office, has filed suit in Somerset County
Corporators at Brighton Medical Center this week approved a letter of intent to
Corrected Deering Oaks traffic plan. The map on page 1 of the 16 December 1993
Corrections Commissioner Donald Allen has decided to cut the number of beds in t
Corrections officials yesterday staged a three-hour search at the new Cumberland
Correction to mention of Rudy Valle in the Dec 1998 issue.
Costume designer Susan Picinich works at the University of Southern Maine and de, Katharina Hagmann
Council of Economic Advisors chairman Laura D'Andrea Tyson, speaking at the annu
Councilors in Cape Elizabeth adopted a carry-out trash policy for the 96-acre Fo
Country music is big in places like the Country Crossroads Dance Hall in Standis, Tanya Whiton
County by county listing of residential camps belonging to the Maine Youth Campi
Coverage of town meetings in Acton, Alfred, Athens, Baldwin, Bowdoin, Canton, Co
Coverage of town meetings in Appleton, Avon, Canaan, Eliot, Farmingdale, Fryebur
Coverage of yesterday's 21st Annual Old Port Festival, which witnessed wind, rai
Cover story about Maine's three wilderness schools: Ray Reitze's Earthways in C, Karen Fisk
Cover story about the HIV/AIDS Medicaid Waiver program, which the state of Maine, Tony Giampetruzzi
Cover story article about part-time teachers at the University of Southern Maine, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" exploring the concept of ecotourism in Maine and asking whether th, Aimee Curl
"Cover Story" interview with LeeAnne, who has terminal cancer and does not wish, Connie Pacillo
Cover story on essayist, Bowdoin College English professor, and published author, Douglas Rooks
Cover story on federal health care reform and its potential impact on Maine. Inc, Chris Hyde
Cover story on inventors and invention in Maine. With comments from James S. Wa, Chris Hyde
Cover story on Maine's economy. Although the growth in output is up by 4 percen, Chris Hyde
Cover story on Maine's micro-breweries and brew pubs. Mainers in 1992 consumed, Chris Hyde
Cover story on Maine's newspapers. The recession cut into advertising revenue f, Chris Hyde
Cover story on the concept of a limited-access highway running from Maine east t, Chris Hyde
Cover story on the inspection of 59 of Portland's bar bathrooms by Casco Bay Wee
Cover story on the paper industry in Maine. The state, with 16 major paper comp, Chris Hyde
Cover story on the restoration of the rail link between Boston and Portland. Alt, Chris Hyde
Cover story piece about Maine's Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement (BETR) prog, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece about the Maine State Prison at Thomaston, which is in the p, Murray Carpenter
"Cover Story" piece analyzing how solid support for a legislative bill that mand, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece analyzing Maine's most recent statewide gay rights campaign., Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece analyzing Question 3 on the November 7 referendum ballot, wh, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece analyzing recent media coverage of anthrax exposures in the, Brendan Wolfe
"Cover Story" piece analyzing the relationship between students at Lewiston's Ba, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece analyzing why Question 6 on Maine's Nov. 7 statewide referen, Loren King
"Cover Story" piece and fourth in a series on education with a comprehensive ana, Cindy Davis
"Cover Story" piece by Mary McNulty of Portland, who reports on a visit to North, Mary McNulty
"Cover Story" piece casting some of Maine's most prominent public figures in the, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece comparing Greater Portland-area candidates running in the Ju, Lael Morgan
"Cover Story" piece consisting of 11 essays by readers about coming to and leavi
"Cover Story" piece containing excerpts from James Moore's new book "Human Sacri, Lael Morgan
"Cover Story" piece critical of Gov. Angus King's proposal to provide all Maine, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece criticizing local media coverage of a demonstration in Port, Sam Pfeifle
"Cover Story" piece examining the reasons for the high cost of drugs, which has, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece featuring six Mainers and their reflections on the times and, Staff
"Cover Story" piece focusing on a Friday night Bangor Rams football game at Bang, Brendan Wolfe
"Cover Story" piece focusing on how local media decide on the scope, play, and s, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece focusing on Portland City Council candidates Cheryl Leeman,, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece focusing on two of the five children of S. Peter Mills, 87,, Douglas Rooks
"Cover Story" piece in journal format spanning a period of 35 hours with Dr. Lyn, Sharon Bass
"Cover Story" piece in Q & A format on Nance Monaghan, 45, of Cape Elizabeth, a, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece noting that the last time Portlanders elected a city council, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on 10 things that mattered in 1999, recapping local issues a
"Cover Story" piece on $147 million worth of bond issues facing voters on Nov. 6, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on 25 tongue-in-cheek ideas for a better Portland, including, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on 80 Grant Street, which has the dubious distinction of bei, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on a 45-acre site on the western edge of Belfast where a new, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on a Bayside community-design workshop organized by architec, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on acclaimed novelist Nicholson Baker of South Berwick, who, Doug Hubley
"Cover Story" piece on a controversial citizen initiated referendum in Portland, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on a council of elders in Portland that is offering city off, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on a day in the life of a Portland heroin junkie. The autho, Anonymous
"Cover Story" piece on adult children who are returning home to live with their, Sharon Bass
"Cover Story" piece on Aegis Bicycles of Van Buren, which evolved from Simplex,, Murray Carpenter
"Cover Story" piece on a federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HU, Sam Smith
"Cover Story" piece on a fire that destroyed part of the headquarters of the Mai, Jay Davis
"Cover Story" piece on after-hours dancing clubs in Portland. Four Old Port bar, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on a group of Maine activists who entered Canada via Jackman, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on a group of Mainers who met last fall to consider starting, Rebecca Goldfine
"Cover Story" piece on a growing tendency of neighborhoods, particularly in Port, Greg Williams
"Cover Story" piece on AIDS, both nationally and in Maine. With special focus o, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Cover Story" piece on air pollution in Maine. According to Jim Brooks, directo, David Tyler
"Cover Story" piece on Alan and Patricia Kaplan of Montville, who believe their, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on a legislative bill officially known as an Act to Increase, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on a legislative bill sponsored by Rep. David Madore, R-Augu, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on a legislative bill that would allow municipalities to tax, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on a legislative blunder that left the newly formed Maine Et, Chris Barker
"Cover Story" piece on a Maine Woods National Park (MWNP), which was first propo, Douglas Rooks
"Cover Story" piece on a march held in Augusta on Oct 26 protesting the Bush adm, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on a meeting of the Maine Global Action Network (MEGAN), whi, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on Amtrak's new Downeaster service between Boston and Portla, Murray Carpenter
"Cover Story" piece on "An Act Regarding Forest Practices," Question 2 on Maine', Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on "An Act to Establish the Maine Communities in the New Cen, Doug Hubley
"Cover Story" piece on a necropsy report by the Department of Inland Fisheries a, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on an estimated 400 refugees from war-ravaged Sudan who are, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on a new brochure to be published by the state's Bureau of H, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on a new distribution formula for Maine's $500,000 in federa, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on a new four-lane highway proposed for Aroostook County. W, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on Annette Dragon, whose photo exhibit "Act Up Fight Back Ta, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Cover Story" piece on an olfactory tour of the newly smell-sanitized city of Po, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on an undercover investigative report on sanitation, personn, Chris Barry
"Cover Story" piece on a perception that the 1990s did not produce a bumper crop, Edgar Allen Beem
"Cover Story" piece on a proposal by Department of Human Services (DHS) official, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on a proposal by the Western Mountains Foundation (WMF) to c, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on a proposal to add a Division III football team to the Uni, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on a proposed gay rights bill recently drafted with concessi, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Cover Story" piece on a proposed new bridge over the St. Croix River. One of t, Chris Barker
"Cover Story" piece on a proposed zoning change in Portland that would allow dev, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on a question concerning the medical use of marijuana, which, Jay Davis
"Cover Story" piece on a recent decision by the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sund, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on a referendum question concerning legalizing marijuana for, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on a referendum question that Mainers will vote on in Novemb, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on art curator Katy Kline who has made the Bowdoin College M, Jenna Russell
"Cover Story" piece on a series of lectures delivered by the celebrated Swiss ps, Amrita Narayanan Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on a sudden surge in the number of literary events being hos, Kristin Rieff
"Cover Story" piece on a summer day spent at southern Maine's Old Orchard Beach, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on Atlantic Canada companies that have poured millions into, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on a trio of photography exhibitions and the publication of, Edgar Allen Beem
"Cover Story" piece on attempts to bring Amtrak service to Maine, and obstacles, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on a U.S. News and World Report college ranking published Se, Greg Williams
"Cover Story" piece on author Louise Dickinson Rich, and about her Winter House, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on "automatic coin operated phonographs," otherwise known as, Pete Hodgin
"Cover Story" piece on a wave of legal and illegal immigrants entering Maine by, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on a weekly batterers intervention class held at Portland's, Sharon Bass
"Cover Story" piece on Bangor, a city that is seeing a resurgence of residential, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on Bangor's new waterfront plan, which represents a $140 mil, Douglas Rooks
"Cover Story" piece on Bangor, which will host the National Folk Festival for th, Chris Barker
"Cover Story" piece on bankruptcy filings, which have doubled nationally and tri, Lael Morgan
"Cover Story" piece on Bar Harbor and its Bar Harbor 2000 committee, which in 19, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on Bartlettyarns in Harmony, which is the oldest woolen mill, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on Bath during the Christmas season. On the first Saturday, Meadow Rue Merrill
"Cover Story" piece on bean farming in Maine. In the 1997 agricultural census,b, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on bear hunting in Maine and attempts to regulate it, which, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on Beth Martin, 30, of Portland, who is one of 130 volunteer, Steve Hargreaves
"Cover Story" piece on B & M Baked Beans of Portland, which is named after Geor, Joan Lang
"Cover Story" piece on Bob and Shirley French of Tenants Harbor, who have decide, Doug Hubley
"Cover Story" piece on Bob Reny, 73, of Damariscotta, founder of Renys, a chain, Jay Davis
"Cover Story" piece on bomb threats in Maine schools during the last school year, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on Boothby & Bartlett Insurance Agency of Waterville, which, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on Brian Farrington, 39, of Minot, who filed a lawsuit again, Chris Barker
"Cover Story" piece on Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge who, between 1975 to 1979, s, Sam Smith
"Cover Story" piece on Camden, an amphitheater in the middle of town that attrac, Richard Grant
"Cover Story" piece on Camp Susan Curtis in Stoneham, which is named after forme, Susan Hand Shetterly
"Cover Story" piece on cancer and renewed testimony to the reality that anyone i, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on candidates and ballot questions that Portland voters will, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on career professionals who have taken up art as a means of, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on Carolyn Chute, 53, of North Parsonsfield, author of "The, Brendan Wolfe
"Cover Story" piece on "catcalling" in Portland, the male practice of whistling, Elizabeth Reilly
"Cover Story" piece on changes that would be made if nine artists interviewed by, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on character education in Carol Pullen's first-grade class a, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on Chellie Pingree, who has been named president and CEO of, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on Chris Gardiner of Bangor, a ghostbuster with a special in, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on Christmas in Aroostook County. With special focus on and, Robert Post
"Cover Story" piece on civil rights versus public safety in Maine. Since 1995,, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on climbing Mount Katahdin in Maine's Baxter State Park, whi, Brendan Wolfe
"Cover Story" piece on Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs, in which, Denise Porter Kemp
"Cover Story" piece on Corinna, which the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on corporate downsizing and benefit packages, which depend o, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
"Cover Story" piece on Cumberland County manager Peter Crichton's new Strategic, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on cuts in state school funding, how they will affect the ci, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on Davin Binenbaum, 17, of Portland, who is the organizer of, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on Democrats in the state Legislature, led by House Speaker, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on Dennis Bailey, president of the Portland-based Savvy Inc., Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on diets and the confusion that is being generated by confli, Rebecca Goldfine
"Cover Story" piece on director Todd Field and why he chose to film his feature-, Brendan Wolfe
"Cover Story" piece on District Attorney (DA) David Crook who has served Kennebe, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on domestic abuse with special focus on the murder of Carol, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on domestic violence in Maine's same-sex homes. According t, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Cover Story" piece on Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE), the 18-year-old t, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on drug addiction in Maine. Maine Drug Enforcement Agency h, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on Edna Grzyb, owner and principal stylist at the Jadwiga sa, Sara Donnelly
"Cover Story" piece on efforts to develop a street culture in Portland to attrac, Sam Pfeifle
"Cover Story" piece on eking out a living Downeast in Maine's Washington County., Murray Carpenter
"Cover Story" piece on Eli Pariser, 21, a former resident of Camden, an anti-war, Sam Pfeifle
"Cover Story" piece on Employment 1, a for-profit company based in Portland that, Chris Barry
"Cover Story" piece on Ethan Strimling, 33, of Portland, executive director of t, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on ethnic groups in Portland, from the Irish and Italians to, Greg Williams
"Cover Story" piece on "ex" homosexuals who say that even renouncing their sexua, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" piece on expanding legalized gambling in Maine. In November, vote, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on fashion in Maine, with special focus on Brook DeLorme who, Rebecca Goldfine
"Cover Story" piece on female circumcision, a cultural mandate practiced by some, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" piece on fifteen people, including a city police detective, assist, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on "Finding Katahdin: An Exploration of Maine's Past" by Am, Brendan Wolfe
"Cover Story" piece on five state legislative races, exploring the issues, the f, Staff
"Cover Story" piece on former Central Maine Power Co. (CMP) chief executive offi, Chris Barker
"Cover Story" piece on former Portland City Manager Bob Ganley, who died unexpec, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on former State Senate Majority Leader Chellie Pingree, 46,, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on Forum Francophone des Affaires (FFA), a powerhouse trade, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on four physicians, Merlin Hidalgo of Old Orchard Beach, Joh, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on Frank Tuttle Jr., 30, of Portland, who was released from, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" piece on funding for small arts organizations, which are finding i, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on furniture auctions in the Greater Portland area, includin, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on Gary Canter, a maverick counselor with College Placement, Jay Davis
"Cover Story" piece on gay people who know that if they want to adopt a child in, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" piece on gay politics in Maine. After a flurry of activity over t, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Cover Story" piece on George Friou, executive director of the AIDS Project in P, Gibson Fay-Leblanc
"Cover Story" piece on Gerry Boyle, a former reporter with the Morning Sentinel, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on global warming. While carbon dioxide in the atmosphere m, Murray Carpenter
"Cover Story" piece on Gov. Angus King's proposal to provide laptop computers to, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on Gov.-elect John Baldacci. With an analysis of his five k, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on Gov. John Baldacci's idea to involve citizens in meeting, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on Greater Portland's lack of programs for treating postpart, Elizabeth Reilly
"Cover Story" piece on Green Independent Party gubernatorial candidate Jonathan, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on Guilford Transportation Industries Inc., the Massachusett, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on hard times being faced by small-scale farmers scattered a, Ben Jacques
"Cover Story" piece on hard times in the fishing industry, which have forced man, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on Helen and Scott Nearing and "The Good Life," a compilatio, Murray Carpenter
"Cover Story" piece on Henry David Thoreau's visit to Maine in 1846, during whic, Clint Willis
"Cover Story" piece on Herb Haynes, 70, of Winn, owner of H. C. Haynes Inc., a t, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on highly paid, unaccountable special-interest lobbyists who, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on holistic health care for pets, which is growing in popula, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on home health care in Maine. Because of new federal regula, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
"Cover Story" piece on "hot yoga," the term used to describe traditional Indian, Amrita Narayanan Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on how and where to go camping and get back to nature withou, Chris Barry
"Cover Story" piece on how boys might gain from girls' progress. Statistics rel, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on hybrid automobiles, which have both a 3-cylinder gas engi, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on "I Make My Home in Maine: Honoring Black and African Her, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on Intercultural Press in Yarmouth. In 1987 the company pub, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on Jeff Monroe, 47, Portland's waterfront and transportation, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" piece on Jeff Tarling, 44, of South Portland. Tarling, Portland's, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on John Gould, 92, formerly of Friendship and now living at, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on John Murphy, 57, who has been a volunteer friend, teacher, Greg Williams
"Cover Story" piece on Jonathan Carter, 50, of Lexington Township, who is a Main, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on Jonathan Carter and his Forest for the Future campaign., Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on Joseph "J. J." Jeffrey of Saco, who has been using the fo, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on Kathleen's Green Machine, a small Portland company co-own, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on Kenneth Kerwin of Portland, who hopes to prove that he is, Lael Morgan
"Cover Story" piece on Kenneth Moore, 22, of Portland, who is being held at the, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on Labor Ready, a temporary employment agency with Maine off, Chris Barry
"Cover Story" piece on "Law on the Line," a call-in legal advice show hosted by, Sam Pfeifle
"Cover Story" piece on L.D. 1261, a legislative bill sponsored by Rep. Jay MacDo, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Cover Story" piece on LD 1784, a legislative bill sponsored by House Speaker Mi, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on LD 2164, a legislative bill on bioterrorism that allows t, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on lead, which was identified in a recent Maine health surve, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on leased camp lots, which has been a north woods tradition, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on Les Otten, 50, the self-made ski resort king who expanded, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on LifeFlight of Maine, a company with two small helicopters, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on, the brainchild of Richard Anderson, a mid-5, Jay Davis
"Cover Story" piece on Luis Palau, 64, a native Argentinian and naturalized U.S., Sarah Goodyear
"Cover Story" piece on Lynx canadensis. Maine is the only Northeast state with, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on Mad Horse, Acorn and Flaming Productions; three Portland, Robert Von Stein Redick
"Cover Story" piece on Maine Arts, producers of New Year's Portland and the Main, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on Maine history, which has been a high school graduation re, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on Maine Public Radio (MPR), which has 22,000 members, annua, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on Mainer Julie Dano, 34, a lesbian who is trying to make it, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's 1st District Democratic Congressman Tom Allen and, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's alternative political parties, including the Gree, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's annual deer hunt. With facts about Maine's white, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's artisan breadmakers, including Big Sky, Portland, Joan Lang
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's biking and walking paths with special focus on th, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's blueberry industry. Maine produced about 66 mill, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's care programs for the mentally retarded, which ar, Hope Ullman
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's Clean Election Law, a citizen initiative passed o, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's Clean Elections Act and candidates for governor w, Chris Barker
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's Common Ground Country Fair, which is sponsored by, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's cranberry growers. As farmers watch the bottom d, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's Democratic 1st District U.S. represenative Tom Al, Douglas Rooks
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's Department of Corrections, which has a high recid, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on Maine Senate President Mark Lawrence's campaign challengi, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's end of the millenium library building boom, which, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's Fort Knox, which was saved from the ravages of ti, Steve Cartwright
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's Green Independent Party, which has had only three, David Tyler
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's June 6 primary election. With a biographical ske, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's landmark Clean Election Act, which introduced a v, Jay Davis
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's laptop initiative, called the Maine Learning Tech, Donna Rogers and Josh Rogers
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's method of assessing property values, which threat, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's new independent filmmakers. In the past, the onl, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's nursing shortage. Hospitals and colleges are cre, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's Passamaquoddy, Penobscot and Maliseet Indian trib, Murray Carpenter
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's playwrights and their struggle to see their work, Robert Von Stein Redick
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's poor and various ways they can access the state's, Tanya Whiton
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's radicals who have found an enemy in corporate gre, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's state park system, with special focus on Sebago L, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's three-term Democratic Attorney General Andrew Ket, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on Maine's tobacco settlement fund. Last year, lawmakers to, Chris Barker
"Cover Story" piece on making a living as a dancer in Portland, which is impossi, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on malls. Sterile replicas of the downtowns they usurped, t, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on managing public lands in Maine, which are being rapidly a, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on Mark Bessire, curator of the Maine College of Art's Insti, Laura Addison
"Cover Story" piece on McCain's potato-processing plant in Easton, which company, Rebecca Goldfine
"Cover Story" piece on meditation and the increasing number of people in the Gre, Amrita Narayanan Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on mercury that is poisoning the environment. A state law p, Greg Williams
"Cover Story" piece on Michael Heath of the Maine Christian Civic League and Pau, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Cover Story" piece on "Money and Social Change," a one-day conference recently, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on movies set in Maine, and a sci-fi/horror screenplay set i, Lenny Smith
"Cover Story" piece on Neighbors, introduced last month by publisher Portland We, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on New Brunswick-based Connors Bros., which acquired Stinson, Murray Carpenter
"Cover Story" piece on New Brunswick, Canada-based Irving Forest Products, which, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on new Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) standard, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on new state resources going to the Department of Human Reso, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on "Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America" writt, Loren King
"Cover Story" piece on obesity in Maine. In 1989, fewer than 10 percent of Main, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on Ogunquit, a frenzied summer resort town that turns into s, Paul Mann
"Cover Story" piece on Ogunquit, a small town of less than 1,000 year-round resi, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Cover Story" piece on Old Orchard Beach in November. In July, the local popula, Cindy McIntyre
"Cover Story" piece on on the experiences of writer Jess Kilby who decided to tr, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on orgies organized by the author over a period of one year,, Isaac Bubier
"Cover Story" piece on out-of-town talent agencies, including Starz National Mod, Lael Morgan
"Cover Story" piece on outsider artists, which is a term used to identy artists, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on pain and pain management. While about 75 percent of hosp, Christopher Hyde
"Cover Story" piece on panning for gold in Maine's Swift River. With special fo, Tom O'Donnell
"Cover Story" piece on parking, parking violations, parking tickets and habitual, Lael Morgan
"Cover Story" piece on people moving in both directions between San Francisco, C, Elizabeth Peavey
"Cover Story" piece on playwright Susan Turlish's two-act comedy "Lafferty's Wak, Judy Harrison
"Cover Story" piece on poetry events in Portland, past and present. A series of, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on Poland Regional High School, which is Maine's closest app, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on political surveys and polls commissioned by Maine newspap, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on porno video-viewing booths in the back rooms of Video Exp, Chris Barry
"Cover Story" piece on Portland-area yacht clubs and marinas, including Handy Bo, Lael Morgan
"Cover Story" piece on Portland artists who are trying to define the undefined a, Victoria Gannon
"Cover Story" piece on Portland artists who prefer not to use the gallery system, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on Portland-based Ripchord Records and Artist Management, wh, Sam Pfeifle
"Cover Story" piece on Portland city councilor Tom Kane's proposal to create a s, Sam Pfeifle
"Cover Story" piece on Portland city officials and their record on planning for, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on Portland gallery owner June Fitzpatrick, 60, who is equal, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on Portland guitarists Kris Eckhardt, Chris Horne, Scott Con, Sam Pfeifle
"Cover Story" piece on Portland mayor Karen Geraghty, who was sworn in on Decemb, Sam Pfeifle
"Cover Story" piece on Portland musicians who have come close to celebrity statu, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on Portland Phoenix endorsements in the county, city and fed, Staff
"Cover Story" piece on Portland Police Department's Civilian Police Academy whic, Jeff Inglis
"Cover Story" piece on Portland police sergeant Sullivan Rizzo, who works part-t, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's architecture. The first tall buildings erecte, Clemmer Mayhew III
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's art community, its moral limits, and good tast, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's arts community, which is all but devoid of pol, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's bands and the importance of finding the right, Josh Rogers
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's Center for Cultural Exchange, which is trying, Ben Monaghan
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's controversial Ocean Gateway marine terminal pr, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's controversial school superintendent Mary Jane, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's drag scene, which was once on the edge of exti, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's fashion scene with special focus on local desi, Sonya Tomlinson
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's fledgling hip-hop scene, which recently suffer, Tom Mahoney
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's folk and punk music community where apathy, co, Tom Mahoney
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's funeral industry comparing costs for services, Chris Barry
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's housing market and the city's upcoming decisio, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's Land Bank Commission, which was established by, Greg Williams
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's most powerful people. With thumbnail biograph, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's neighborhood bars, which are struggling to sur, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's new percent-for-art program, which will be fun, Jenna Russell
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's Ocean Gateway project and the city's waterfron, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's outspoken police chief Michael Chitwood, who h, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's Oxford Street Shelter, where residents say the, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's population of mentally ill people and the rela, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's recent methadone overdose problem, which has g, Sharon Bass
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's refugees with special focus on Tahseen Al-Shew, Laura Conaway
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's rental market. In the last three years the av, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's Republican mayor Cheryl Leeman, 53, who starte, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's tattoo artists with special focus on Ernie Vil, John Monroe
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's three smallest elementary schools, the Cliffor, David Tyler
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's waterfront and what it may actually be worth i, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's Waterfront Development and Master Plan Committ, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on President George W. Bush's new education proposal concern, Brendan Wolfe
"Cover Story" piece on pressure being applied to the Legislature to increase the, Ken Allen
"Cover Story" piece on Prison Health Services (PHS), the Tennessee-based, for-pr, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on problems associated with the deregulation of Maine's elec, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on problems at the Portland International Jetport. Even tho, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on Professor Welch Everman's English 229 class at the Univer, Rebecca Goldfine
"Cover Story" piece on prospecting for gold in Maine. About 1,000 recreational, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on psychics in the Greater Portland area, including Anna Mil, Lael Morgan
"Cover Story" piece on public confusion and panic following weeks of daily repor, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on public funds and conservation easements on private proper, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on pyramid schemes and multi-level marketing (MLM) businesse, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on Question 1, a referendum initiative on the Nov. 7 referen, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on Regan Thibodeau, 21, a deaf woman who is filing a complai, Sam Smith
"Cover Story" piece on reinventing Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Portland's most f, Lael Morgan
"Cover Story" piece on reinventing Maine's downtowns. Embracing a simple progra, Wayne Curtis
"Cover Story" piece on restoring public trust in the Portland Police Department, Chris Barry
"Cover Story" piece on retirement homes in Maine. With special focus on Piper S, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on Ric Weinschenk, a Portland developer who has been praised, David Tyler
"Cover Story" piece on road fees paid by truckers in the north woods. Moving wo, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on Robert Harnum, 54, of Brewer, who wrote four books in Fre, Brendan Wolfe
"Cover Story" piece on Roxanne Quimby, owner of Burt's Bees, who has dedicated m, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Cover Story" piece on Russ Christensen, a retired human rights lawyer from Farm, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on "sadomasochism" (S&M), also referred to as "bondage, disc, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on secondary educational choices in Maine and what Maine col, Kristen Schulze
"Cover Story" piece on segregation in Portland's public high schools. Of Portla, Laura Conaway
"Cover Story" piece on service charges being levied by Portland's banks, and adv, Greg Williams
"Cover Story" piece on seven Mainers chronicling their commutes to work and the, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on similarities and differences between public land bond iss, Murray Carpenter
"Cover Story" piece on slavery in Maine, which was a part of Massachusetts until, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on some of the reasons why Maine is called "Extreme." With, Anne Ornatek
"Cover Story" piece on southern Maine schools, which are losing millions of doll, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on southern Maine's ghost stories. With special focus on th, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on southern Maine's labor shortage. A test of service will, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on southern Maine writers, including Stobie Piel of West Bat, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on South Portland Bingo, which is owned by Ernie Lamson, a r, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
"Cover Story" piece on South Portland tax assessor Elizabeth Sawyer, who might b, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on state represenative Mike Saxl, D-Portland, who is on the, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on state represenative Peter Cianchette, R-South Portland, w, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on state representative Michael Saxl, D-Portland, Speaker of, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on state senator Michael McAlevey, R-York, and state Reps. W, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on St. Dominic's Church in Portland and Portland's Irish com, Theresa Flaherty
"Cover Story" piece on Stephanie Dow, 47, of Portland, a mentally ill woman who, Sharon Bass
"Cover Story" piece on struggling artists Jessica Tomlinson and Rose Marasco, wh, Sam Pfeifle
"Cover Story" piece on suburban sprawl, a proposed subdivision on South Freeport, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on tax increment financing (TIF), a complicated program that, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on tax-payer supported art and culture in Portland, and an a, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on teenage-smoking in Maine, noting that most of the effort, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on the 120th Legislature and bills focusing on milfoil, merc, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on the 15th annual Camden Conference. The annual conclave d, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the 160-year-old Augusta Mental Health Institute (AMHI),, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the 185,000 acre St. John River acquisition made by The N, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on the 2002 race for seats on the Portland City Council. Lo, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on the 26 school-based health clinics (SBHCs) in Maine. Hea, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the 50-year-old, city-owned Bangor Auditorium, which has, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on The AIDS Project in Maine, including interviews with proj, Evan Roberts
"Cover Story" piece on the American Liberty Dollar (ALD) movement. ALD currency, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on the Andes Alpaca Farm in Auburn, which is co-owned by Mor, Marshall R. Escamilla
"Cover Story" piece on the art and cost-effectiveness of Maine's small press. W, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on the author and his wife, Amrita, who recently and unsucce, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on the bankruptcy of Korean car manufacturer Daewoo Motor Co, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on the Bates Dance Festival at Bates College in Lewiston, wh, Selby Frame
"Cover Story" piece on the Best of Portland 2000 based on the preferences of bot
"Cover Story" piece on the Best of Portland 2001, with categories for Local Peop
"Cover Story" piece on the Blethen family, new owners of the Portland Press Hera, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" piece on the Bowdoin Scientific Station on Kent Island, a Canadian, Susan Hand Shetterly
"Cover Story" piece on the Call to the Coast, the annual Native American Festiva, Karen Fisk
"Cover Story" piece on the Casco Bay Weekly (CBW), the smaller of Portland's two, Sam Pfeifle
"Cover Story" piece on the Center for Educational Services (CES) in Auburn. Exe, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the changing face of the Maine Times. The latest redesig, Jay Davis
"Cover Story" piece on the choices and quality of the lunches offered to student, Amrita Narayanan Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on the city of Ellsworth, the "gateway" to Downeast Maine an, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on the city of Portland's financial problems. City councilo, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on the College of the Atlantic (COA) in Bar Harbor, a small,, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on the controversial issue of universal health care. On Nov, Sam Pfeifle
"Cover Story" piece on the controversial law that requires all Maine school empl, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on the controversial Pallotta TeamWorks Canada-US AIDS Vacci, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Cover Story" piece on the controversy over whether leashed dogs should be allow, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on the conversion of New England's agricultural land to othe, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the cost of policing Portland's Old Port. The city wants, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on the culture of convenience, as in convenience stores, whi, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on the Cumberland Motor Club (CMC), which was founded in Por, Tim O'Sullivan
"Cover Story" piece on the curious way that the City of Portland figures its pro, Clemmer III Mayhew
"Cover Story" piece on the death industry in Portland with special focus on the, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on the debate about whether Maine should ban genetically eng, Jay Davis
"Cover Story" piece on the debate over universal health care in Maine. With com, Sharon Bass
"Cover Story" piece on the debate over workers' compensation benefits in Maine p, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on the decommissioning of the Maine Yankee nuclear power pla, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on the demise of radio station WCLZ (98.9 FM), Portland's ad, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on the Department of Human Services (DHS), which is proposin, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on the Drug Awareness Resistance Education (DARE) program, w, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the Eastern Maine Children's Museum in Bangor. It was co, Catherine Russell
"Cover Story" piece on the eighth annual Can-Am Crown sled dog race, also known, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on the estimated 20,000 migrant workers who come to Maine ea, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on the experience of selling blood plasma at Portland Biolog, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on the exploitation of Maine's groundwater. Poland Spring B, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on the filming of "Traditional Family Vampires," a movie tha, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on the final recommendations submitted to the Attorney Gener, Sam Smith
"Cover Story" piece on the final year of Gov. Angus King's second four-year term, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on the five candidates seeking to fill the seat vacated by s, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on the future of classical music in Portland. With special, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on the future of Portland's theater community. There are so, Rick Wormwood
"Cover Story" piece on the gay rights movement in Maine as it braces for its nex, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on the gentrification of Munjoy Hill. Historically one of P, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf on Mackworth Isla, Lael Morgan
"Cover Story" piece on the Grand Lake Stream Folk Art Festival, which is being h, Hilary M. Nangle
"Cover Story" piece on the Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry in Maine. Growing, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the Green Independent Party of Maine, which captured four, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on the growing importance of the Maine film industry to the, Catherine Russell
"Cover Story" piece on the Hathaway shirt company in Waterville, which was bough
"Cover Story" piece on the Haystack Mountain School of Crafts in Sunshine. Foun, Edgar Allen Beem
"Cover Story" piece on the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibili, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" piece on the impending loss of Maine's largest non-profit health i, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the increasing number of private schools in Maine that re, Theresa Flaherty
"Cover Story" piece on the isolated village of Frenchboro on Long Island, off th, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on the issues dominating the state-level political races in, Staff
"Cover Story" piece on the James H. Bean elementary school in Sidney, which has, Donna Gold
"Cover Story" piece on the jury selection process in Maine, which is one of just, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
"Cover Story" piece on The Kozy Kitchen, a Portland restaurant owned by Christin, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on the language of the Penobscot Indian Nation. Photographe, Brendan Wolfe
"Cover Story" piece on the Libra Foundation's $40 million rehabilitation of the, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on the living wage movement in New England, which is focused, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine College of Art (MECA), which is preparing for h, Greg Williams
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine Death with Dignity Act, which Maine voters will, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine Festival and its history. The festival, begun, Rebecca Goldfine
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine Forest Rally, which has been held in the Rumfor, David R. Getchell and Jr
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine Green Independent Party's state convention, whi, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine Green Independent Party, which is expected to f, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine job market and what Mainers earn. With a compa, Jeff Clark
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine Lesbian and Gay Political Alliance (MLGPA), whi, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine Photo Co-op, which was founded by local amateur, Laura Addison
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine School of Science and Mathematics (MSSM) in Lim, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine SpeakOut Project and Scott Robbe, its new execu, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine state quarter, due to be minted in 2003. With, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine Time Dollar Network (MTDN), which is a barterin, Amrita Narayanan Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine Times, which announced on April 29 that the Apr, Sam Pfeifle
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance (MWPA), which l, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine Youth Center juvenile correctional facility in, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on the Maine Youth Center (MYC) in South Portland, which has, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the methadone controversy and whether the Cumberland Coun, Sam Smith
"Cover Story" piece on the most recent date provided by the Northern New England, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on the Mt. Desert Island Young Men's Christian Association (, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the Munjoy Hill Neighborhood Organization (MHNO) and its, Sam Smith
"Cover Story" piece on the National Campus Compact, an organization that aids Am, Rebecca Goldfine
"Cover Story" piece on the National Initiative for Democracy, an unprecedented c, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on the Natural Resources Council of Maine, a nonprofit organ, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on the need for programs seeking to change the nature of the, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the new $32 million 166-bed Southern Maine Juvenile Facil, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on the new, $34 million Noble High School serving a school p, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on the New Chautauqua, which was held in the village of Unit, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on the newly renovated Cross State Office Building in August, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on the new president, whether Democratic candidate Al Gore o, Seth Gitell
"Cover Story" piece on the new sports arena being proposed for Portland and some, Steve Hargreaves
"Cover Story" piece on the new zero-tolerance policy on drugs now in effect in m, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on the non-traditional charter-school debate in Maine. Thou, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on the number of local runners that are competing in the 6.2, Jeffrey J. Mitchell
"Cover Story" piece on the number of Mainers who travel to Foxwoods, the Mashant, Aaron Flacke
"Cover Story" piece on the number of people who are seeking appointment to the P, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on the nutritional value of lunches offered in Maine's schoo, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the over-reaction to fatal methadone overdoses in Portlan, Chris Barry
"Cover Story" piece on the parking lot at BJ's Wholesale Club in Portland, where
"Cover Story" piece on the Penobscot and Kennebec Rivers and their migratory fis, Murray Carpenter
"Cover Story" piece on the People's Regional Opportunity Program (PROP), which i, Peter Herrick
"Cover Story" piece on the planned June 2002 closing of the Naval Security Group, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the politics of sprawl, which has become a big environmen, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on the polluting Wyman Station power plant in Yarmouth, whic, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on the Portland-based rock band Rustic Overtones, which has, Scott Sutherland
"Cover Story" piece on the Portland Boxing Club. With special focus on champion, Tanya Whiton
"Cover Story" piece on the Portland Community Food and Nutrition Program (PCFNP), Sam Pfeifle
"Cover Story" piece on the Portland peninsula alternative-transit study examinin, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on the Portland Pirates, questioning whether Portland is big, David Tyler
"Cover Story" piece on the Portland Press Herald (PPH), its executive editor Jea, Sam Smith
"Cover Story" piece on the Portland Propsnappers Radio Control (RC) Club, one of, Tanya Whiton
Cover story piece on the Portland Public Library (PPL), which does not have in i, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on the Portland Public Market and how Ted Spitzer's decision, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on the Portland Public Market (PPM), which has made some cha, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on the Portland Tenant's Union (PTU), a group that is trying, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. In the past decade, the y, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on the Preble Street Resource Center, a nonprofit facility t, Autumn Phillips
"Cover Story" piece on the prescription drug problem in Washington County. With, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on the production and backstory of "Murder in Small Town X,", Wayne Curtis
"Cover Story" piece on the Prohibition era, which began in Portland. Led by its, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on the quality of education on Maine's islands with special, Kit Pfeiffer
"Cover Story" piece on the "rave" scene in Maine: all-night dance parties durin, Chris Busby
Cover story piece on the recent acquisition of the Guy Gannett Communications ne, Jay Davis
"Cover Story" piece on the Regional Medical Center at Lubec (RMCL), which has su, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the renovation of the former St. Lawrence Church on Portl, Gibson Fay-Leblanc
"Cover Story" piece on the scarcity of contractors in southern Maine. Plumbers,, Mary Lou Wendell
"Cover Story" piece on the senatorial campaign between incumbent Republican U.S., Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on The Sen. George J. Mitchell Center for Environmental and, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association (SVCA), whi, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on the ski community at Sugarloaf. The hundreds of Mainers, Virginia Wright
"Cover Story" piece on "The Smallest Color," a first novel written by Bill Roorb, Brendan Wolfe
"Cover Story" piece on the small number of young women entering traditionally ma, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" piece on the so-called compromise gay rights bill, Question 6 on M, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the social architecture of veterans' organizations and fr, Josh Rogers
"Cover Story" piece on the state of Greater Portland's preparedness in the event, Chris Barry
"Cover Story" piece on the status of research and development (R & D) in Maine., Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on the Stowell family of Carthage, owners of United Timber a, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on the sudden appearance of the Stars and Stripes on almost, Autumn Phillips
"Cover Story" piece on the sudden closing on Aug. 15 of the 342-pupil, 70-teache, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on the teacher shortage in Maine. According to Deputy Educa, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece on the tight housing market in Portland. As the occupancy r, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on the tiny Piscataquis County town of Guilford, population, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the town of Cape Elizabeth, which reaches 12 miles into o, Virginia Wright
"Cover Story" piece on the Twin Cities of Lewiston and Auburn, where last year m, Rebecca Goldfine
"Cover Story" piece on the two sides of state representative Michael Quint, 41,, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" piece on the two-way race for Maine's Republican gubernatorial nom, Chris Barker
"Cover Story" piece on the University of Maine Cooperative Extension's Master Ga, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the University of Maine Cooperative Extension's Relief Mi, Kathryn Miles
"Cover Story" piece on the University of Maine in Orono, a land-grant university, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the University of Southern Maine's new graduate-level tea, Mary Lou Wendall
"Cover Story" piece on the University of Southern Maine's (USM) Gloria S. Duclos, Sam Pfeifle
"Cover Story" piece on the Upper Enchanted Township subdivision in Somerset Coun, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on the U.S. Coast Guard, how it is adjusting to the new real, Chris Barry
"Cover Story" piece on the use of foreign labor by the Cianbro Corporation on it, Jess Kilby
"Cover Story" piece on the vast majority of Maine's approximately 265,000 Medica, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece on the work that needs to be done to bridge the gap between, Sara Donnelly
"Cover Story" piece on the writer's experience with jail, lawyers and court afte, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on this year's boring municipal elections in Portland. All, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on Thomas Rider of Waldoboro, his theories about the univers, Brendan Wolfe
"Cover Story" piece on three area people who have recently lost a significant am, Theresa Flaherty
"Cover Story" piece on three legislative bills that seek to limit citizen involv, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on thrift stores in the Greater Portland area, including the, Victoria Gannon
"Cover Story" piece on Timothy Rhys, 37, a Maine native who will present the ten, Doug Hubley
"Cover Story" piece on Tom Friedman, an op-ed columnist with the New York Times,, Dan Kennedy
"Cover Story" piece on Toshiyuki Shimada, who is in his 15th year as conductor o, Doug Hubley
"Cover Story" piece on two Casco Bay Weekly (CBW) cartoons that have incited a b, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" piece on two growing businesses in central Maine: Fieldstone Gard, Tory Haiss
"Cover Story" piece on two mega-projects aimed toward "the other Maine" and bill, Jay Davis
"Cover Story" piece on two of Maine's home-grown publications: the Maine Sports, Douglas Rooks
"Cover Story" piece on underground dog fighting in Maine. Over the past year, A, Sam Smith
"Cover Story" piece on unemployment in Maine, which went from 2.5 percent last y, Lael Morgan
"Cover Story" piece on University College (UC), the University of Maine's (UM) c, Lael Morgan
"Cover Story" piece on U.S. represenative John Baldacci, D-Maine, who has announ, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece on Valentine's Day with separate articles on the Maine Ballr, Rebecca Goldfine
"Cover Story" piece on various situations experienced by employees in Maine's re, Jesse Loesberg
"Cover Story" piece on video surveillance in Portland. Police Chief Michael Chi, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece on Wagner Forest Management of Lyme, N.H. and Bangor, Maine,, Phyllis Austin
"Cover Story" piece on "Waiting for Godot," a play by Samuel Becket, which is be, Anne Ursu
"Cover Story" piece on water-garden landscaping, a trend that began about three, Rebecca Goldfine
"Cover Story" piece on Westbrook's recent city council passage of a gay-rights o, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Cover Story" piece on "We Were Here," a book that is being written by Vance Mus, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Cover Story" piece on what it's like for a woman to search for a date on the In, Sharon Bass
"Cover Story" piece on what it's like for homeless teenagers living on the stree, Theresa Flaherty
"Cover Story" piece on whether the legal voting age in the United States should, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece on working off the books in Portland, with anecdotal evidenc, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on young artists and the challenges they present to parents., Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on Zoom Resounds, a centered riding stable in Seal Cove owne, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece. Part 2 of a Sept. 13, 2002, "Cover Story" piece focusing o, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Cover Story" piece presented in a tongue-in-cheek style, offering 25 ideas for, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece profiling Alton Curtis, a homeless man who was born in Dixfi, Jay Davis
"Cover Story" piece profiling Arthur Kotch, 40-something, of Brunswick, whose ca, Meg Haskell
"Cover Story" piece profiling artist Rudolph deHarak of Ellsworth., Donna Gold
"Cover Story" piece profiling Barry Dana, 42, of Indian Island, the newly electe, Susan Hand Shetterly
"Cover Story" piece profiling Carol Palesky, 61, of Topsham, who organized the m, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece profiling Chuck Urquhart, 47, of Belfast, who says he has we, Rebecca Goldfine
"Cover Story" piece profiling Deborah Marlowe, a renowned opera singer who is n, Donna Gold
"Cover Story" piece profiling Democrat Michael Michaud and Republican Kevin Raye, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece profiling Denise Altvater, 42, a member of Maine's Passamaqu, Susan Hand Shetterly
"Cover Story" piece profiling Ed Thompson of Buxton, who for the past ten years, Theresa Flaherty
"Cover Story" piece profiling forest products legislative lobbyist Abby Holman,, Chris Barker
"Cover Story" piece profiling four local musical groups, including the rock band, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece profiling Jack Towle, a local comedian and impersonator in t, Tanya Whiton
"Cover Story" piece profiling Keita Whitten, 36, and Sara Cox, 36, who are commu, Jeffrey J. Mitchell
"Cover Story" piece profiling Lenny Gauba, 53, of Old Orchard Beach, who is comm, Chris Busby
"Cover Story" piece profiling Linda Greenlaw, 40, of Isle au Haut, author of "Th, Aimee L. Curl
"Cover Story" piece profiling Philip Conkling, 53, founder of the nonprofit Isla, Chris Barker
"Cover Story" piece profiling Richard Russo of Camden, author of "Empire Falls,", Brendan Wolfe
"Cover Story" piece profiling Sanford Phippen, 59, of Hancock, a teacher, author, Brendan Wolfe
"Cover Story" piece profiling Sara Whale, 41, the artistic director of Ram Islan, David Tyler
"Cover Story" piece profiling William Carpenter, 61, of Stockton Springs, and re, Brendan Wolfe
"Cover Story" piece profiling William David Barry, 55, historian, author and ref, Jim Glenn Thatcher
"Cover Story" piece providing a firsthand look at the disgusting life of a profe, Chris Barry
"Cover Story" piece questioning the wisdom of Maine Bureau of Health chief, Dr., Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece speculating on who front-running Democratic and Republican p, Seth Gitell
"Cover Story" piece suggesting that Portland's current prosperity might be blind, Connie Pacillo
"Cover Story" piece taking an undercover look at life inside the Milestone Found, Chris Barry
"Cover Story" piece with a field guide to Maine's 2002 gubernatorial candidates,, Lance Tapley
"Cover Story" piece with an in-depth look at Maine's Republican U.S. senators Ol, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" piece with representatives of the Greater Portland political spect, Noah Bruce
"Cover Story" profiling Maine's former chief justice Daniel Wathen, 62, who abru, Lee Burnett
"Cover Story" tongue-in-cheek piece on some proposed statuary for Portland., Corey Pandolph
"Cover Story" voters' guide on measures being presented to Maine voters on the s, Al Diamon
Cover story with a profile of Gov. Angus King's chief of staff, Kay Rand, 43, of, Kathryn Skelton
Cowgirl., Joshua Bodwell
Coyote Gorgeous., Claire Z. Cramer
CP Rail, owner of the CP Rail System track network between Montreal and Saint Jo
Cragmere, built in 1895 for the George Mecum Connarroe family of Philadelphia, w, Colin Sargent
Craig and Lisa Andrews are the owners of Andrew's Harborside Restaurant in Booth, Lucy Martin
Craig Cunningham of Biddeford has filed suit in Cumberland County Superior Court
Craig Downes, 11, of Belfast, Northern Ireland, is spending six weeks with the K
Craig McEwan, a Bowdoin College sociologist, recently won a National Science Fou
Craig McLaughlin, a bear biologist with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries
Craig Taylor, 54, coach of the Waterville Dolphins swim team, today will immerse
Craig Taylor of Limerick, a swim coach at the Waterville Area Boys and Girls Clu
Create a Competitive Advantage., Tove Rasmussen
Create a Culture of Innovation in your Organization., Catherine S. Renault
Create a Culture that Supports, Rather than Sabotages, Innovation, Dana Morris-Jones
Create a Sound Bring-Your-Own Device Policy, Dawn M. Harmon and Joseph G. Talbot
Creative Apparel, of Belmont, and Tex-Shield, a Germany-based firm, are taking o, Steve Cartwright
"Creative Blocks" piece about Portland artist Greg Parker and the exhibition of, Autumn Phillips
"Creative Economy" piece on the Portland Ballet Co.'s photo exhibit called "Who', David Svenson
Creative Work Systems of Maine is a private agency which links people with jobs.
Creditors yesterday agreed to invest an additional $250,000 in the John Roberts
Crewmen from the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Wrangell caused 50 gallons of diesel fu
Crews continued burning jet fuel from a marsh contaminated after last month's sp
Criehaven, a 350-acre island near Matinicus, is home to Maine's only seasonal fi
Crime figures released yesterday show that the number of reported rapes in Maine
Critics and supporters of a preliminary political redistricting plan submitted b
Critics believe that the state's foster care system is outdated and that it does
"Critics Choice" piece on a concert performance by the Portland String Quartet w
"Critics Choice" piece on a "Downeast Fiddle Jamboree," featuring fiddle champio
"Critics Choice" piece on Allesandra Belloni, who will be conducting workshops t
"Critics Choice" piece on an address by John Lewis, a living legend from the 196
"Critic's Choice" piece on an exhibit of works by Charles Hubbard, currently sho
"Critics Choice" piece on a performance by 17-year-old cellist Alisa Weilerstein
"Critics Choice" piece on a performance by folk musicians Gordon Bok and Carol R
"Critics Choice" piece on a performance by folk singer/songwriter Iris DeMent, w
"Critics Choice" piece on a performance by oboist Neil Boyer, which is being pre
"Critics Choice" piece on a performance by the band "moe. ," which is being pres
"Critics Choice" piece on a performance by The Cecilia Trio with music by Beetho
"Critics Choice" piece on a performance by the Irish band Dervish, which is bein
"Critics Choice" piece on a performance by the Manchester Brass Quintet, which i
"Critics Choice" piece on a performance by the Portland String Quartet, which wi
"Critics Choice" piece on a performance by Turkey Hollow Consort, which is being
"Critics Choice" piece on a special daylong celebration of the life and work of
"Critic's Choice" piece on "Industrial Landscapes," a show featuring oil paintin
"Critics Choice" piece on "In Praise of Nature: Ansel Adams and Photographers o
"Critics Choice" piece on Kaiulani Lee's one-woman theatrical presentation of "A
"Critics Choice" piece on "Mamalogue: Adventures of an Existential Mom," a play
"Critics Choice" piece on Moliere's "The Imaginary Invalid," a University of Sou
"Critics Choice" piece on Music in the Meetinghouse, two concerts sponsored by t
"Critics Choice" piece on playwright Joan Ackerman's "Off the Map," which is bei
"Critics Choice" piece on Sol y Canto, a Latin music performance by Rosi and Bri
"Critics Choice" piece on the 20th annual "Magic of Christmas" performance by th
"Critics Choice" piece on the Cajun music group "BeauSoleil avec Michael Doucet,
"Critics Choice" piece on the dedication of the Schupf Wing at the Colby College
"Critic's Choice" piece on The Moxie Lab production of Louis Frederick's "Ubu's
"Critics Choice" piece on Wendy Wincote Schweikert's "Whodunnit?" a mystery/dinn
"Critics Choise" piece on the Celebration Barn Theater production of "Cirque de
Critics of Maine's automobile emissions testing program say that 95 percent of t
Critics of the Land Use Regulation Commission, the state's zoning board for 10 m, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Critique and examples of paintings by longtime Lincolnville resident Neil Welliv, Sarah Cumming Cecil
"Critique" pieces from Portland attorney Martha McCluskey and columnist Tom Hanr
Crowell Hill Road in Vassalboro, a 1.9-mile stretch of gravel, became impassable, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
CRSS Ski and Sport Inc. of Freeport, owner of Tuckerman's Outfitters, has receiv
CRSS Ski and Sport Inc. of Freeport, which does business as Tuckerman's Outfitte
Cruiser, the Westbrook Police Department's black-and-white cat, allegedly helps
Cruise ship visits to Portland will be cut by a third, from last year's 18 docki
Crystal Canney, a reporter for WGME-TV, was confronted by Lewiston police chief
C.T. Lawrence Butler, 39, of Portland, is challenging the $5 surcharge on all fi
"Cuiscene" piece containing early Maine recipes and more modern recommendations, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on an increase in the number of farmer's markets in Maine and o, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on a non-skier's guide to the best apres-ski offerings around t, Judith Gaines
"Cui scene" piece on a number of drive-thru gourmet coffee shops in Maine, inclu, Joanne Wood
"Cuiscene" piece on apres ski dining at L'Auberge Bistro at L'Auberge Country In, Joanne Wood
"Cuiscene" piece on a tour taken by members of the group, Slow Food Portland, to, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on Bath artist Tina Ingraham, who delights in painting all sort, Judith Gaines
"Cui scene" piece on Box Hill Confections, founded and entirely staffed by Janet, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on Chef Lydia Shire, 59, who won the James Beard award as "Best, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on Dan Stevens of Portland, who makes "Captain Mowatt's hot sau, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on DiMillo's Floating Restaurant in Portland Harbor, founded by, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on festivals, gourmet tastings, and lodging packages in Maine d, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on fiddlehead ferns, which are found in the Maine woods each sp, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on food and wine pairing, with recommendations from Maine chefs, Karen E. Hofreiter
"Cuiscene" piece on holiday pastries and the Portland bakers who make them, incl, Joanne Wood
"Cui-scene" piece on how Penobscot Nation elder and renowned basket weaver, Barb, Judith Gaines
"Cui scene" piece on Maine food specialties. Brown Trading Company of Portland, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on Maine oysters., Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on Maine's tea houses., Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on Maine vintners, with a map of 20 Maine wineries and vineyard, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on Mike's Maine Pickles, made by Mike Henderson, 62, of Presque, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on Morse's Sauerkraut, a Waldoboro business owned by David Swet, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on Portland's restaurant scene from its emergence in the 1980s, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on Roxanne Quimby's Quimby Culinary Colony located in the forme, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on several island restaurants in Casco Bay, including: Diamond', Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on six farms that raise heritage turkeys in Maine., Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on some award-winning and notable restaurants in the southern p, Colin Sargent
"Cuiscene" piece on some unusual Maine foods and dishes including sea whelk sala, Judith Gaines
"CuiScene" piece on the less well-known edibles harvested from Maine waters, inc, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on the popularity of Maine-made food outside of the state. Main, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on the revived popularity of macarons, made with two almond coo, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on the variety and multitude of ethnic restaurants and markets, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on the Vintner's Cellar Winery in Portland, owned by Heidi Shan, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on the wave of new food salons or food preparation stores, whe, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on unusual ways to serve lobster, including in ice cream, marti, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on Vincent Maniaci, 36, and his wife, Jill Dutton, 33, who sell, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece on Yordprom Coffee Company on Congress Street, owned by Thomas, Meagan S. Reidmann
"Cuiscene" piece with a profile of Michael Salmon, chef and co-owner of Camden's, Judith Gaines
"Cuiscene" piece with profiles of six Maine chefs of national acclaim, including, Judith Gaines
Cultural institutions throughout southern Maine will mark Day Without Art with s
Cumberland County Child Development Services has promised to grant Westwood Chil, Laura Conaway
Cumberland County Commission Chairman Gary Plummer thinks the preliminary county
Cumberland County Commissioner Peter Feeney has proposed leading a series of dis, Laura Conaway
Cumberland County commissioners on December 12 approved a budget that hiked spen
Cumberland County commissioners on Monday approved a 1994 budget of $13.62 milli
Cumberland County commissioners yesterday voted to join the city of Portland in
Cumberland County departments have asked for $17.3 million in 1995, a 23.8 perce
Cumberland County Deputy District Attorney Edmund R. Folsom has announced that n
Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson, 41, a native of Eliot, h
Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson and her chief assistant y
Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson has denounced Governor Jo
Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson has said that she will re
Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson is asking for a 1994 budg
Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson is seeking to have former
Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson said Wednesday that recen
Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson says that Maine's mandato
Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson wants a Superior Court ju
Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie P. Anderson wants to allow police
Cumberland County officials are saying that the new $1.1 million Cumberland Coun
Cumberland County Probate judge Dana Childs denied a motion by the city of Bosto
Cumberland County Sheriff's Department chief deputy Dewey Martin yesterday said
Cumberland County Sheriff's Department chief deputy Francis E. Amoroso, 54, of S
Cumberland County sheriff Wesley Ridlon has hired Ralph Nichols, the state's jai
Cumberland County sheriff Wesley Ridlon yesterday said that his department did n
Cumberland County's insurer recently paid around $30,000 to jail inmate Donald M
Cumberland County's state legislators and elected municipal officials have been
Cumberland County Superior Court judge G. Arthur Brennan heard arguments from Je
Cumberland County Superior Court Judge G. Arthur Brennan yesterday heard argumen
Cumberland County Superior Court Judge G. Arthur Brennan yesterday sentenced Lui
Cumberland County Superior Court justice Carl O. Bradford issued a four-part ord
Cumberland County Superior Court justice G. Arthur Brennan has ruled that the to
Cumberland County Superior Court justice G. Arthur Brennan has sided with Shaw S
Cumberland County Superior Court justice G. Arthur Brennan yesterday ordered Geo
Cumberland County Superior Court justice Kermit Lipez is debating whether to bar
Cumberland County Superior Court justice Kermit V. Lipez on Thursday ruled that
Cumberland County Superior Court justice Kermit V. Lipez on Tuesday ruled that t
Cumberland County Superior Court justice Kermit V Lipez yesterday issued a proc
Cumberland County Superior Court justice Nancy Mills refused a request by two Ca
Cumberland County Superior Court justice Robert E. Crowley yesterday found a 39-
Cumberland County Superior Court justice Roland A. Cole sentenced Deborah Allana
Cumberland County Superior Court justice Roland A. Cole yesterday sentenced Pame
Cumberland County Superior Court justice Ronald A. Cole yesterday sentenced 63-y
Cumberland County Superior Court justice Sidney Wernick on Monday heard opening
Cumberland County Superior Court justice Sidney Wernick plans to decide before J
Cumberland County Superior Court justice Sidney W. Wernick next Monday will hear
Cumberland County Superior Court justice William E. McKinley tomorrow will sente
Cumberland County Superior Court justice William S. Brodrick yesterday heard tes
Cumberland, from Pearl Street, Looking Northeast., J. P. Soule
Cumberland, Hancock and Lincoln counties have been designated as eligible for fe
Cumberland town councilors voted unanimously to spend $12,000 to help replace a
Cumberland Town Manager Robert Benson has appointed Sgt. Joseph Charron to repla
Cumberland Town Manager Robert Benson has fired police chief Leon Planche four m
Cumerland County residents regularly receiving Social Security benefits are due
Current and former residents of the Maine Youth Center are contributing to the c
Currently, 72 Maine school districts, or 43 percent of the total number, are und
Curtis Golden, a state attorney in Florida, has ruled that David Ingraham of Pen
Custom Electronics was founded in December 1988 by Kenney Smith, 43, of Gardiner
Customers of the Boothbay Water System have been told to continue boiling their
Customers of Turnkey Construction of Westbrook, owned by Anthony J. Casella, say
Custom House Wharf in Portland remains a working pier for fishermen, fishcutters, Pam Berry and Peter Millard
Custom Stitching of Lewiston, owned and operated by Jane Theberge, has been in b, Andrew K. Weegar
Cutler is an unspoiled town Down East and is rarely seen by visitors. That migh, Frank Andrews
CV Finer Foods of Winthrop, a specialty food company that makes World Harbors sa
C. Wesley Phinney, scheduled to begin work next week as the York County sheriff'
Cyber Connections., Lori Valigra
Cynthia Dowd, 40, is suing Bath Iron Works under Portland's anti-discrimination
Cynthia Dowd of Richmond is suing Bath Iron Works under Portland's gay-rights or
Cyrus Caldwell, 26, an inmate at the Maine State Prison in Thomaston, last week
Dairy farmer Ralph Hall of Charleston sued Bangor Hydro-Electric, claiming that, Andrew K. Weegar
Dale and Nancy Lynch of Kittery yesterday filed suit in York County Superior Cou
Dale Lick has withdrawn as a presidential candidate at Michigan State University
Dale Preston, an inmate at the Maine State Prison in Thomaston and president of
Dale Preston, an inmate at the Maine State Prison in Thomaston, has been sentenc
Dale Preston, an inmate at the Maine State Prison in Thomaston, is currently ser
Dale Sands, president of ABB Environmental Services of Portland, has resigned hi
Damariscotta, Newcastle and the neighboring towns on the Pemaquid peninsula have, Jeff Clark
Damariscotta's Skidompha Public Library, which has served residents of Nobleboro
Damariscove Island, perhaps the first permanent English outpost north of Jamesto, Colin Woodard
Dana A. Craney, 30, of Lewiston, and Willard Eastman, 41, of Lexington, N.C., ha
Dana Connors, the commissioner of the Maine Department of Transportation, yester
Dana Craney, 31, of Lewiston, and Willard Eastman, 42, formerly of Auburn, yeste
Dana Cyr, 55, of Connor Township, doing business as Peterson's Septic Service, w
Dan Bothwell played running back for the Wells High School football team last ye
"dance" piece about Sara Donnelly's experience at Bruce Tracey's beginner Breakd, Sara Donnelly
"dance" piece on a Maine State Ballet production of "The Nutcracker," which is b, Jennifer Brewer
"Dance" piece on a performance by choreographer Kristofer Story, which is being, Tanya Whiton
"Dance" piece on a performance by the Hollins Dance Project, which is being pres, Tanya Whiton
"Dance" piece on "Apidae (Bedizened)," a music, dance, puppet presentation being, Tanya Whiton
"Dance" piece on a trip through Portland's dance club scene that includes stops, Tanya Whiton
"Dance" piece on "Love Songs," a dance performance by Lisa Hicks and Carol Somer, Tanya Whiton
"dance" piece on "Portland Dances: A Night of Surprises!," which is being presen, Jennifer F. Brewer
"Dance" piece on "Portland Dances! A Night of Surprises," which showcases the wo, Kelsea Brennan-Wessels
"Dance" piece on "Rapt: A Celebration of Reading, Romance, and Razzmatazz," whi, Tanya Whiton
"Dance" piece on Sukanya Rahman of Orr's Island, who has recently written "Danci, Amrita Narayanan Bruce
"Dance" piece on the Bates Dance Festival at Bates College in Lewiston, which co, Tanya Whiton
"Dance" piece on the Bates Dance Festival, which is being presented at Bates Col, Tanya Whiton
"Dance" piece on the decline of contemporary dance in Maine., June Vail
"dance" piece on the evolution of the annual "Dance USM" show, which this year p, Christy McKinnon
"dance" piece on the festival of modern dance entitled "Modern Feats 2003," whic, Tanya Whiton
"Dance" piece on the inaugural production of the Portland Concert Association's, June Vail
"Dance" piece on the second annual Dance Portland festival, which will feature s, Patti Lannigan
"Dance" piece on the second annual New England Dance Project, which is being pre, Emily Parkhurst
"Dance" piece on the third annual Dance Portland festival, a ten-day celebration, Donna Gold
"Dance" piece on "underground," the recent work by the David Dorfman Dance compa, Kelsea Brennan-Wessels
"dance" piece profiling Javier Bucher, an instructor of Argentine Tango at Maine, Sara Donnelly
"Dance" piece with a review of a Vivid Motion production of "The Odyssey." The, Kelsea Brennan-Wessels
Dance Portland, a celebration of dance featuring a mix of homegrown talent and c, Amy Sutherland
Dance preview of "Africa/America: Children of the Dance," a group performance t, Gibson Fay-Leblanc
Dancer and choreographer Jimena Lasansky owns a 3-acre woodland garden between R
Dance review of "Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide," a solo performance by, June Vail
Dance review of "Alive and Farewell," Ram Island Dance's last performance compos, Tanya Whiton
Dance review of a performance by dancer Lawrence Keigwin, which is being present, Tanya Whiton
Dance review of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, performed by Perfomance Works recently a, June Vail
Dance review of last weekend's "Dance Portland," which was presented at the Port, June Vail
Dance review of the Portland Contact Improv Jams. The weekly jams are free form, Amrita Narayanan Bruce
Dan Gillotte of Good Day Market of Portland is organizing an effort to oppose th, Laura Conaway
Dan Howard, Christopher Hadden and Thomas Hillman are three of the area designer
Daniel B. Burke, president of Capital Cities/ABC, Inc., recently purchased an ex, Edgar Allen Beem
Daniel Brown, a Freeport High School student, tells what it is like to walk the
Daniel Burke, owner of the Portland Sea Dogs, in 1992 offered to renegotiate the, Laura Conaway
Daniel David Roux, 19, of Biddeford, hanged himself with a bedsheet Wednesday ni
Daniel Hamblet of Cape Elizabeth, who co-developed such properties as the Colone
Danielle VanDeVenter, 18, of Park Avenue in Portland, the former girlfriend of P
Daniel Lilley, lawyer for Nancy Couture, 25, of Portland, yesterday said his cli
Daniel McCusker, who moved to Portland in 1985 to become artistic director of Ra
Daniel McKenzie, 19, and William Greenleaf, 23, both of Portland, were attacked
Daniel O'Leary, 50, assistant director of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, has
Daniel O'Leary, 50, currently the assistant director at the Minneapolis Institut
Daniel O'Leary, 50, the new director of the Portland Museum of Art, hopes to mak
Daniel P. Burke, owner of the Portland Sea Dogs, has agreed to contribute anothe
Daniel P. Dumas, 24, of Waterboro, a truck driver for Astro Waste Services of Ol
Daniel Schick, a biologist with the state Department of Marine Resources, said f
Dan Lambert, 18, a senior at Massabesic High School in Waterboro, lost his heari
Danny Mardigian, a barber in Portland's Congress Square, tells of leaving Armeni, Dan Stewart and Polly Stone
Danny O'Brien, the companion of Patricia Goguen of Belfast, yesterday said that
Danny Orcutt, 12, of South Portland, erected a free-standing basketball hoop on
Danny Paul, an English teacher and cross country coach at Greely High School in
Dan Peters, owner of Portland's Katahdin Restaurant, purchased the 148-year-old,, Selby Frame
Daren L. Graves, a former Boothbay Harbor policeman, was sentenced yesterday to
Dark Light Pictures of Los Angeles is in Maine this week filming commercials for
"Darkness," fiction by Doug Rennie., Doug Rennie
Darren Inverso, 18, an honor student and two-sport athlete at South Portland Hig
Darren Inverso, 19, charged with raping a teen-age girl last June, yesterday ple
Darren Thomas leaders an employee effort to unionize the Portland YMCA, and 14 e, Kimberly Jean Smith
Daryl and Deborah Twomey of Cumberland have six natural children and two adopted
Data from the 1990 census showed that Maine has the highest rate of poverty in N
Data from the 1990 census shows that 105,441 Mainers over age 5 speak a language
Dave and Chris Colson of New Leaf Farm of Durham sell around 40 percent of their, Naomi Schalit
Dave and Nancy Youland own and operate the Bradford Camp, a mecca for hunters an, Davis Thomas
Dave Cummings, 26, of Bath, yesterday became the first Maine professional golfer
Dave Georgia, a warden with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlif
David Arnold and Bob Johnson built a four-wheeled contraption that they rode on, David Arnold
David Becker of Portland, a free-lance art writer and Bowdoin alumnus, has given
David Biron, 40, of Chelmsford, Mass., died yesterday after being taken to the Y
David Bowman, a private detective in Thomaston, is head of ALEX-USA, the America
David Bridges, 12, of Biddeford, arrested on Tuesday for threatening his mother
David Brink founded Sail Adventures in Learning Inc. as a nonprofit corporation, Andrew K. Weegar
David Brooks, painter, sculptor, carpenter, also is responsible for the South Ha, Stephen Petroff
David Brown, director of the Maine Emergency Management Agency, says the lack of
David Brown, the state's emergency management director, is concerned that this w
David Campbell of the Maine Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations
David Doughty, 31, of Lewiston, died Wednesday when he was electrocuted at a con
David Flanagan, 41, will succeed Matt Hunter as president of Central Maine Power
David Fleming is serving an 80-year sentence for the 1990 rape and murder of Lis, Andrew K. Weegar
David F. Lowe, 42, of Houlton, former executive director of the Green Valley Ass
David Geary opened the first microbrewery east of the Mississippi eight years ag, Al Diamon
David G. Fleming, 34, yesterday pleaded innocent in Penobscot County Superior Co
David G. Fleming and his victims believe the legal sysgtem failed them. Since 19
David Halligan has withdrawn as an applicant for the position of athletic direct
David Hamilton, 73, of Green Lake, was scammed by Toronto-based con artists into
David Kahill, 18, a South Portland High School senior, plays wide receiver and d
David Lee Denbow, 39, of Otisfield was sentenced to 19 years and seven months in
David Lovejoy and Joe Gillooly, representatives of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
David Mair, 20, who returned to Maine around a week ago after serving time in a
David Morine, 45, reminiscences about a Thursday night softball game last summe, David Morine
David Moskovitz, who has been nominated to be a Public Utilities Commission comm
David Nivison, grand nephew of famed Gardiner poet Edwin Arlington Robinson, say, Donna Gold
David N. LeGage, 60, a retired Portland school administrator, has been appointed
David Piper, 50, of New Hampshire, one of the seven men who broke into the Corni
David Plumb, 21, of Portland, reached the summit of 20,320-foot Mount McKinley i
David Plumb, 21, of Portland, succeeded in reaching the summit of Alaska's Mount
David Plumb of Portland and eight of his Princeton classmates hope to raise $250
David P. Murdoch, 54, of Falmouth, on Monday filed suit in federal court against
David P. Niles, a traumatologist and member of Veterans for Peace Inc., says tha
David Rocheleau, 36, of Wells, accused of vehicular manslaughter in last summer'
David Rocheleau, 36, of Wells, pleaded guilty to vehicular manslaughter in the d
David Rocheleau, 37, of Wells, was jailed Saturday on charges of assault and vio
David Sawyer, the president of New Glouceser Housing Inc., plans to withdraw a d
David Stolmitz, 50, of Madison, teaches history and sociology at Madison High Sc, Hannah Holmes
David S. Wakelin, the chairman of the trustees of the Maine State Retirement Sys
David T. Flanagan, executive vice president of Central Maine Power Co., will suc
David T. Flanagan, president and chief executive officer of Central Maine Power,
David Thibodeau, 24, of Bangor, is among the nine survivors of the fire that des
David Thibodeau, 24, of Bangor, the Maine man who survived the 51-day standoff b
David Vail, an economics professor at Bowdoin College, says that sustainable rur, David Vail
David W. Crook, district attorney for Somerset and Kennebec counties, might have
David Worthing, 44, of Windham, was one of a group of Civil War reenactors who t, Selby Frame
Davis Thomas writes about Dr. Benjamin Lake Noyes, a physician and surgeon, and, Davis Thomas
Davric Maine Corp., which owns Scarborough Downs, is trying to sell 400 acres of
Day Trippers, Brian Kevin
Day use of the Allagash Wilderness Waterway is up to 8,885, an eight-fold increa, Phyllis Austin
D. B. Eberhart gives advice on lobster shack etiquette and provides a list of s, D B. Eberhart
Dean C. Marriott, commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection, ha
Dean L. Kinvin Wroth and students at the University of Maine School of Law are i
Dean Marriott announced in February that he would be resigning as commissioner o, Randy Wilson
Deaths in Westbrook, Lewiston and Yarmouth were linked to the storm that dumped
Deborah Dalfonso writes about the summers she and her family spent at Green Lake, Deborah Dalfonso
Deborah H. S. Cianchette of Saco was confirmed by the Senate as the first woman
Deborah L. Allanach, 34, the wife of Westbrook police chief Ronald Allanach, was
Deborah L. Allanach, the wife of the Westbrook police chief, yesterday checked h
Deborah L. Allanch, wife of Westbrook police chief Ronald Allanach, has agreed t
Deborah Libby, Freeport's rescue chief, has been placed on administrative leave
Deborah Libby, the former rescue chief in Freeport, has filed an action in Super
Deborah Thibodeau, 36, has filed suit in US District Court against Casco North
Deborah Wofenden, convicted of assault in the Janury 1990 death of her 4-year-ol
Deborah Wolfenden, convicted of assaulting her 4-year-old foster son before he d
Decide When It Is Worth Hiring a Consultant., Alison Hinson
Decide When To Add a New Employee., Alison Hinson
Decide Whether It's Time to Rev Up Your Sales Engine, Doug Packard
Decide Whether to Make Your Hobby into a Business, Nancy Strojny
Declining fish stocks in New England and Canada are resulting in Maine seafood w
DeCoster Egg Farm manager Homero Ramirez, 37, was sentenced to 10 months in pris
DeCoster Egg Farms of Turner ships around eight 40-foot-long container boxes ful, Laura Conaway
Dee Karnofsky, a nurse and batik artist, and her partner, Dr. Lee Haynes, forme, Paul Karr
Deep River Publishing in Portland and DeLorme Mapping Company in Freeport are ju, Wayne Curtis
Deering High School senior Justin Konrad was named a national Presidential Schol
Deering High School's Rumphius Project is allowing a group of 50 juniors a first
Deering High School students and others have been kept in the dark about the res, Connie Pacillo
Deering High students attending Tuesday's graduation ceremonies wore purple ribb
Deering Ice Cream Corp. has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, listing assets of $1
Deering Oaks was the gay cruising spot in Portland until 1990, when police stepp, Al Diamon
Deer Isle has long been known for its seamen and fishermen, but is now being rec, Sarah Scott
Deer Isle residents have come together to call a halt to the rowdiness, vandalis
Deformed amphibians, reported in several states and provinces across North Ameri, Andrew K. Weegar
Deidre Smith, a law student at the University of Maine law school, last month wo
Deirdre Nice, 30, of Falmouth, part owner of Silly's restaurant in Portland, and
Deirdre Nice, 31, owner of Silly's restaurant on Portland's Cumberland Avenue, D, Elizabeth Peavey
Deirdre Nice, owner of Silly's restaurant, and Auburn attorney Bill Maselli have
Deirdre Nice, owner of the St. Lawrence Church on Congress Street in Portland, i, Al Diamon
Delia Pherson, 26, of Hampden, is apparently the first surrogate mother to give
DeLong Sportswear Harmony Division, the town of Harmony's largest employer, will
DeLong Sportswear Inc. of Iowa closed its Harmony mill last year, putting 80 peo
DeLong Sportswear of Grinnell, Iowa, which used to manfacture lightweight sports
DeLorme Mapping Co. of Freeport is set to market Map'n'Go, a CD-ROM that provide
DeLorme Mapping has proposed building a $6 million, 110,000-square-foot office-r, Edgar Allen Beem
Del Perry, director of the Maine Education Association, estimates that 90 percen
DeLuca Hoffman Associates, a developer that has done other work in Maine for Wal
Demand for glossy paper has improved substantially in recent months, and the pro
Democrat and Republican lawmakers are in agreement that public reaction to the r
Democratic gubernatorial candidate and former governor Joseph E Brennan has rai
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Joseph Brennan during the primary proposed ex
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Joseph Brennan was a popular and effective go, Edgar Allen Beem
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Richard Barringer says the state's new two-ye
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Richard Barringer yesterday detailed his prop
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Richard Barringer yesterday outlined a 12-poi
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Robert Woodbury yesterday charged that one of
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Thomas H. Allen has toned down the volume of
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Allen yesterday announced a proposal that
Democratic legislators remain undecided whether House speaker John L. Martin sho
Democratic State Committee Chairman James Mitchell's plan to stage Maine's first
Democratic state representative Christopher Muse of South Portland was stopped b, Connie Pacillo
Democrats and some key Republicans in Augusta are acknowledging that the tempora
Democrats in the Maine House of Representatives last night nominated House Major
Democrats in the Maine House of Representatives yesterday elected Rep Paul F J
Democrats on the Legislature's Human Resources Committee have rejected key eleme
Denise Hartford and Diane Moody are two of the women on the construction crew bu, Tanya Whiton
Dennis Creaser of South Paris, Jay Windover of Dixfield and Gary Howard of Bath, Jack C Barnes
Dennis Gallant, a former drug agent with the North Myrtle Beach Police Departmen
Dennis Kennedy, 21, of Yarmouth, has filed suit in Cumberland County Superior Co
Dennis Meachum, 26, of Paw Paw, Mich., has pleaded guilty to charges of unlawful
Dennis Meachum, 26, of Paw Paw, Michigan, accused of attacking women in Greene a
Dennis Michael Wienclaw, who left Portland in 1972 because of community intolera
Dennis Snyder, 42, a divorced father, feels that Maine's judicial system is gros, Tanya Whiton
Denny Gallaudet, chairman and president of Casco Northern Bank, will direct a $5
Departing owner Dodge Morgan comments on 29 years of Maine Times publication., Dodge D. Morgan
Department of Marine Resources biologist Ted Creaser said that the recent $1.4 m
Derek Bonney, 31, of Paris, has agreed to plead guilty to manslaughter and drunk
Derek M. Bonney, 30, of South Paris, charged with a hit-and-run accident that to
Description and photo of a painting by Ogunquit Art Colony founder Charles Woodb
Description and photo of the 1855 Waterville Fire Department., Ellen MacDonald Ward
Description by author Alex Irvine of his recent participation in the San Diego C, Alex Irvine
Description of a caving expedition in Inman's Cave in Camden, led by Eric Hendri, Cory Fox
Description of a John Calvin Stevens house for sale in Portland.
Description of an 1830's cape that Steve and Marcia Crabtree bought and renovate, Bruce D. Snider
Description of an art show and a new book, both of which examine the art produce
Description of an educational anal-sex class attended by the author last week at, Sara Donnelly
Description of another John Calvin Stevens-designed home, this one in Westbrook
Description of a Paleoindian archeological dig in Dresden overlooking Merrymeeti, Pat Friedman
Description of a portrait of Elizabeth Bourne, the wife of an early Kennebunk La
Description of appropriate care for Maine birds, divided by species, in the wint, Martin Manning
Description of area condominiums and apartments that offer the best waterfront v, Christopher Johnson
Description of a shrimping trip out of Cundy's Harbor aboard the seventy-foot st, Ken Textor
Description of a traditional Cambodian wedding held on Grant Street in Portland., Carole Lynne Hoffman and Frank G. Miller
Description of a trip taken by the author and his wife to visit E. B. White's ho, Andrew Reiner
Description of a trip to Attean Lake Lodge, near Jackman, a remote site accessib, Paul Guernsey
Description of author Lisa Price's hiking trip through the Hundred Mile Wilderne, Lisa Price
Description of a walking tour of Lewiston-Auburn. Among the places of interest, Aurelia C. Scott
Description of fishing from a smelt shack., Ken Textor
Description of four new paintings by Andrew Wyeth, noting that Wyeth, at age 86,, Colin Sargent
Description of instructional dance classes in Portland, mentioning Portland Ball, Sally Noble
Description of Lane's Island, an offshore wilderness area that is an easy half-h, Andrew Vietze
Description of Mackworth Island in the winter., Elizabeth Peavey
Description of Maine's "Dream Islands" for sale: Dunn, Leavitt, Fisherman, Bayou, Paul Karr, Sanford Phippen, and Ben Emory
Description of moose-watching near Rumford and Byron., David Morine
Description of Portland's changing skyline from several vantage points., M Reed Bergstein
Description of Portland Symphony Orchestra's upcoming "Magic of Christmas" conce
Description of riding the mechanical bull at the Stadium in Portland. With tips, Rick Wormwood
Description of Sebago Lake State Park in autumn. Details., Laurie Dash
Description of several covered bridges in the state, including Babb's Bridge in, Becky Krier
Description of snowmobiling, sledding, and things to see in the North Woods. De
Description of snowshoes used in Maine, which are typically round in front and t, Paul Karr
Description of some of the things that lure us to Maine, mentioning undiscovered, Colin Sargent
Description of the 1790s home of the Woodford family, moved from its original lo, Colin Sargent
Description of the 1866 mayhem in Bowdoinham caused by a gang of New York thugs,, Wayne Reilly
Description of the 7th annual Portland Phoenix' Muzzle Awards, given to those wh, Dan Kennedy
Description of the author's experiences visiting several sugarhouses on Maine Ma, Elizabeth Peavey
Description of the author's trips to view petroglyphs near Grand Lake Stream and, Michael D. Burke
Description of the burning of the abandoned farmhouse on Mackworth Island in Cas, Rick Wormwood
Description of the exhibit "Camera Obscura" at the Children's Museum of Maine in, Laura Conaway
Description of the glass sculptures in Portland's Stein Gallery. Details., Frances Lefkowitz
Description of the large number of unusual objects collected and displayed by Ge, Ellen MacDonald Ward
Description of "The Music Business: The Artist's Experience," a six-week course, Lisa Craig
Description of the pain and pleasure of Henry David Thoreau's trips through Main, Gwen Thompson
Description of the Phoenix-sponsored debates for the three legislative districts, Alex Irvine
Description of the press conference announcing that Winslow Homer's Prouts Neck, Colin Sargent
Description of the process through which Regional Waste Systems turns Portland-a, Lindsay Sterling
Description of the sculpture by Portland sculptor James Skinner which will be us
Description of the shadbush, which comprises the majority of underbrush in Maine, Richard Grant
Description of the South Solon Meetinghouse, the site of a remarkable amount of, Elizabeth Peavey
Description of the state's first Homeland Security Conference, held May 14 at th, Lance Tapley
Description of the White House in Kennebunk, an 8,000-square-foot Federal home r, Dan Soule
Description of Thompson's Point in Portland and the businesses located there. D, Herbert Adams
Description of trail-grooming by Presque Isle Snowmobile Club trail master Greg, Ken Textor
Description of travels with Maine Guide Don Bryant and his hunting party, and th, Ken Textor
Description of various winter attractions along the midcoast, including: Camden
Description of visits to several local churches, with ratings of the churches i, Amy Martin
Descriptions of 12 lesser-known beaches in Maine, including Seapoint Beach in Ki, Andrew Vietze
Descriptions of 12 of Maine's best lakes for swimming: Cross Lake in Square Lake, Emily Glatz Fontaine
Descriptions of 13 Maine garden shows.
Descriptions of 13 uninhabited islands: Simpson's, Burnt, Merit, Shoppee, Miles,, Colin Sargent and Eric Hopkins
Descriptions of 17 upcoming state festivals.
Descriptions of 19 private islands currently for sale in Maine, including: Pine, Liz Gotthelf
Descriptions of 20 ski resorts in Maine, followed by comments of Ski Maine on ch, Leigh Donaldson
Descriptions of 20 vacation bargains in Maine, including the motel behind Moody'
Descriptions of 28 Maine sites for downhill and Nordic cross-country skiing.
Descriptions of 30 islands that are currently for sale in Maine, ranging in pric, Allison Richards and Michelle Susan Twomey
Descriptions of 31 holiday gift stores in Maine and holiday celebrations in 15 t
Descriptions of 36 things to do in Bar Harbor., Powell Boyer
Descriptions of 52 upcoming Maine festivals., Karen Sanders
Descriptions of four weddings that took place in each of Maine's four seasons, w, of Down East Editors
Descriptions of houses of 15 famous Mainers, including those of J. Henry Rines,, Colin Sargent
Descriptions of Maine food festivals in each month.
Descriptions of Maine islands for sale, including Little Squaw Island in Penobsc, Amy Havel
Descriptions of Maine's five best picnic sites: Fort William Henry, near Pemaqui, Andrew Vietze
Descriptions of Maine's top 34 restaurants. Related "Room With A View" column., Caskie Stinnett and Jeff Clark
Descriptions of more than a dozen restaurants in South Portland, from Barbara's, Paul Doiron
Descriptions of nine Maine homes that have a water view and an asking price of b, Leischen Stelter
Descriptions of rediscovered sites from "lost Portland:" Union Station, the Port, Steve Luttrell
Descriptions of seven ocean getaways now on the market for under $200,000.
Descriptions of seven of the most challenging hikes in Maine, including: Mt. Kat, Cathy Genthner
Descriptions of several of Maine's grand hotels and their famous guests, includi, Pat Friedman
Descriptions of several Portland sports bars., Christopher Riccardo
Descriptions of several unsolved missing-persons cases in Maine. On May 1, 1975, Chris Busby
Descriptions of sixteen Maine restaurants with wonderful views, along with a bri
Descriptions of some of Maine's artist co-ops and collectives., Jeanee Dudley
Descriptions of the favorite cookbooks of several Maine chefs, including: Celia, Diane Hudson
Descriptions of three Maine homes with outstanding solariums, including the Long, John Salustri
Descriptions of three waterfront estates for sale in Maine: 5 Pillsbury Drive in, Colin Sargent
Descriptions of twenty parks and preserves that display fine autumn foliage: Mou
Descriptions, photos, and aesthetic ratings of some of Portland's public art. Am, Jason Wilkins
Description, with photos, of the house architect Chris Campbell designed by Dama, Brian Vanden Brink
Descriptive account of the Rebel raid on Portland Harbor, led by Confederate Cha, Ron Soodalter
Descriptive piece of the Maine homes of writers Edna St. Vincent Millay, Edwin A, Mark Mikalide
Designer Maralyce Ferree has built a thriving business over 20 years fashioning, Katharina Hagmann
"Design Matters 94" issue with related articles on Jil Eaton of Portland, a desi, Pamela Chodosh
"Design Matters 95" piece on the impact of computer technology on graphic design, Edgar Allen Beem
"Design Matters 95" piece on the Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design, an in, Haines Sprunt Tate
Designs Inc. plans to open a second Levi Outlet by Design store in Freeport, to
Despite 2,265 reports since 1938, the state of Maine has not confirmed one mount
Despite a lack of support from the Portland City Council, the Aquarium Developme
Despite compelling evidence that small schools work well, there is increasing pr, Lee Burnett
Despite complaints of local school officials in Biddeford that lean school fundi
Despite its gritty reputation, Rumford is more than a typical mill town. Oxford, Monica Wood
Despite lots of talk last spring by University of Southern Maine administrators
Despite Maine's low murder rate, about 70 murder cases have remained unsolved ov, Lance Tapley
Despite Rockland's renaissance, it still retains a sense of its blue collar orig, Virginia Wright
Despite rounds of military cutbacks, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard on Seavey Island, Jeff Clark
Despite the fact that the Amtrak Downeaster is set to lose a $7 million federal, Deirdre Fulton
Despite the heated housing market in southern and coastal Maine, most homes in t, Jeff Clark
Despite the stereotype of Mainers, only 64 percent of residents were born here a, Colin Woodard
Despite the tourist business all around it, the Maine Diner in Wells stays close, Abby Dubay, Thom Truman, and Mark Mayo
Despite this year's heavy infestation of mosquitos, Richard Bradbury, an entomol
Despite unanimous opposition from the Freeport Planning Board, the Freeport Town, Evan Halper
Despite warnings about mercury-laden trout, anglers are pouring into Maine camps, Jeff Clark
Despite years of effort to bring back sea-run fish to the Kennebec River, not on
Despite yesterday's bad weather, most Maine communities held their Democratic mu
Destination: Portland, Lori Valigra
Detailed 1944 letter in which Michael Wallace, the son of Irish immigrants, desc, Michael Wallace
Detailed advertisement for The Cat, America's first high-speed car ferry, which
Detailed analysis of the effect that the public furor over the state's new autom
Detailed and colorful "Edge" piece on sailing Peapod boats in Casco Bay, for che, Tim Harkins
Detailed article about Great Northern Paper Co.'s plans to sell its hydroelectri, Phyllis Austin
Detailed article about the auction held August 2-3, 1995, at the Ebenezer Alden, Edgar Allen Beem
Detailed article about the cooperative efforts taken by the International Paper
Detailed article criticizing the state's decision to award its wholesale liquor, Alex Irvine
Detailed article describing the author's vacation in the Rangeley Lakes-area hou, Elizabeth Peavey
Detailed article exploring the possibilities of turning the South Portland armor, Jeff Inglis
Detailed article on antiques for sale in Maine, including furniture; glass and c, Gwen Thompson
Detailed article on fashionable architecture in Falmouth, including specific hou, Gwen Thompson
Detailed article on Gov. John Baldacci's proposal to sell $400 million of the st, Lance Tapley
Detailed article on Harper's Development, a Winthrop-based real estate company w, Lance Tapley
Detailed article on Harpswell inventor Lloyd Weaver, who has been working on an, Alex Irvine
Detailed article on high speed ferries and the interest they are generating. De, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Detailed article on premium juice companies Frugals Juice Co. in Eliot and Fresh, Diane Hudson
Detailed article on Question 1 on the November ballot, with a focus on Jesse Con, Tony Giampetruzzi
Detailed article on renowned Topsham luthier Dana Bourgeois, who has been buildi
Detailed article on some of Maine's out-of-the-way accomplishments: the Telstar
Detailed article on the $200 million state budget gap, with a focus on the littl, Lance Tapley
Detailed article on the gubernatorial election, commenting on recent polls which, Lance Tapley
Detailed article on the Haunted Mansion at Funtown in Saco, which operated from, Sara Donnelly
Detailed article on the Maine Citizen Leadership Fund (MCLF), with a focus on ho, Lance Tapley
Detailed article on the Maine Island Trail Association (MITA), established in 19, Jeff Clark
Detailed article on the move towards campaign finance reform in Maine. The Legi
Detailed article on the postponement of the University of Maine's "Doing Busines, Lance Tapley
Detailed article on the redevelopment of the Maine State Pier in Portland, notin, Deirdre Fulton, Christopher Gray, and Jeff Inglis
Detailed article on the structure of Portland's municipal government, questionin, Alex Irvine
Detailed biographical profile of former Portland Press Herald reporter May Craig, Henry Lofton
Detailed biographies of twenty Maine Vietnam veterans: Robert J. Smith, Rocco Di, Gwen Thompson, Tyler Redmond, Frank Bishop, and Frank Aranson
Detailed book review of "The Artist's Mount Desert: American Painters on the Mai, Stephen May
Detailed Central Maine Power advertisement for hydroelectricity based on Maine r
Detailed desciption of the 200 paintings of Maine given to the Portland Museum o, Elizabeth Peavey
Detailed description of a Kittery house built by Maine architect Michael Homer., Ellen MacDonald Ward
Detailed description of architect John Edward Gillespie's Rockport Harbo house., Robert Post
Detailed description of a visit to an October gun show held at the Waterville Ar, Elizabeth Kear
Detailed description of canoeing the Allagash Wilderness Waterway., Edgar Allen Beem
Detailed description of clam-digging by Jill Perry off Lower Birch Island. State, Ken Textor
Detailed description of lobster fishing by Maynard Brewer., Edgar Allen Beem
Detailed description of Maine's Great Schooner Race, which last year ran from Mc
Detailed description of Merrill Auditorium in Portland, vastly improved -- parti, Jeff Clark
Detailed description of Prouts Neck, home of the Winslow Homer family., Paul Mann
Detailed description of psychologist Carl Jung's 1936 visit to Bailey Island, Ma, Gwen Thompson
Detailed description of "Rockwell Kent: The Mythic and The Modern," an exhibitio, Stephen May
Detailed description of Sears Island off Searsport and the road that crosses it., Paul Doiron
Detailed description of shark-watching off the coast of Port Clyde., Bob Noonan
Detailed description of skiing in Maine, including; the work of the Ski Maine As, Charlie Brown
Detailed description of ten "dream islands" for sale in Maine., Colin Sargent
Detailed description of the appeal of Kennebunkport in the winter., Andrew Vietze Vietze and Andrew
Detailed description of the etchings made by Ogunquit artist Peggy Bacon in the, Edgar Allen Beem
Detailed description of the home of Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain in Brunswick, an, Gwen Thompson and Kevin LeDuc
Detailed description of the logistics of moving 800 employees from the State Off, Kathryn Skelton
Detailed description of the nature camp on Hog Island, off Bremen, and the Natio, Elizabeth Peavey
Detailed description of the Payson family and many of its members, including the, Carl Little
Detailed description of the Portland Boxing Club and several of its fighters. T, Sarah Goodyear
Detailed description of the slate roofs and copper gutters on a home designed by
Detailed description of the town of Camden, including the Bok Amphitheater and n, Frances Lefkowitz
Detailed description of the town of Walpole., Bob Roundy
Detailed description of the Tudor mansion at 900 Shore Road in Cape Elizabeth, b, Colin Sargent
Detailed description of the workings of the Portland Conservatory of Music and o, Gwen Thompson
Detailed description of the work of preparators Stuart Hunter and Greg Welch, wh, Ken Textor
Detailed description of the work of three Maine shrimp fishermen -- Lyle Chambe, David Pettingell
Detailed description of wedding services in Maine.
Detailed description of winter life in Portland, including hotels, music, "the u
Detailed descriptions of eleven summer hotels: Todd House, Moore Island, Eastpor, Gwen Thompson
Detailed descriptions of fourteen "dream islands" for sale in Maine: Peggy, Tom, Colin Sargent
Detailed descriptions of gardens behind walls at the Armory residence in Portlan, Gwen Thompson
Detailed descriptions of Maine cottages, including Mark and Karen Werner's on S, Meadow Rue Merrill, Paul Doiron, Robert Post, Bob Roundy, Frank Andrews, Winnie White, Winnie White, John Hadley, and Ellen MacDonald Ward
Detailed descriptions of Maine resorts, including Oceanic House on Star Island a, Colin Sargent
Detailed descriptions of the Bowdoin Mill on the Androscoggin River, abandoned i
Detailed descriptions of the owners of Maine license plates 1-25., Colin Sargent
Detailed descriptions of the work of Maine Guides and the Maine Guide Training C, Andrew Vietze
Detailed descriptions of various "dream islands" for sale in Maine: Clapboard, G, Colin Sargent
Detailed desriptions of the Brushians, Portland's Post-Impressionist painters fr
Detailed discussion of Gov. McKernan's most controversial welfare reform proposa
Detailed discussion of the restaurant smoking ban approved by the Portland City, Al Diamon
Detailed discussion with former senator Margaret Chase Smith in her Skowhegan ho, Kevin LeDuc
Detailed excerpt on lauching the USS Donald Cook from the book "The Yard: Buildi, Michael S. Sanders
Detailed explanation of Rite Aid's decision to locate a pharmacy in Camden., Jeff Clark
Detailed feature article on the November casino referendum, sorting out the conf, Jeff Clark
Detailed first-person profile of riding a surfboard in Maine during the winter., Eugene Cole
Detailed history and description of Lewiston's magnificent Saints Peter and Pau, Ellen MacDonald Ward
Detailed history of Central Maine Power Company.
Detailed history of the 1961 Brooks car crash that killed Charlie Fossett, Donni, Edgar Allen Beem
Detailed history of the state of Maine, starting before 1500 and ending in the p, William David Barry, Debra Barry, Herbert Adams, Gerald Talbot, Tisha M. Eadie, and Sarah Katz
Detailed history of the village of Flagstaff, destroyed in 1949 to create Flagst, Edgar Allen Beem
Detailed letter on Maine's trade with China., Robert D. Blair
Detailed letter to the editor in response to a previous article on Edna and Robe, Cynthia O. Bean and Diane S. Anderson
Detailed portrait of the Farmington (Cutler Memorial) Library, including details, Robert Kimber
Detailed preview of 1999 Maine summer theater, followed by descriptions of 26 Ma, Diane Hudson
Detailed profile of Carl Sprinchorn (1887-1971), who painted, worked, and lived, Edgar Allen Beem
Detailed profile of Clifford Jackson and his Snug Harbor Farm in Kennebunk. Snug, Kim Lovejoy
Detailed profile of Deborah Palman, Maine Warden of the Year., Paul Doiron
Detailed profile of Doug Kneelend of Lincoln News and one of the nation's most p, Christopher Corbett
Detailed profile of Eastport's incomparable Fourth of July celebrations., Wayne Curtis
Detailed profile of Fryeburg Academy, one of the most successful private schools, Jeff Clark
Detailed profile of Gov. Angus King., Jeff Clark
Detailed profile of Northeast Harbor author Marguerite Yourcenar, who is better, Agnes Bushell
Detailed profile of Rangeley Lake State Park., Andrew Vietze
Detailed profile of Shaw's Boarding House in Monson, a landmark among hikers of, Andrew Vietze
Detailed profile of the Decorum store in Portland, which provides home renovator, Andrew Vietze
Detailed profile of the Goose Cove Lodge on Deer Isle., Elizabeth Peavey
Detailed profile of the high-stakes bingo game on Indian Island., Elizabeth Peavey
Detailed profile of the Maine Historical Society in Portland and its executive d, Scott Sutherland
Detailed profile of the Maine State Prison in Thomaston, which is about to be de, Jeff Clark
Detailed profile of the Maine Youth Center and new superintendent Larry Reid. T, Laura Conaway
Detailed profile of the Patten's Lumberman Museum in Patten., Bob Roundy
Detailed profile of the steamboat "Katahdin. Captained by Ron Macomber, the ste, Andrew Vietze
Detailed profile of the town of Dover-Foxcroft.
Detailed profile of the town of Farmington., Jeff Clark
Detailed profile of the town of Liberty, population 700. Off the main tourist r, Joseph E. Brown
Detailed profile of Togus Veterans Administration Hospital in Chelsea, one of th, Jeff Clark
Detailed profiles of Cape Porpoise, which is the most unspoiled harbor in southe, Paul Mann
Detailed profiles of five immigrants: Suzuko Hiraoka Laplante, the only Japanese, Clea French, Pamela Holley Wood, Hugh T French, Tim Rice, Gretchen Batz, and Lisa Palas
Detailed profiles of York's Hardy Rhododendrons in West Bath and its owner, Tom, Jane Lamb
Detailed results of a Guy Gannett/Maine Sunday Telegram poll that surveyed 800 M
Detailed results of muncipal elections in Freeport, Scarborough, South Portland
Detailed review of Night Train at Wiscasset Station by Lew Dietz and Kosti Ruoho, Richard Grant
Detailed review of the novel "Cordelia Underwood: Or the Marvelous Beginnings of, Richard Grant
Detailed review of the paintings of John Marin, who summered in West Point, Main, Edgar Allen Beem
Detailed review of Windows on the Water restaurant in Kennebunk., Agnes Bushell
Detailed story on Southwest Harbor, formerly a close-knit community on Mount Des, Jeff Clark
Detailed table of facts and statistics from each Maine county, including county
Details about some of Maine's "dream islands" currently being offered for sale,, Karen E. Hofreiter, Benjamin Goodridge, and Bethany Stone
Details about some of Maine's "dream" islands currently being offered for sale,, Colin Sargent
Details about the Maine Department of Marine Resources' shad restoration program
Details about the work that has taken place at Hadlock Field in Portland and the
Details about William Scarborough's home, Point o' View, now for sale at $2.8 mi
Details and analysis of last night's forum featuring the eight candidates seekin
Details and graphics on Maine's hydrologic cycle, including terminology, water u
Details of 16 Maine islands being offered for sale, including Fog Island, Freedo, Pat Friedman
Details of a Maine Times interview with conservationist David Brower and his wif, Douglas Rooks
Details of a meeting between the eight Republican gubernatorial candidates and t
Details of a meeting held three weeks after Oak Street Theater's landlord cancel, Anne Ursu
Details of a meeting of the editorial board of The Portland Newspapers and 1st D
Details of a meeting yesterday between the editorial board of The Portland Newsp
Details of an interview conducted Friday with David Flanagan, 46, currently exec
Details of an interview with Maine House Speaker Elizabeth Mitchell, D-Vassalbor, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details of financial expenditures for lobbying efforts by business interests and
Details of some of the 50 proposed changes to Brunswick's Main Street, which is, Kathryn Skelton
Details of some of the improvements designed by Kirkegaard & Associates for the
Details of the 12th annual Island Institute Conference, held recently at the Mai
Details of the first Northern Forest Lands Council public hearing on the council
Details of the St Patrick's Day celebrations in the city
Details of yesterday's meeting between U.S. representatives and U.S. Senate cand
Details of yesterday's public hearing in Augusta on the state's new automobile e
Details on a $47,000 project to relocate adolescent lobsters in Portland Harbor, Kathryn Skelton
Details on a meeting between the editorial board of The Portland Newspapers and
Details on a meeting between the editorial board of The Portland Newspapers and
Details on amounts collected and spent by the state's four gubernatorial candida
Details on an interview last week with Maine Department of Human Services Commis, Douglas Rooks
Details on an interview with state representative John Martin, D-Eagle Lake, on, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on a public hearing before the Maine Legislature's Appropriations Commit, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on a trip to Cuba by a group of New England farmers and students. The t, Hannah Holmes
Details on a University of Maine School of Law forum on the Second Amendment. T, Evan Halper
Details on "Down East Discovery Day,"on Aug. 15, when sites hosting Down East's
Details on extensive interviews held with gubernatorial candidates Joseph Brenna
Details on finding and choosing edible mushroooms, including the tasty and the h, Diane Hudson
Details on Friday's conference in Augusta, during which the preliminary results, Douglas Rooks
Details on Friday's public hearings before the Maine Legislature's Inland Fisher, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on Gov. King's first comprehensive initiative as governor, unveiled last, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on Gov. King's ideas for education reform, which include school consolid
Details on Green Party candidate Ralph Nader's campaign stop at Maine Times. Na, Douglas Rooks
Details on how the ice storm of '98 affected snow days in various school distri, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on how to view the Eta-Aquarid and Lyrid meteor showers in May and April, Kyle A. Roberts
Details on interviews with U.S. represenative John Baldacci and Tom Andrews, Dem, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on land purchases in Maine's unorganized territories in 1996 and through, Phyllis Austin
Details on last Friday's visit to Bates College by Cornel West. West, the head, Jason Wilkins
Details on last month's Education Summit in Orono, attended by 367 educators and, Edgar Allen Beem
Details on last month's visit to Maine by the Rev. Lucius Walker, founder of the, Frances Lefkowitz
Details on last Thurday's public hearing in Denmark. U.S. Cellular presented an, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on last Thursday's conference of Maine Businesses for Social Responsibil, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on last Thursday's debate in Augusta, sponsored by the Wildlife Society,, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on last Thursday's meeting in Rangeley, which focused on a proposal to d, Phyllis Austin
Details on last Thursday's meeting of the Denmark Planning Board. The board pos, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on last Thursday's public hearing before the Baxter State Park Authority, Phyllis Austin
Details on last Thursday's public hearing before the Maine Legislature's Educati, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on last Thursday's public hearing in Richmond, on the proposed Maritimes, Phyllis Austin
Details on last Wednesday public hearing on legislation that would limit the amo, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on last Wednesday's public hearing before the Maine Legislature's Agricu, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on last Wednesday's public hearing in front of the Maine Legislature's N, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on last Wednesday's public meeting before the Baxter State Park Authorit, Phyllis Austin
Details on last weekend's Association of State Green Parties meeting, held at th, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on last weekend's Freedom Festival in Vienna, held by farmer Richard Nys, Jason Wilkins
Details on last weekend's Maine Green's organizational meeting at Bowdoin Colleg
Details on last weekend's meeting of the Second Maine Militia, held in North Par, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on last weekend's three-day workshop on Megunticook Lake in Hope, sponso, Lisa Price
Details on last week's abortion summit in Augusta, called by Gov. McKernan in th
Details on last week's annual conference of the Gulf of Maine Council on the Mar, Bob Moore
Details on last week's debate between Democrats Dale McCormick and Tom Allen, bo, Evan Halper
Details on last week's debate on the November referendum to ban clear-cutting in, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on last week's hearing before the Maine Board of Environmental Protectio, Jay Davis
Details on last week's League of Women Voters-sponsored debate on the takings le
Details on last week's Maine Bioethics Network conference in Augusta, which focu, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on last week's Maine Land Use Regulation Commission meeting in Bethel., Phyllis Austin
Details on last week's meeting of the Baxter State Park Authority. The three-me, Phyllis Austin
Details on last week's meeting of the Maine chapter of the New England Coastal C, John N. Cole
Details on last week's meeting of the Maine Land Acquisition Priorities Advisory, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on last week's meeting on a new management plan for the Allagash Wildern, Phyllis Austin
Details on last week's public hearing befoe the Maine Legislature's Agriculture,, Phyllis Austin
Details on last week's public hearing before the Atlantic States Marine Fisherie, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on last week's public hearing before the Maine Land Use Regulation Commi, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on last week's public hearing before the Maine Legislature's Marine Reso, Jay Davis
Details on last week's public hearing before the Maine Legislature's Taxation Co, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on last week's public hearing in Machias on the proposal to list the Atl, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on last week's public hearing in Newry on the proposed Passamaquoddy bin, Phyllis Austin
Details on last week's public hearing in Rangeley, on a proposal by the Maine Gr, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on last week's public hearing in Scarborough before the Select Committee, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on last week's public hearing in Southport on herring conservation optio, Phyllis Austin
Details on last week's public hearings in Saco and Farmington, held by the gover, Phyllis Austin
Details on last week's public meeting in Cape Elizabeth on the town's coyote pop, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on last week's spring meeting of the Maine Press Association in Orono., Douglas Rooks
Details on last week's visit to Maine by Jim Baca, former head of the federal Bu, Douglas Rooks
Details on LD 1853 and LD 1854, both scheduled for public hearings this week bef, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on life in the shelter in Somerville's school, after nine days without e, Steve Cartwright
Details on Monday's meeting at Wiscasset Middle School, during which around 350, Evan Halper
Details on Monday's press conference at the State House in Augusta, during which, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on Monday's public hearing before the Maine Legislature's Agriculture, C, Phyllis Austin
Details on Monday's public hearing front of the Maine Legislature's Appropriatio, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on Monday's televised debate on referendum Question One, which would lim, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on Monday's visit to Portland by President Clinton. Clinton spoke to a, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on National Endowment for the Arts funding to 14 Maine arts organization, Paul Karr
Details on "Promoting Locally Grown Foods: Strengthening the Connection Between, Beth Thomas
Details on public hearings held by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, in, Jay Davis
Details on recent developments in the effort to produce an alternative to Novemb, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on recent polls and interviews with political scientists and voters rega
Details on Saturday's rededication of the Maine State Museum, which was official, Douglas Rooks
Details on some of the Maine-related sites in Washington, D.C. The nation's cap, Alice Arlen
Details on some of the musical events taking place in Maine in commemoration of, Kit Pfeiffer
Details on some of the ten bills dealing with workers' compensation the Maine Le, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on some of the ways that Black History Month is celebrated in Maine. Ri, Jason Wilkins
Details on Sunday's Portland Democratic caucus. Candidates for federal office u, Evan Halper
Details on the 117th Maine Legislature's work in the area of environmental legis, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on the 1994 Mr./Ms. USA Bodybuilding Championships, sponsored by the New, Abby Zimet
Details on the 21st annual Governor's Economic Development Conference, held yest
Details on the $2.8 million road reconstruction of the half-mile stretch of Broa
Details on the 31st biennial meeting of the Appalachian Trail Conference, which, Phyllis Austin
Details on the 51st annual Moosabe Lobster Boat Race, held July 4th in Jonesport, Robert Anderson
Details on the annual international lobster conference that took place last week
Details on the annual International Seaplane Fly-In, held the second weekend in, Donna Gold
Details on the author's airplane ride over the northern forests with representat, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on the author's morning aboard Maggie May, a 42-foot lobster boat owned, Robert Anderson
Details on the author's visit earlier this month to Baxter State Park, who found, Steve Cartwright
Details on the biannual awards of the Maine Chapter of the American Institute of, Edgar Allen Beem
Details on the case in Maine's 4th District Court in Calais, involving 12 Passam, Deborah DuBrule
Details on the competing legislation to reform Maine's campaign finance laws, be
Details on the construction and destruction of a sand mandala by the Venerable L
Details on the December 16 legislative listening session at the Augusta Elks Clu, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on the effect last week's ice storm had on forests and wildlife. The da, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on the experiences of the Maine delegation to the Republican National Co, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on the federal government's experimental $2 million boat buyback program
Details on the first conference on sustainable technology, organized by Sustaina, Ruth Robinson
Details on the first Maine Green party convention, held last weekend in Winthrop
Details on the first two public hearings on the future of the Allagash Wildernes, Phyllis Austin
Details on the five candidates being considered for the position of commissioner
Details on the four-way 2nd Congressional District race, in which 42 percent of
Details on "The Garden in the Sea," a conference held by the Island Institute at, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on the initial public hearings on the Maine Land Use Regulation Commissi, Phyllis Austin
Details on the January 6 meeting between officials with the Maine Bureau of Park, Phyllis Austin
Details on the King administration's $170 million prison reform plan, and reacti, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on the latest troubles between the federal government and Portland devel, Al Diamon
Details on the legal challenge to Maine's term limits law. Stephen Langsdorf, a, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on the life of director John Ford, born John Feeney in Cape Elizabeth an, Doug Hubley
Details on the Maine Association of Planners' annual meeting, held last month in, Murray Carpenter
Details on the Maine Legislature's work on a variety of bills affecting the futu, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on the Maine Press Association's annual awards. Greg Davis, 37, former
Details on the Maine Responder, Marine Spill Response Corp.'s 208-foot-long oil
Details on the Maine Women's Fund annual "Evening to Honor Maine Women." Honore, Linda Monko
Details on the March meeting of the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission, during, Phyllis Austin
Details on the May 7 Portland city elections. Three city councilors are up for, Christopher Barry
Details on the November 7 ballot, with discussions of the $1.2-million bond issu
Details on the Penobscot River Festival, a celebration of the Penobscot watershe, Murray Carpenter
Details on the proposed $2.7 billion FairPoint Communications' buyout of Verizon, Jeff Inglis
Details on the public forum held yesterday at the Portland Regional Vocational T
Details on the public hearing on Ronald Lovaglio, Gov. King's nominee to head th
Details on the revised draft management plan for the Allagash Wilderness Waterwa, Phyllis Austin
Details on the role hair has played in the political fortunes of some Mainers, w, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on the simplified zoning law to be considered by residents of Naples at
Details on the six statewide referendums on the November 2 ballot, as well as br, Stephane Fitch
Details on the special session of the Maine Legislature, and the lobbying and ta, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on the strained relationship between Maine Senate President Jeffrey Butl, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on the talk by environmental policy expert Dennis Meadows, director of t
Details on the the Maine Arts Commission's Arts in the Capitol program. The pro, Donna Gold
Details on the two-year legal battle between Parkview Memorial and Mid Coast hos, Sharon Bass
Details on the University of Maine at Presque Isle's Voices in the North Country, Annaliese Hood
Details on the work of the state Productivity Realization Task Force, with comme, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on the World Wide Web home pages of some of Maine's political candidates, Evan Halper
Details on this week's Maine Times interview with Maine Yankee President Charles, Evan Halper
Details on this week's visit to Portland by Republican presidential candidate St, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on this year's awards for excellence of the Maine Chapter of the America, Donald M. Kreis
Details on this year's Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance writing retreat, he, Annaliese Hood
Details on three pieces of legislation being pushed by the nursing home industry, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on Thursday's Public Utilities Commission hearing on New England Telepho
Details on Tuesday's meeting of the Denmark Planning Board. The board gave fina, Andrew K. Weegar
Details on Wednesday's hearing before the Maine Legislature's Transportation Com, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Details on yesterday's 1st District congressional debate, held in Portland and s
Details on yesterday's 1st District congressional debate. Republican James Long
Details on yesterday's 1st District congressional debate, which pitted Democrat
Details on yesterday's commissioning of the USS John S. McCain, the Navy's new h
Details on yesterday's debate between 2nd Congressional District candidates John
Details on yesterday's debate between Democrat Paula M. Craighead, 41, of Portla
Details on yesterday's debate between the candidates for the U.S. Senate. U.S. r
Details on yesterday's debate in Portland among the six Democratic candidates fo
Details on yesterday's eight-hour hearing on the state's new automobile emission
Details on yesterday's graduation ceremonies at the University of Southern Maine
Details on yesterday's gubernatorial candidates' debate, co-sponsored by the Gre
Details on yesterday's gubernatorial candidates' debate in Bangor, sponsored by
Details on yesterday's gubernatorial candidates debate, sponsored by the Maine C
Details on yesterday's gubernatorial debate, a two-hour affair sponsored by the
Details on yesterday's gubernatorial debate, the fifth to date. Much of the dis
Details on yesterday's gubernatorial forum, held at the Holiday Inn by the Bay i
Details on yesterday's health care forum at the University of Southern Maine, on
Details on yesterday's MS Regatta, which featured 58 boats racing around Casco B
Details on yesterday's open forum with the gubernatorial candidates and the edit
Details on yesterday's public hearing in Kennebunk on the state's new automobile
Details on yesterday's public hearing in Scarborough on the state's new automobi
Details on yesterday's public hearing in Topsham on the state's new automobile e
Details on yesterday's reunion of former Porteous workers. The Maine College of
Details on yesterday's U.S. Senate candidates debate, sponsored by the Chamber o
Details on yesterday U.S. Senate candidates' debate, sponsored by Ross Perot's g
Detective Cheryl Holmes of the Portland Police Department worked 15 weeks to sol
Deteriorating conditions at the Colburn House in Pittston, Montpelier in Thomast
Developer F Timothy Vigue has proposed covering Waterville's Main Street and Ca
Developer F. Timothy Vigue in 1991 acquired an option on the Sterns Department S, Edgar Allen Beem
Developer F. Timothy Vigue is exploring the feasiblity of erecting a glass dome
Developer Harry Jenkins hopes to win Falmouth Planning Board approval to bring l
Developer Joe Caslinova is proposing a 650-home vacation community for middle-in
Developer Robert C. Wellman has proposed donating land to the town of Cumberland
Developers Michael Scorks and Arthur Girard have purchased the vacant Maine Nati
Developer William J. Dowd has purchased the historic Tracy-Causer building on Po
Developments: is black beautiful? Plans for Maine's first resort-summer home de
Diaexport Inc. of Windham, an importer of biomedical research products, on Wedne
Diaexport Inc of Windham has been fined $25,000 for violating federal customs l
Diamond Cove Associates, the developer who had originally proposed converting hi
Diana Estes, a bus driver for School Administrative District 75, on November 17, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
Diana Vines, the mother of a 15-year-old runaway who lives on the streets of Por
Diane Cowan, an assistant professor of biology at Bates College in Lewiston, has
Diane Demos, a resident of Morning Street and owner of a 55-pound dog, has organ
Diane Peach, 63, of Gray, died when fire consumed her mobile home off Route 100.
Diane Warming, 43, and Rita Rubin-Long, 44, both of Portland, were students at K
Dianna Martin of Raymond is concerned that the nationwide shortage of organ dono
Dick Bradbury of the Maine Forest Service says the brown-tail moth, previously a, Andrew K. Weegar
Dick Wallingform of West Forks has been involved in the growing sport of horse p, Jeremy Jasper
Dick Wyse, superintendent of the Maine Youth Center in South Portland, said yest
Diehard fishermen Fred Sapine of Gray, Randy Heath of Casco and Steve Bickford o
Diesel exhaust is responsible for nearly one-third of the nitrogen oxide created
Different generations of Cheverus High School graduates will gather next Saturda
"Dignity." Fiction by Scott Pomfret., Scott Pomfret
Diners have returned to popularity. Profiles of Phyllis Neal's diner in Sanford, Tonee Harbert
"Dining Down East." Detailed restaurant review of Bintliff's American Cafe in P, Elizabeth Peavey
"Dining Down East." Detailed restaurant review of Youngstown Inn in Lincolnvill, Paul Doiron
"Dining Down East." Detailed review of Angela and Arthur LeBlanc's Seascapes re, Paul Mann
"Dining Down East." Detailed review of Cook's Lobster House on Bailey Island, o, Laura Conaway
"Dining Down East" piece about Bailey Island's Log Restaurant, which is run by S, Sarah Goodyear
"Dining Down East" piece about dining in Charlie Reid's Green Heron Inn in Kenne, Elizabeth Peavey
"Dining Down East" piece about George's restaurant in Bar Harbor, founded sevent, Sarah Goodyear
"Dining Down East" piece about Georgetown's Free Meetinghouse restaurant and Che, Meadow Rue Merrill
"Dining Down East" piece on a reprint of Helen (Leidy) Hamlin's classic memoir o, Andrew Vietze
"Dining Down East" piece on Argentinean-born chef Alejandro Rave of Thistles Res, Mike Woelflein
"Dining Down East" piece on Asian restaurants in Portland, noting that an influx, Wayne Curtis
"Dining Down East" piece on Augusta's Beale Street Barbeque, owned by Augusta na, Andrew Vietze
"Dining Down East" piece on Bandol in Portland's Old Port, under chef Erik Desja, Michael S. Sanders
"Dining Down East" piece on Bintliff's Ogunquit, opened last year by Roger Bintl, Michaela Cavallaro
"Dining Down East" piece on Blue Spoon on Portland's Munjoy Hill, David Iovino's, Andy King
"Dining Down East" piece on Bob's Clam Hut, next to the Kittery Trading Post, wh, Christine R. Parrish
"Dining Down East" piece on chef Herbert Peters' Thomaston Cafe, an anchor in a, Virginia Wright
"Dining Down East" piece on Chicky's Fine Diner in Westbrook, owned by Chicky St, Michaela Cavallaro
"Dining Down East" piece on Cinque Terre in Portland, owned by Dan Kary and his, Michaela Cavallaro
"Dining Down East" piece on Conundrum Wine Bistro in Freeport, owned by Vince Mi, Michaela. Cavallaro
"Dining Down East" piece on Five Fifty-five on Congress Street in Portland, owne, Virginia Wright
"Dining Down East" piece on Francine in Camden, run by chef-owner Brian Hill. H, Brooke Dojny
"Dining Down East" piece on Henry and Marty, an upscale bistro on Maine Street i, Maria Padian
"Dining Down East" piece on Hurricane Restaurant in Kennebunkport's Dock Square,, Monica Wood
"Dining Down East" piece on Le Domaine, on Route 1 in Hancock, which has been in, D B. Eberhart
"Dining Down East" piece on Maine native Norm Jabar and the three popular Portla, Michaela Cavallaro
"Dining Down East" piece on Moody's Diner, the landmark thirties-style diner on, Brooke Dojny
"Dining Down East" piece on One Fifty Ate in South Portland, a loose cooperative, Michael Sanders
"Dining Down East" piece on Porte Rouge in Waterville, which came into existence, Michael Sanders
"Dining Down East" piece on Portland's Cafe Stroudwater, a highly rated restaura, Sarah Scott
"Dining Down East" piece on Rachel's L'Osteria, a Tuscan restaurant run by husba, Andy King
"Dining Down East" piece on River Drivers restaurant, which Matthew and Wendy Po, Andrew Vietze
"Dining Down East" piece on Scales Restaurant and Seafood Market, at the Portlan, Andy King
"Dining Down East" piece on SeaGrass Bistro in Yarmouth, run by chef Stephanie B, Andy King
"Dining Down East" piece on the Arborvine restaurant in Blue Hill, run by John a, Christine Parrish
"Dining Down East" piece on the Audubon Dining Room at the Inn By The Sea in Cap, Maria Padian
"Dining Down East" piece on the Burning Tree restaurant in Otter Creek, about ha, Sarah Scott
"Dining Down East" piece on the Cafe at Pat's Meat Market in Portland, co-owned, Virginia Wright
"Dining Down East" piece on the Cafe Miranda in Rockland, run by Kerry Altiero,, Scott Sutherland
"Dining Down East" piece on the Center Lovell Inn, owned by Janice and Richard C, Elizabeth Peavey
"Dining Down East" piece on the Chebeague Island Inn and chef Allan Fisher, who, Michael Sanders
"Dining Down East" piece on the Hurricane restaurant in Perkins Cove in Ogunquit, Wayne Curtis
"Dining Down East" piece on the Old Port Sea Grill and Raw Bar in Portland, unde, Michael Sanders
"Dining Down East" piece on the Pilots Grill, a Bangor dinner house known for it, Elizabeth Peavey
"Dining Down East" piece on the restaurant Michaela's in Portland's Monument Squ, Michaela Cavallaro
"Dining Down East" piece on the Royal River Grillhouse at Lower Falls Landing in, Monica Wood
"Dining Down East" piece on the Twilight Cafe on Main Street in Belfast, run by, Bruce D. Snider
"Dining Down East" piece on Wings Hill Inn in Belgrade Lakes Village, run by inn, Virginia Wright
"Dining Down East" piece on XYZ, an authentic Mexican restaurant in Southwest Ha, Kim Ridley
"Dining Down East" piece profiling Cary and Richard Hanson's restaurant "Cleonic, Brooke Dojny
"Dining Down East" piece profiling Dana Street, a co-founder of the "Street & Co, Debra Spark
"Dining Down East" piece reviewing Ribollita, an Italian trattoria on Middle Str, Debra Spark
"Dining Down East." Profile of Alyson Cummings' new Star Fish Grill in Brunswic, Paul Doiron
"Dining Down East." Profile of Amalfi restaurant in Rockland and owner David Co, Paul Doiron
"Dining Down East." Profile of John and Phyllis Morris' Oxford House Inn in Fry, Virginia Wright
"Dining Down East." Profile of Kristina's Restaurant and Bakery in Bath., Virginia Wright
"Dining Down East." Profile of Le Garage restaurant in Wiscasset., Virginia Wright
"Dining Down East." Profile of Maggie O'Neil's Maggie's Restaurant in Bar Harbo, Paul Doiron
"Dining Down East." Profile of Melissa Kelly and Price Kushner's Primo restaura, Bruce D. Snider
"Dining Down East." Profile of sous chef Stephen Stone's restauant at Bethel In, Virginia Wright
"Dining Down East." Profile of the Back Bay Grill in Portland., Paul Mann
"Dining Down East." Restaurant review of Bella Cucina in Portland, and summary, Paul Doiron
"Dining Down East." Restaurant review of Hugo's in Portland., Debra Spark
"Dining Down East." Review of 15 Independence restaurant in Freeport, owned by, Agnes Bushell
"Dining Downeast." Review of Aubergine restaurant in Portland, owned by Richard, Sarah Goodyear
"Dining Down East." Review of the restaurant at Lake House in Waterford., Elizabeth Peavey
"Dining" piece on Valerie Jean's: An American Bistro, in Milo. The restaurant w
"dinner & a movie" piece on Bandaloop, a Kennebunkport restaurant owned by Scott, Andy King
"dinner & a movie" piece on Fiddlefest 2005, a celebration of fiddlehead cuisine, Andy King
"dinner & a movie" piece on monthly wine tastings in Portland, mentioning events, Andy King
"dinner & a movie" piece on One Fifty Ate in South Portland, founded by Allison, Brian Duff
"dinner & a movie" piece on the Back Bay Grill in Portland, under chef/owner Lar, Andy King
"dinner & a movie" piece on the growth of Maine-made, specialty- and value-added, Andy King
"dinner & a movie" piece on the Maine Jewish Film Festival, which will feature a, Tony Giampetruzzi
"dinner & a movie" piece on the Rosemont Market and Bakery on Brighton Ave. in P, Andy King
"dinner & a movie" piece with a restaurant review of Uncle Billy's Village Bar-B, Andy King
"dinner & a movie" piece with a review of Nile, a new Middle Eastern/Somali rest, Joe S. Harrington
"dinner & a movie" piece with a review of the Blue House Cafe on Brighton Avenue, Andy King
"dinner & a movie" piece with descriptions of locally-brewed summer beers by Gea, Andy King
"Dinner + Movie" piece commenting on the connections between Hawaiian cuisine an, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece commenting on the new Whole Foods Market in Portland, not, Jessica Porter
"Dinner + movie" piece describing a $20 meal put together with ingredients from, Todd Richard
"Dinner + movie" piece describing a shopping trip to Whole Foods in Portland, in, Todd Richard
"Dinner + movie" piece describing a wine trek in Portland, with stops at Natasha, Layne Witherell
"Dinner + Movie" piece detailing a meal made with fresh ingredients purchased fr, Todd Richard
"Dinner + movie" piece featuring an interview in question-and-answer format with, Chris Thompson
"Dinner + movie" piece featuring an interview with Portland's Brad Hallowell, st, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Dinner + Movie" piece forecasting local food trends for 2008, including an abun, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece listing Portland restaurants that are perfect for dining, Meaghan Donaghy
"Dinner + movie" piece listing where to find quality dark chocolate in Portland., Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece on a $20-meal made with ingredients from Fresh Approach M, Todd Richard
"Dinner + Movie" piece on a four-film series at SPACE Gallery in Portland, which, Christopher Gray
"Dinner + movie" piece on an appetizer and wine menu put together from ingredien, Todd Richard
"Dinner + movie" piece on a visit to the farmer's market in Portland, held on We, Todd Richard
"Dinner + movie" piece on Bangs Island mussels, which are farmed year-round near, Wilson Rothschild
"Dinner + Movie" piece on Berna Uygur, who teaches students to cook traditional, Lindsay Sterling
"Dinner + movie" piece on Cold River Vodka of Freeport, which was launched last, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece on cooking with Beijing-born Sally Ng at her house on the, Lindsay Sterling
"Dinner + movie" piece on ethnic restaurants in Maine, noting that many suffer f, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece on "Fiddle Fest: A Celebration of Spring Food." The fest, Todd Richard
"Dinner + movie" piece on Grandy Oats of Brownfield, and their "Mainely Maple" g, Jessica Porter
"Dinner + movie" piece on King of the Roll, a sushi restaurant at 675 Congress S, Gary Susman
"Dinner + Movie" piece on Leavitt & Sons in Falmouth, which offers prepared food, Todd Richard
"Dinner + movie" piece on Little Lad's restaurant on Congress Street in Portland, Jessica Porter
"Dinner + movie" piece on Matthew Heintz of Thorndike, who has been smoking beef, Wilson Rothschild
"Dinner + movie" piece on Panee Muncharoen, with whom the author had a one-on-on, Lindsay Sterling
"Dinner + Movie" piece on Portland residents Mona and Gustavo Child, who still e, Lindsay Sterling
"Dinner + movie" piece on Portland's grocery stores, mentioning the recent closi, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece on Sasha Prygoniuk, a 25-year-old Ukranian, who shares th, Lindsay Sterling
"Dinner + movie" piece on SunriseGuide, a coupon book for healthy and sustainabl, Jessica Porter
"Dinner + movie" piece on the 48 Hour Film Festival, which is coming to Portland, Erin Enberg
"Dinner + Movie" piece on the 8th Annual Maine International Film Festival (MIFF, Kirah Brouillette
"Dinner + Movie" piece on the Annual Slow Food Portland Writers' Night, sponsore, Todd Richard
"Dinner + movie" piece on the benefits of a whole food diet, suggesting that Mes, Jessica Porter
"Dinner + Movie" piece on the Camden International Film Festival, which is being, Christopher Gray
"Dinner + Movie" piece on The Cheese Iron on Route 1 in Scarborough. Owners Vin, Todd Richard
"Dinner + movie" piece on the Chocolate Lovers' Fling, an annual fundraiser for, Jeff Inglis
"Dinner + movie" piece on the Human Rights Watch International Film Festival, wh, Bly Lauritano-Werner
"Dinner + Movie" piece on the Human Rights Watch Traveling Film Festival, which, Christopher Gray
"Dinner + movie" piece on the Maine Deaf Film Festival, which is being presented, Jeff Inglis
"Dinner + movie" piece on the Maine Jewish Film Festival, with a focus on three, Tony Giampetruzzi
"Dinner + Movie" piece on the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association s, Andy King
"Dinner + movie" piece on the Maine Social Forum Film Festival, which is being p, Laura Lanz-Frolio
"Dinner + movie" piece on the Media that Matters Film Festival, which is being p, Erin Enberg
"Dinner + movie" piece on the nationwide controversy over foie gras, which Chica, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece on the New Hampshire Film Expo, which features four Maine, Bly Lauritano-Werner
"Dinner + movie" piece on the Portland Phoenix Short Film Fest, with a list of n, Ian Paige
"Dinner + Movie" piece on the proliferation of Web sites and online blogs about, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece on the recent opening of Fat Baxter's East End Market on, Todd Richard
"Dinner + Movie" piece on the red tide that has engulfed coastal New England, po, Andy King
"Dinner + movie" piece on the role of music in local restaurants. With comments, Sara Donnelly
"Dinner + Movie" piece on the seventh annual pig roast at Catherine Caswell's fa, Lindsay Sterling
"Dinner + movie" piece on the wonders of Maine shrimp, which are available from, Todd Richard
"Dinner + Movie" piece on Whole Foods in Portland, with reviews of the trattoria, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece on Wolf Pine Farm in Alfred, a community-supported-agricu, Lisa Craig
"Dinner + movie" piece recounting a recent visit to Portland by food writer Kate, Jessica Porter
"Dinner + Movie" piece reviewing summer selections from local microbreweries, in, Todd Richard
"Dinner + movie" piece with a comparison of the college cafeterias at Bowdoin Co, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a guide to local autumn beers, mentioning brews by G, Todd Richard
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a look at creative pizzas offerings in Portland, inc, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Bar Lola on Munjoy Hill in Po, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Bibo's Mad Apple Cafe in Port, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of Bogusha's Polish Restaurant a, Lindsay Sterling
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of Bresca in Portland. Chef/own, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Caiola's, a new venture on Pi, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Chiang Mai, a Thai restaurant, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Conundrum Wine Bistro in Free, Wilson Rothschild
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of Crab Louie on Commercial Stre, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of David's 388 in South Portland, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Duckfat in Portland. The new, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Food Factory Miyake on Spring, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of Francisco's Blue House Cafe,, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of Frog and Turtle in Westbrook., Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Frontier Cafe in Brunswick., Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of Gauchos Churrascaria on Comme, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of GoGo, located on Preble Stree, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Greek Corner on Exchange Stre, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of Green Elephant on Congress St, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Hacienda Pancho Villa in Sout, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of "Honey's Place," a Southern-s, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Hugo's in Portland, with a fo, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of La Familia Restaurante, locat, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of Local 188. The restaurant re, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of MC Perkins Cove, a new restau, Wilson Rothschild
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of Mim's on Commercial Street in, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of Passage to India in Portland., Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Point Five Lounge on Congress, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Renaissance Bistro in Brunswi, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Shahnaz Persian Grille in Por, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Slainte, an Irish pub in Port, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Sophia's in Portland. Owner, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of StarEast Cafe, a new Arabic r, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of Tandoor on Exchange Street in, Lindsay Sterling
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of the Calypso Grill, located on, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of the Chart Room at the Black P, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of the Front Room, a new eatery, Wilson Rothschild
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of the Mediterranean Grill in Fr, Andy King
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of the new Empire Dine and Dance, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of the Pub at the Inn on Peaks I, Andy King
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of the Robinhood Free Meetinghou, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of The White Heart, on Congress, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Uffa!, located on State Stree, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a restaurant review of Uncle Billy's Resto-Bar on Co, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Vignola in Portland, run by c, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with a restaurant review of Wicked Pulp, located on Munjo, Jessica Porter
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a review of Bluegreen, the new film by Scarborough f, Jeff Inglis
"Dinner + movie" piece with a review of Francisco's at the Blue House Cafe in Po, Andy King
"Dinner + movie" piece with a review of "Islander," directed by Ian McCrudden an, Bly Lauritano-Werner
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a review of Jennifer Venditti's 2007 documentary, "", Peter Smith
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a review of Medeo European Food and Deli in Westbroo, Todd Richard
"Dinner + movie" piece with a review of Natasha's in Portland, under the directi, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with a review of "Rebirth of a Nation," by Bowdoin gradua, Christopher Gray
"Dinner + movie" piece with a review of the documentary film "The Sacred and Pro, Megan Grumbling
"Dinner + movie" piece with a review of "Voices of Katrina," by documentary film, Megan Grumbling
"Dinner + Movie" piece with commentary by two local chefs on this summer's two b, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with restaurant reviews of Black Tie on Union Wharf in Po, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with restaurant reviews of four of Maine's Italian restau, Kelsea Brennan-Wessels
"Dinner + movie" piece with restaurant reviews of Hot Suppa! and Ohno Cafe, both, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with restaurant reviews of sandwich eateries in Portland,, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with restaurant reviews of the Front Room and The Good Eg, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with restaurant reviews of three places to get great soup, Brian Duff
"Dinner + Movie" piece with restaurant reviews of two local noodle houses: Pom's, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with restaurant reviews of two sandwich shops: Full Belly, Andy King
"Dinner + Movie" piece with reviews of Acropolis and Emilitsa, two Greek restaur, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with reviews of Two Fat Cats Bakery at 45 India St. in Po, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with reviews of two new Chinese restaurants in Portland:, Brian Duff
"Dinner + movie" piece with the year's best and most interesting food finds in P, Wilson Rothschild
Directors of the Bath Country Club have failed to meet the first of three $100,0
Disclosure reports on file in the secretary of state's office show that the Pass
Discovery House, a methadone treatment clinic operated by a Rhode Island parent
Discovery House in South Portland is Maine's only outpatient methadone clinic, a, Laura Conaway
Discovery House, Maine's first methadone clinic, has attracted far fewer clients
"Discovery" piece on the heat shield that Biddeford's Fiber Materials, Inc creat, Robert Witkowski
Discreet Courtship, Lori Valigra
Discrimination is hidden, Portland Negro declares. He is Rupert A. Richardson,
Discussion of Peter Bradford's appointment by Gov. Curtis as chairman of Public
Discussion of Social Security benefits paid in Maine in 1976.
Discussion of the current mayoral race in Westbrook, which features the same thr
Discussion of the "Hegarty Bill," about to be introduced in the Maine Legislatur
Discussion of the power of eminent domain as practised by the power companies an
Discussion of the report on the University of Maine made by the Visiting Committ
Discussion of the "sense of place" that defines one as a Mainer. Three related
Discussion of two competing plans for revamping Maine's complex school-funding f
Distilled Essence., Craig Idlebrook
District Attorney David Crook has charged an assistant to Public Safety Commissi
District Attorney Janet Mills announced yesterday that Benjamin Sawyer, 19, of N
District Attorney Stephanie Anderson has asked Superior Court justice Arthur G.
District Court Judge Alexander A. MacNichol has ruled that Winfield Doyle Jr., 1
District Court Judge Alexander A. MacNichol yesterday heard testimony in the cas
District Court judge Alexander McNichol on February 24 dismissed a temporary pro
District Court Judge Leigh Ingalls Saufley has ruled that a city order requiring
District Court Judge Leigh Ingalls Sautley, 38, of Portland, has been nominated
District Court justice D. Brock Hornby has awarded nearly $18,000 to the owner o
Diver Ed: Underwater Superhero., Anne Bardaglio
"Diverse-City" piece addressing the high number of out-of-state responses to pre, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece applauding the City of Portland for its attitudes toward is, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece commenting on Black History Month., Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece commenting on Brent Matthews, who is charged with desecrati, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece commenting on Maine's growing population, which includes mo, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse City" piece commenting on the case of Lola and Nicholas Kampf, who were, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece commenting on the front-page headline in the August 5 editi, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"diverse city" piece commenting on the increase in racial diversity in the state, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece commenting on the similarities between lower class Mainers, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece contrasting the increasing number of minorities in Portland, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece criticizing Gov. John Baldacci's plans to stimulate Maine's, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece discussing some of the ways in which Maine should redefine, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece expressing concerns over last month's sweep of Portland by, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece lamenting the passing of summer, and with it the "extras" t, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse City" piece on a disturbing rash of hate crimes in the state, including, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on Anthony Holloway, a finalist for the position of chief o, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on a recent study by the Center for the Prevention of Hate, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on a survey conducted at Deering High School by the Center, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse City" piece on Columbus Day, noting that Jason Toothaker, a Portland Sc, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on domestic violence in Maine, commenting on Gregory Erskin, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on Hacienda Pancho Villa in South Portland, noting that the, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on health disparities as they relate to Maine's minority po, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse City" piece on how Black History Month is ineffectual at bridging racia, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on racial profiling, fearing that recent news of a robbery, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on recent controversy over two advertisements in the Portla, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on the casino referendum, noting that the debate can be fra, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on the decision by Joe Gray, Portland's city manager, to hi, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on the difficulties for racial minorities in finding others, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on the Dirigo Health Insurance plan, questioning whether th, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-city" piece on the excessive political correctness shown by the Portlan, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on the Festival of Nations and Festival of Cultural Exchang, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on the first annual Festival of Nations held at Deering Oak, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on the lack of minority representation in Maine media, noti, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on the lack of public transportation in Maine, mentioning h, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on the odd type of unity brought about by Mainers' oppositi, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"diverse-city" piece on the proposed closings of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard a, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on the recent assault of Sarah Norris in Hancock County. N, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece on the revaluation of Peaks Island, which will leave many r, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse City" piece on the surprising re-election of John Jenkins as mayor of A, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece opposing the Palesky tax cap, noting that the cap would cau, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece pointing out that the minority population in Maine has rise, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece pointing out that while Portland has a commitment to divers, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece questioning the logic of the people of Portland for placing, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece responding to a reader e-mail from "Mr. Majority," and poin, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece urging Mainers to venture outside of their own communities, Shay Stewart-Bouley
"Diverse-City" piece with comments on the 25th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Cel, Shay Stewart-Bouley
Divers from Sub Sea International Inc. of New Orleans have located 92 steel flas
Divers from Sub Sea International of New Orleans have recovered 676 pounds of me
Diversified Communications Inc. of Portland was formed in 1970, and currently ha
Diversified Communications of Portland, which owns television stations in Bangor
Divers yesterday recovered the body of Daryl Catucci, 36, of Connecticut, from S
Divers yesterday recovered what is believed to be the body of Daniel M. Kennedy,
"Division of Labor." Fiction by Bruce Pratt., Bruce Pratt
Djibril Sow, from Senegal, attends the University of Southern Maine at Gorham., Jack Barnes
D. L. Geary Brewing Co. has announced a $200,000 expansion of its Evergreen Driv
Doctors at Maine Medical Center in Portland on Thursday voted 80-79 not to accep
Dodge's "Search Engine for the Road" advertising campaign included hints that se, Robert Witkowski
Dogs are an issue in Portland's city cemeteries. Dogs running free and the dese
"Dollars & Sense" piece about banks in Maine, including the history of some name, Karen Hofreiter
"Dollars & Sense" piece comparing local bank and credit unions. With details on, Portland Monthly staff
"Dollars & Sense" piece discusses some recent acquisitions made by members of th, David Svenson
"Dollars & Sense" piece on the author's theory that similar to the "hemline effe, David Svenson
"Dollars & Sense" piece on the economic opportunities provided by cruise ship to, Karen Hofreiter
"Dollars & Sense" piece on the growth of "co-working" spaces in Portland. Co-wor, Jennifer K. Quartararo
"Dollars & Sense" piece on the types of items that were formerly crafted and man, Herbert C. Adams
"Dollars & Sense" piece that attempts to assess the economic impact of Open Ligh, David Svenson
"Dollars & Sense" piece with information to help readers compare different banks
Dolphin Marina and Restaurant., Virginia M. Wright
Domestic automakers sued the Maine Department of Environmental Protection in fed
Donabeth Winslow of Hollis works for Unum but seldom goes in to the office. Wins
Donald and Judy Carman of Emery Street in Portland smelled smoke shortly after g
Donald Bessey, 28, a former Carrabec High School teacher, has been sentenced to
Donald Bessey, 28, of Anson, formerly physical education and health teacher and
Donald Krier, 34, has been named the Portland Police Department's 1993 Officer o
Donald L. Hartley, superintendent of Pineland, the state's residential facility
Donald L. McDowell, the president of the Maine Medical Center, corrects the impr
Donald MacKenzie, 65, of Cornville, is leaving Sunday for a 2,000-mile kayaking
Don Breen of Boston has put the 12,000-acre Saddleback Ski Area up for sale. Th, Phyllis Austin
Don Christen, head of the Maine Vocals, said his group has collected around 25,0
Don Harper, owner of Whistling Wings Farm in Biddeford, has lost his private-lab
Don Harper, proprieter of Whistling Wings Farm near Goose Rocks outside of Bidde, Wayne Curtis
Don Hudson, director of the Chewonki Foundation, has conducted an annual survey, Andrew K. Weegar
Don Meehan, newly elected president of the Portland Taxpayers Association, is ca
Donna Auld of Porter is not having any luck in interesting people in entering he
Donna Hanson of the Convention and Visitors Bureau of Greater Portland said an e, Sharon Bass
Donna McNeil, the executive director of Ram Island Dance Company, was forced fr, Autumn Phillips
Donn Fendler, author of the classic book, Lost on a Mountain in Maine, has teame, Andrew Vietze
Don Shaw of Bingham explains the techniques and tools of ice fishing. Ice fishe, Steve Bragdon
Dorean Maines of the Maine Bureau of Health says around 27 percent of the state', Sharon Bass
Doris, 87, and George, 91, Castonia have been married 63 years and live independ, Christine Shanahan
Dorothy Jean Stanhope, 33, a South Portland native, comments on her first month
Dorothy Matthews, a Portland crossing guard for five years, is resigning her pos
Dorothy Neal, a business teacher at Sacopee Valley High School in South Hiram, w
Dorothy Plummer of Portland died January 6 at age 94, and a will drafted in 1979
Dot Gonyea, who belongs to the True Fans for Elvis club, has a ticket to the Por, Rob Sneddon
Double Trouble, Rob Sneddon
Doubt exist as to whether the USS Memphis, a Los Angeles-class submarine, will b
Doug Allen, an anti-Vietnam war activist and chair of the Philosophy Department, Murray Carpenter
Doug Caldwell, a fifth-grade teacher at South Portland's Small School, has incor
Doug Friedman, 23, a native of Cape Elizabeth who helped Boston University to tw
Douglas Holmes, 49, of South Portland, a state police pilot, was flying a single
Douglas Kennedy In Transit, Claire Z. Cramer
Douglas Malcolm, 40, of Portland, developed an interest in progressive causes af
Doug Mayo, 41, owns and operates the trawler Jesse, which runs out of South Port, Phyllis Austin
Doug Taylor of Lewiston became a Pentecostal after alcohol and crime nearly ende, Bridget Huber and Amber Knowles
Doug Watts last fall identified more than two dozens areas in Bond Brook in Augu, John N. Cole
Dover-Foxcroft District Court Judge Jessie Gunther yesterday granted Sister Mari
Down East associate editor Michaela Cavallaro was granted unprecedented access t, Michaela Cavallaro
"Down East Bookshelf." Book review of "A Maine Hamlet" by Laura Beam., Richard Grant
"Down East Bookshelf." Book review of "Bloodstream," by Tess Gerritson, set in, Agnes Bushell
"Down East Bookshelf." Book review of "Crossing the Field" and "Where the Deer, Meadow Rue Merrill
"Down East Bookshelf." Book review of "Deephaven," portaits of small-town Maine, Richard Grant
"Down East Bookshelf." Book review of "Evening" by Susan Minot., Sarah Goodyear
"Down East Bookshelf." Book review of "In the Maine Woods: An Insider's Guide t, Andrew K. Weegar
"Down East Bookshelf." Book review of "Islands in Time: A Natural and Cultural, Wayne Curtis
"Down East Bookshelf." Book review of "Limerock: Maine Stories" by Christopher, Richard Grant
"Down East Bookshelf." Book review of "Maine in America" by Pamela Belanger, un, Edgar Allen Beem
"Down East Bookshelf." Book review of "N.C. Wyeth: A Biography" by David Michae, Edgar Allen Beem
"Down East Bookshelf." Book review of "The Hungry Ocean" by Maine swordboat cap
"Down East Bookshelf." Book review of "The Magic Ship" by Sandra Paretti, set i, Ellen MacDonald Ward
"Down East Bookshelf." Book reviews of "Stephen King Country" by George Beahm a, Richard Grant
"Down East Bookshelf." Brief book reviews of "Carrie Stevens: Maker of Rangeley
"Down East Bookshelf." Brief book reviews of "Desire Lines" by Christina Baker
"Down East Bookshelf." Brief book reviews of "Portland & Vicinity Street Atlas"
"Down East Bookshelf." Detailed book review of "Hunting, Fishing, and Camping", Bob Noonan
"Down East Bookshelf." Detailed book review of "The Allagash" by Lew Dietz., Jon A. Lund
"Down East Bookshelf." Detailed description of Arcadia Publishing's 100-volume, Edgar Allen Beem
"Down East Bookshelf" piece briefly noting Mark Walker's "Maine Roots: Growing
"Down East Bookshelf" piece briefly noting "Sarah's Boat: A Young Girl Learns t
"Down East Bookshelf" piece briefly noting the publication of "Friendship" by Ti
"Down East Bookshelf" piece comparing Carolyn Chute's first two successful novel, Agnes Bushell
"Down East Bookshelf" piece containing a review of "Andrew Wyeth: Autobiography, Sarah Goodyear
"Down East Bookshelf" piece featuring a book review of "A Birder's Guide to Main, Robert Kimber
"Downeast Bookshelf" piece in which Sarah Goodyear reviews Carolyn Chute's "Merr, Sarah Goodyear
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "A Fisherman's Guide to Maine,"a book by Kevin Tr, James R. Babb
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Against the Machine: The Hidden Luddite Traditio, Richard Grant
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "A Lantern in the Wind: The Life of Mary Ellen Ch, Elizabeth Hand
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Allagash: Maine's Wild and Scenic River," by Dea, Andrew K. Weegar
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on Allan Lockyer, author of "Clamdiggers and Downeas, Jay Davis
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "All Fishermen Are Liars: True Tales from the Dry, Elizabeth Hand
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on a new autobiography, "Longfellow: A Rediscovered, Agnes Bushnell
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Any Bitter Thing," by Portland novelist Monica W, Richard Grant
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "A Place on Water," which contains essays written, Richard Grant
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on Apple Valley Books in Winthrop, a small, independ, Richard Grant
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Archangel," by Paul Watkins. The book is set in, Paul Doiron
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on a trio of new mysteries set in Maine: "Murder on, Paul Doiron
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Changing Members: The Maine Legislature in the E, Al Diamon
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on Cherie Mason and her book "Wild Fox: A True Story, Elizabeth Hand
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Collected Poems," by the late Samuel French Mors, Carl Little
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Contemporary Maine Fiction: An Anthology of Shor, Gerry Boyle
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Deadline," a mystery novel by Gerry Boyle of Wat, Alexander B. Brook
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Finding Annie Farrell: A Family Memoir," by Beth, Debra Spark
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Finding Katahdin: An Exploration of Maine's Pas, Jim Brunelle
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Frankie's Place: A Love Story," written by Jim S, Monica Wood
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Gun Ball Hill," a novel by Phippsburg resident E, Richard Grant
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "History of Belfast in the 20th Century," which w, Richard Grant
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Holding Ground: The Best of the Island Journal 1, Agnes Bushnell
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Human Sacrifice," written by James P. Moore, and, Al Diamon
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "In Maine" written by John N. Cole. Orginally pu, Michael D. Burke
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Islands of the Mid-Maine Coast: Pemaquid Point t, Peter Spectre
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Journalism Matters," by the late Peter W. Cox, w, Jim Brunelle
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Maine: The Pine Tree State from Prehistory to th, Sally Baker
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "More Than Petticoats: Remarkable Maine Women," b, Agnes Bushnell
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "My Love Affair with the State of Maine," by Scot, Elizabeth Peavey
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on nautical author James L. Nelson of Harpswell, aut, Ken Textor
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on new books by Maine's two resident Pulitzer Prize-, Paul Doiron
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Our Own Snug Fireplace: Images of the New Englan, Richard Grant
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Owls Head," by noted photographer Rosamond Purce, Richard Grant
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Revolution Downeast: The War for American Indepe, Neil Rolde
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Running the Bulls," by Maine author Cathie Pelle, Elizabeth Hand
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on seed catalogs, including Johnny's Select Seeds in, Richard Grant
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Slow Monkeys and Other Stories," written by Jim, Paul Doiron
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on South Portland science writer Hannah Holmes and h, Elizabeth Hand
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on television reporter Christine Ellen Young's disap, Agnes Bushnell
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Temple Stream" by college professor Bill Roorbac, Kurtis. Clements
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "That Camden Summer," a national bestseller by La, Elizabeth Hand